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Everything posted by Emanyalpsid

  1. Well I didnt really took the normal buddhist way and I didnt go into the traditional text either but Buddhism teaches that ignorance, or false-knoing is the root cause of the ego. If you come close to Nirvana, you will realize that less mental activity is a more pure experience. But the mind is not at rest before you realize non-self. Well buddhism is also about understanding thinking itself, cause that is what the self is.
  2. I read this word before, but never really cared to look for its meaning or to give it a meaning. But if it in common use means figuring out the self. What else is there to do? Edit; In relation to the path of course. There are tons of other things to do besides that.
  3. Sorry mate, didnt see that. Yeah that is indeed similar to what I said. By asking 'why' you are looking for a reason and therefor you look into ideas/concepts, but that is the structure of the ego. See for more info chapter 5 conceptual thinking and chapter 10 the self.
  4. 1. It made me feel connected to reality more as I dont make a distinction between me and reality anymore and I dont hold onto it as something definite. I now flow better in it.. 2. When I realized the dependent existence of it all, every desire to know it fell away as I realized there is nothing to be found or seen. Chapter 12. reality will help you here. 3. meditation, psychedelics (LSD, shrooms, but only in moderate quantities), reading, hearing, seeing, just observing in general. Although I must say my memory is very bad, I suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage from an accident when I was nine. So my brain probably grew more on the other parts of my brain. I am very sensitive. 4. I already had the feeling I was there as I already had dissolved the self. However there were some things I did not understood...so I kept searching. 5. The reason you give it. 6. irrelevant
  5. Well if Y asks X to point to an image which the rest defines as green, X would define this different. Or a different method; if Y asked X to draw what X thinks green is. It is simple psychology this, not faultless because of the statistics, but we accept it as there is no alternative besides religion/ spirituality. Or in other words: believe which is not falsifiable. Maybe I will open a topic after all. I enjoy spreading knowledge and it would be a almost a shame if I would not share it even more. For the people reading: everything I write is also written down on this website: http://www.foundationsofhumanlife.com
  6. They will have trouble calling it consciousness as consciousness is what you are and not the concept you have of consciousness, so you can not define consciousness for you are consciousness. So scientists might be able to explain how consciousness works, they will not be able to relate it to consciousness. Because to see the results of a scientific experiment, to figure out if something is consciousness, is using consciousness (the seeing) to verify the evidence. So consciousness is looking for consciousness, but it will never find itself, as our perception is always changing, and therefore that what constitutes consciousness also. So they might be able to find the chemical functioning of consciousness, it will never be consciousness itself. As consciousness is just perception; everything that you experience. The same as that the functioning of a car is not the car itself.
  7. There is a big difference between psychology, what outer and winterknight are discussing and natural science. This is just a note for the readers.
  8. Statistics and comparing images. Science is not 100% accurate, but we know this and accept this as there is no alternative besides religion/spirituality. And with religion/spirituality I mean believing in something without it being falsible.
  9. That is why they seperated psychology, or the cuckoo science, from the rest of science.. For those reading along with this pleasant discussion in which I take no part. Psychology is based upon self-awareness and came forth out of the philosopical works from Rene Descartes. That is the person who found himself in thought and created the whole Ego based society where we are living in. As his thoughts where given through over generations to our generation by the upbringing. So basically we are, or more you are, all in this mess because of his fine work and the focus of western philosophy on the 'why' question, in other words; the quest for meaning.
  10. That is why we invented science and statistics. In the old days someone who could not see colours would be some weird fucker. Now we know that it comes from a neural condition.
  11. Well to be exact, the retina only takes in electromagnetic waves reflected by the object you see. The eyes then processes these waves into colours, this however is steered by the brain through neurotransmitters. If the brain is damaged, your sight is damaged. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visible_spectrum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_eye
  12. Exactly, the same as with some people who's brain cannot process the lights and only see white, black and shades of grey. A neural condition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achromatopsia It is all so simple and out there, but by overthinking everything you get lost in your own mind. (This is not directed to you Outer, but for the public)
  13. You have an open mind, you are getting there. If consciousness is aware it is generated in the brain, then this has major implications for Awakening. It means you dont want to wake up from a physical illusion to achieve a mental state or consciousness overarching it all, but that you want to wake up from a mental illusion that the physical world is an illusion and that is was somehow created by consciousness. However, to experience reality you have to be conscious of it, so your experience of reality is dependent upon consciousness, but is reality itself also dependent upon you perceiving it? In other words: will there be a world for us without Outer?
