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About Hellspeed

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  • Birthday 04/13/1987

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  1. Very few know that THC is a psychedelic. Yeah, weed is very good for heartspace. But has to be controlled by breath, and right meditation to really help you.
  2. The dragon is Muladhara. Turtles and fish are the meanings of Anahata and Swadisthana. In other words, the sexual energy has to be focused into muladhara\legs. If not, the dragon will literally kill the body, i speak about the energy from lower back. This is why people live so little, they let the dragon into the head directly. Worst than this we have people claiming they are god realized, and have no clue how this works, is simply pathetic. Namaste
  3. The astral is like Netflix of the real world, nothing much. The astral is what we call the akashic records. Our body has the tools and capacity to tap in any source of knowledge in the universe. Just by intention, visualization etc. Is what we call SPIRIT in human folklore. Any thought or action, creates and entity. Every bit of info is here in the universe battling for survival, as you do. So in other words and perspective, the astral are your dreams. Why is this? Why do we dream? Why we hallucinate? All this are like the combustion on a motor. They give energy, and from chaos one is able to move back and forth and build something.
  4. Yes there is free will. Is called awakening the reptilian brain and do your will. Until then one is bound to anger.
  5. The unconscious is the limbic system and internal organs etc. On the mainstream college they teach only the mind. The awakened human being is able to use it. And in the process be able to use more than 10% of the human capacity. To tap into the whole, we use breath as main focus. Then everything unfolds into a dramatic entrance.
  6. No such thing once one has awakened the limbic system. Only the ideas in the head craves ultimatum and fabulous flashy feelings or being.
  7. Being happy is a choice, has little to do if you are homeless or king. What choice i'm talking about? The choice to listen to breath and open the heartspace. This is the greatest choice and the most difficult to tune into. Everything else is mere entertainment
  8. Better antinatalism, and law to restrict the number of kids, than wars and hunger.
  9. As you said. He is trained. One cannot be trained into awakening... Chu chu chu
  10. Theobromine. Is similar to LSD if you eat 50 or 100g of dark chocolate or cocoa beans.
  11. Again. I see this for what it is. Liberation is LIBERATION, period. Namaste
  12. Not related. The awakened is fearless. You speak from ignorance.
  13. In my case, i remember. This is a lack of grounding the heartspace.
  14. In a state of meditation, the life force and awarness increase dramatically. If one is awakened, and relaxes, to a DMT leve awarness, highly concrntrated but serene an relax at the same time, space time, slows down, literally. Come on, this was tested by einstein lasy century. High speed, bends space time. I tested this myself. Walking to a destination in stress mode or walking after 5 hours of meditation. Something inexplicable happens.