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Everything posted by Hellspeed

  1. Bond with the moon with your crown and spleen; and with your forhead with the sun. Channel that energy through the left side of the body until mulahdara, plexus innnnnn on exhale and total relaxation of the bottox.
  2. Let us meditate together. As i meditate 10+ hours a day i invite anyone who want to have a glipse of non-duality and oneness. Project the heart space into mine. Post your picture so we all can project the heartspace. Namaste
  3. The need to be right, comes from your own fiction reality.
  4. So delusional. How do you know that Elon Mosk isn't awakened? Look at his drive. Don't put the label of Enlightenment on mass medi or monks. Renouncing the material does not make you more awakened, period.
  5. @Psyche_92 i don't usually sleep much. 2-4h a night. Well, is called Ferociousness if we have to define it. One has to be fierce with his own Ego. Like a monster, like an animal, like Satan fierce with unballance. You kick his ass so deep, that your right foot gets to be of Titanium. But you have to cut the lion's throat with the sword you have in your sternum.
  6. @Psyche_92 i don't usually sleep much. 2-4h a night.
  7. I developed the abillity of Nicolas Cage in the movie Next. I master remote tantra and all sorts of energy abillities, like healing.
  8. Noone is ready for awakening, read as much as you like. In the awakening process reading and mind is useless.
  9. Don't go directly to "Me (Mi)". You neet to deconstruct that first.
  10. Ego is an unnatural way of being. That is all.
  11. In arousal, relax that energy in the legs. Relaxing the muscles of the pirineum.
  12. Don't go the path of Leo, or you will hate your life. Go simply breath meditation alone.
  13. First you will have to detatch the concept of Evil with Ego. The most Ego driven based are usually folk that are impecable in doing good. This does not mean shit. Ego is something else.
  14. I hear the same level of voice pitch. Where are the results in awakening? More bs concepts dipped in suffering?
  15. Similar problems with the knee. I had not used surgery, although i could not walk without pain and many years of periods of not walking etc. Hard times. How i heal it? Kundalini Shakti Awakening I lost all hope but i was convinced inside that there is something more. So i started in reallity to find ways to heal the body when i was in crisis. And by accident i can say or i don't know, i have awakened. Without knowing what this is. So i listened to breath by instinct and insights came to me in how to to everything. Now i specialize in Tantra yoga and healing with energy, remote or laying hands.
  16. No. There is only hierarchy in peception.
  17. Lack of sleep is for the unawakened. The awakened sleep very little or none.
  18. Fibryomialgia is a very Ego, unawakened, dogma driven individual. How i know this? I cured someone's condition with energy.
  19. The craving for sex is a blocked muladhara.
  20. Bare the energy and awaken my padawan. Who wastes too much seed will never awaken, trust me. This process is so natural like breathing and farting.
  21. You dont love him enough, energetically speaking. Maybe you think you can love with words and actions or the brain. There is only 1 type of love in the end.
  22. Usually the back pain is due to lack of grounding the sexual energy, or you end up with too much energy in the lower back. Lifting also increases pain, but i guarantee you that with grounding you will never have this problem again.
  23. Singer on the streets of Barcelona. This is my way of providing for the people. A glimpse of non-duality while i sing and open their chakras. Studies; theology degree.