  14. Well science has almost figured this out, but they will have trouble calling it consciousness. As consciousness is what you are and not the concept you have of consciousness, so you can not define consciousness for you are consciousness. So scientists might be able to explain how consciousness works, they will not be able to relate it to consciousness. Because to see the results of a scientific experiment, to figure out if something is consciousness, is using consciousness (the seeing) to verify the evidence. So consciousness is looking for consciousness, but it will never find itself, as our perception is always changing, and therefore that what constitutes consciousness also. So they might be able to find the chemical functioning of consciousness, it will never be consciousness itself. As consciousness is just perception; everything that you experience. The same as that the functioning of a car is not the car itself.
  15. Relateable situation, I struggeled with this in the past. It is actually very simple. Don't focus on what you want, but on what you like. There is a difference between them as wanting something is holding on to something, liking something is just enjoying it. However, liking something could lead to wanting something. It is just a matter of being aware of this. So; what do you like? could it be of help to others? and therefore maintain your survival? In order to survive one has to think and act for himself a bit and how to spend your time on this beautiful earth. This does not mean you can not help others! Surviving by helping others is the ideal. Or you have someone who does this for you.. Or you starve and your body will stop functioning and you cease to exist..
  16. Congratulations, you dissolved the self. You see, there is no truth, that is only the believe and search of the ego. Your ego makes a seperation between your sensory perception and the subject, the self, through thought. So, if you don't think, you are enlightened from this seperation, and you perceive reality as it is without interference of the ego. Don't feel deluded and lost, you lost your ego, but you are now part of everything, as everything you perceive is you. Although in the beginning this feels quite unusual, so I understand your feelings. All words and thoughts are attemps of the ego to give meaning to itself. Word or thought = meaning. Although this does not mean you should not think. There is a difference between practical thought to survive and looking for a truth.
  17. Not quite right, knowledge can also be obtained through direct sensory perception. 'How' is just looking for a method ,or cause, and is the right question to ask yourself. By asking yourself how did my thoughts came to be, you will end up by the root cause of your ego. However, asking yourself 'why' will force you into reasoning or the meaning of something, this will strenghten the ego as it will create more thoughts and spin a web of thoughts, which is the ego.
  18. Well as the consciousness from the people on this forum keeps growing as that is what this forum is about, the people who don't really want to grow further will be left behind. Love in the real word, this forum is for growing mentally. I can say sweet things to you, but they will not help you grow. I still love you though, now even more then ever, but I don't mention it anymore. Our love has grown beyond words.
