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Everything posted by Hellspeed

  1. Is reaching a level in life in which change and apparent suffering or pain transtales in extasy so in the end there is no suffering after having experienced what suffering is. Is more bravery to enter the discomfort, but after is marvelous.
  2. There is no meaninglessness anymore after you drop everything. Everything seems new all the time
  3. Meditation should be a way of life, the most pleasant activity wihout being an empairment in any activity. For my point of view now, there is no sense in living without meditation and breath focus all the time, whatever i do is so rewarding, the awarness of everything is just spectacular. But yeah, i had around 2 years of hardcore prctice every day to reach such a state, is no joke, but is worth more than any money you could think of.
  4. 10 is about the completion of the plexus, so after conquering all the chakras non dual state arises.
  5. Oh yes, no pain no gain. People usually don't realize that the state of bliss is usually apparent pain that has to be conquered.
  6. Is not hard to work, is challenging to work around dormant folk, that is it. The dormant tend to mess things around too much in their bs thinking all the time. So being the reason i retired to a minimalistic lifestyle Can't stand anymore being bossed by someone or trivial opinions, gossip and mockery. We all been through labour jobs i think.
  7. You have to decide to go with society and schedules or you build something, create something of value to share and sell. Go deep in Meditation and you will find your true purpose and what you trully like.
  8. @brugluiz Maybe you need more challenges, like some conflict or desperation in your life. Sometimes in life we need to lose everything to really know what is valueble or not. What life showed me is that in change and desperation is one of the greatest opportunities. Give you an example of what i've been through: Desperation on not being able to walk properly and with escruciating pain for years, because of powerlifting injuries. Was a time in the past that gelosy came to the surface, on other human beings that where able to run freely without pain. It was a time i thought i will lose one of my hearing ears. Long story short, in all that desperation it clicked in me that there is a way of healing, despite what the doctor said that joint or teeth wil probably not grow back. So i continued in the insanity that there is a possibility. Then it hit me... One day just came to me the nonsense that i'm the Almighty, so i faked it until i made it I discovered breath without knowing what meditation was. In my desperation i just wanted to be like a puppy dog and breathe, it was enough for me at that time. And i started to graps what reallity is, by doing nothing and just breathe, staying awake even if i die where my thoughts once. Now after that struggle, i found how to heal my body naturally, joints of the hip, knee, hearing and myopia. In the process i adquired the skill of Healing with Energy, many phychic abbilities and recently permanet awakening. All that was do to continuing moving forward even in death. Never give up! Even if you lose yourself, even if today is pain, go and discover the pain, it won't bite
  9. I'm not idolizing the past, the past was not better. But nowadays is too much technology, too much radiation outside. Those who are awakened we feel this, greatly. Too much info, too much fear on the street, too much herd mentallity etc.
  10. Not true at all. If you manage to awake to a certain extent, master in-jack and tantra, is just marvelous
  11. @zambize You know I like to play, like a lot, with all kinds of emotions and reactions hahahaha
  12. In the end there is only Breath and Change on wich we can rely completely, This 2 universal laws go all the way at the end of the tunnel, the other techniques and conceptualizations fit at the beginning of the tunnel.
  13. Chakrele: Verde in Rosu cu Portocaliu si Galben sa deschizi inima. Citeste Fat Frumos si Harap Alb Bafta Dacule! Scrie-mi in privat daca mai ai intrebari.
  14. The mind perspective is what made you write those descriptions about reallity. Reallity simply is, cannot be conceptualized. Otherwise is not Awakening. From a perspective of Awakening nothingness is something. But cannot be explained. As much as one has experiences with awakenings and dreams, and sacred geometry etc, they are just EGO based perspectives, the fellings, the tripping. Awakening and Reallity are beyond thought and feeling. Is not a middle perspective of yin and yan, is a full circle integrating everything in the unspoken.
  15. False. Watch it I master Kundalini, and i don't joke about mastering this. In other order of matter, let's drink a beer, hahahaha
  16. Is possible to snap out of kundalini involuntary movements, only with breath. So better to experience first or do the research. Best of luck!
  17. "Cacate frate romane" Pune atentia in respiratie, foloseste-o in colon, redirectioneaza pusca si plexul in colon asemenea. Incepe sa simti splina care merge in inima si conecteaza cu plexul prin intermediul gatului sa sparga capul gigantului (ego, goliat). Totul se face fara muschi, relaxare totala. Ajuta-te de piept sa deschida toate. Tremuratul mergi cu el, daca sunt miscari involuntare mergi cu ele, doar observa nu folosi muschii. Lasa energia de la baza coloanei sa mearga jos pe picioare si sa urce apoi din nou pana in crestet. Toate acestea se fac prin relaxarea in special a muschilor de evacuare, este asemanator cu a merge afara dar fara a merge afara Bafta, daca mai ai intrebari, scrie-mi in privat.
  18. You don't know what Awakening is. You are just going in circles with concepts.
  19. There is a way that the body will not age, but you will think is false because 99.9% believes the same
  20. Because the awakened state is a very deep meditative state.
  21. Oh yes it is How would you escape if thousands of people in the surroundings will walk around with the same mindfuck as any terorist fanatic? So at the end of the day the cause are the basic values, basic ideology of a society. Is not that people don't know, is the hijack in their attention.