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Everything posted by Hellspeed

  1. The highest stage of Enlightenment is achieving optimum harmony so you can live at least 10 times the lifespan you where taught. We have the capacity as this planet earth inside has, to put a balance between what dies and what is reborn and go literally to infinity in the flesh, but for the majority, this is insane because they did not see it in their experience, they did not escape the vibrational pull of planet earth itself. But I've seen and experienced this. By the way, Reincarnation is a point of view of the mind, let the mind go and reincarnation is a belief system.
  2. Expect all sorts of eyesight distortions and weird feelings when you hit the giant with the sling.
  3. Go for medicine, let Healing to the awakened ones.
  4. In my opinion, the gym is a waste of time I talk about my experience in powerlifting for years.
  5. Possibly lower core atrophy/blockages. Grounding will resolve this.
  6. I use dipping tobacco now and then for lung enhancement.
  7. It is a great tool. But Kundalini is just superior healing wise.
  8. Himalayan Salt is just magnificent.
  9. Spirulina & Chlorella. Worked for me as a rickshaw driver. Imagine pedaling with manual tricycle uptown with 3 big humans, hahaha, is just hardcore compared to normal cycling.
  10. Been one, very highly addicted I was, 3-4 packets of cigs a day, I just quitted them after my first awakenings, I wanted more air and life, that simple. Now I use dipping tobacco now and then as a lung enhancer. For those who don't know, tobacco is one of the best catalysts for the lugs, but not in smoke form. In old times was used as a cancer cure and had many healing uses. No wonder nowadays if one puts the intention that tobacco is bad and still uses it, it will bite one hard. Try raw cacao to escape the cravings.
  11. Not very true from an awakening experience. In a dormant state, I give you the ticket on this one.
  12. A fast way is: raw fermented cacao nuts, Theobromine is one of the most powerful substances, it will surpass the craving on almost any drug.
  13. They refer to the old body system patterns and neural pathways. Not eating meat is optimum, but not an impairment to enlightenment.
  14. Breath will lead you to Kundalini, so yes.
  15. The thing is that in the first stages of awakening, Kundalini feels so powerful than you don't need even nootropics. But I'd say they are very useful tools.
  16. Cause I discovered what was already there, in a chaotic form. I just took time to unfold what I thought I forgot.
  17. Kundalini never ends, that simple. I'm constantly using it to rejuvenate myself, to stay in a state of bliss, to basically fo everything along with the Breath. Everybody is different, take this with a grain of salt. Go into your own Breath and discover this, anyone has the access. So the highest teacher you can shoot for if your Breath.
  18. Don't clock it, only if you want to do magick or psychic stuff. Start by letting go of the breath (this is the famous let go) until you empty the lungs and let the panic of the body do the inhalation. Just focus on Nirvana/exhalation of breath. In time the lung capacity will skyrocket. In my current state to give you an example after years of practice, is usually do 3-5 deep breaths a minute in a totally relaxed body on sitting.
  19. Totally. But people are afraid and that is the main reason, fear/pain.
  20. Genuine Enlightenment, you won't see that in the mainstream (i speak about dummy plain and simple info on how to do it), ever. Sadhguru by far is the most awakened in the media focus along with Dr. Nun Amen-Ra and a few others. There is Egoic Enlightenment, you see that everywhere. Leo, the majority of gurus, many others who are spiritual and non-spiritual. Many in the spiritual circles don't grasp the simplicity of awakening, they want hard stuff, hard coding, techniques, etc. Kundalini is Muladhara in reality, red first chakra/angle. Is the metaphor of St. Peter or Mother Marry, the metaphor of Satan, Krishna, Set, Typhoon, etc. So don't go searching for information about Kundalini, online or books, because the majority are BS (unless), one needs to have the 6th sense very fined tune to see behind the art forms. So why they paint Kundalini as something separate or a very huge stepping stone? Because in order to open Kundalini/Muladhara there is the need of 3 chakras to channel, to really do it, not just mindfucking. The society today, the dormants basically work with a blocked kundalini and mindfuck, literally, they have the sexual energy focused on the plexus/throat/head instead of 1st chakra (ever wonder why the painting of Jesus on the cross with the right rib open?). But to escape this is very simple, what is not simple is the pain and trauma accumulated on forcing the body to go unnatural, and when you go natural again you will literally feel you die and go insane, so the majority don't even bother because for the unnatural the natural is not more natural anymore.
  21. Believe me, when I say, there is no Enlightenment without Kundalini, period, this is the highest truth of the reality of the human being. It is very easy to see the truth of reality with the glasses of the mind but is very different to be able to remember every second of your life at will, after genuine awakening (this is just 1 example)..
  22. Being the reason you are Egoic Enlightened only.
  23. In pure bliss the multitasking is insane, one can be fully aware of the breath and the work he is doing while thinking about a very nice project in the future while you listen to a conversation and watch a youtube video per example hahaha. Similar to when you were 6 years old and you ran all the time and had a very fine attention and distraction at the same time