  19. What is the difference between lack of trust and the doubt in one's own ability to judge?
  20. Enlightenment as dubbed by Buddhism means something totally different as enlightenment used by people in the west. As Joseph Manor stated rather eloquently, your meaning of the word depends upon your interpretation or experience what it is. So if you're not enlightened you can not make the judgement if someone is enlightened or not as you don't really know what to judge. How do you know if you are enlightened? Well that depends upon your interpretation. The common interpretation in the west of the concept enlightenment is non-self. The realization that you are not separate from your environment as you are only consciousness of reality and not something separate from this. The concept of enlightenment in Buddhism goes much further though and means insight into the nature of reality as a whole and not only the self. Reality does not exist upon itself but is of dependent origination, therefore it's essence is empty. As a flower is dependent upon space, time, matter, gravity, etc. Your consciousness is also from dependent origin as you need eyes and hands to see and feel the flower. Without consciousness there would be no reality, they came mutually dependent into existence. Therefore it is not really perceived as what is perceived is being perceived through it. Therefore it doesn't want to know itself, as it knows that itself came into existence through itself. Itself will dissolve. Itself is the ego of it, or the believe, out of ignorance that reality exists upon itself. Itself is what you are left with if the self dissolves. If you see through this you reached Nirvana. Why don't I open a topic like winterknight? Although it is very very generous what he is doing, it is also very inefficient and time consuming. It is like knowing how to raise kids and trying to raise all the kids by yourself by letting them ask you questions. You get childish questions. It is more efficient to teach the kindergarten teachers, so that they can reach the kids better. The only problem with teaching the kindergarten teachers is that they are in the misconception that they already know everything so are not open for suggestions. So what is more effective? I don't know. I am not a member of a Buddhist society as sadly the Buddhists in the country in which I live, Germany, don't know shit. Even the book, The Way Things Are, from Ole Nydahl, the person who brought Buddhist to Europe, is very vague. If he would have understood it better, he would have written it better. Therefore I made this website http://www.foundationsofhumanlife.com to explain Buddhism, and here I mean all of it and not the shallow interpretation of it in the west, to Western thinking minds. It is easy to read and you can easily reflect upon the text. My writing style is provocative by choice. Because if you get provoced or agitated by my words that means your ego is responding. In real life I'm a very gentle and friendly person, at least that is what my girlfriend says. Not a lot of people have the courage to read it as they will get agitated a lot, and feel a lot of doubt, because they are massively confronted with themselves and their convictions in a time space of 2 hours. A lot of people, from my experience, who want to achieve enlightenment are unwilling to go the path which is uncomfortable. If things get unpleasant they will want to avoid it, that is the function of the ego. So the teaching is out there for everyone to read and understand and it is easy to read and understand, but only a few have the courage to really go there. That is why only a few people really achieve it. That is also why I don't put more effort into this as the will to overcome the self has to come from the inside. So what am I doing now? I am learning for my health advisor study as raffined carbohydrates (sugar and starch) and fabricated fetts destroying the health of everyone eating them without them knowing this to its full extent. As it takes 20 till 30 years for a disease to unfold. Eat plant-based food close to its natural source! Meat is unhealthy, although some people are better in digesting them as others. Raw food is the best and full grains (who are able to flower) are the most important. If you live in the USA it is very important for your health to eat organic food as a lot of food is genetically altered and they use more chemicals when they are spraying crops. The USA is a real fucked up country, pardon my words. Although with nutrition it is almost the same as with enlightenment, a lot of people believe they eat healthy. Misinformation is the cause of all this. For people living in germany, or who are able to speak German, I can recommend https://gesundheitsberater.de. they have so much knowledge about nutrition there and are very gentle people. Don't think I am arrogant, I just know what I am talking about, it is your ego who is offended by my knowledge. I am very willing to answer serious questions, just PM me, I am humble and friendly person to person, but please read the website first cause 99% of your questions are probably answered there. So I am not really expecting questions, not while the website answers them all, but because nobody will read it. It is more pleasant to watch videos on YouTube from guys telling you sweet words that make you feel good. For example, people who believe in free will are already provoced in the third alinea of the first chapter, where they probably think something in the sense of; no this is bullshit, I am the creator of my own thoughts. Whoever this I may be. Then they stop reading and go back to doing pleasant things or reading or hearing things that please their minds. Only the person with the perseverance and patience to really understand himself will read further and will learn, as how these thoughts are formed is explained later on. But first you have to learn how the ego is constructed to be able to understand how thoughts are formed. You see, it not a question if someone is able to achieve enlightenment, it is a question if someone is really willing to know himself or not. That is why buddhism is a very disciplined teaching. There are no free rides here, although there are shortcuts to be made, they will not bring you there alone. You have to put the effort into it, which actually only means; an openness of mind. But that is easier said then done.
  21. Because you are still convinced you are right in some way. You are afraid to let go of your beliefs as it is the only thing you have left. You have to let go of everything with which you identify. You could be awakened in 2 hours from now if you would read the entire website http://www.foundationsofhumanlife.com But you aren't going to are you? Because you believe that what it says on the website isn't true or that it does not apply to you because... (Fill it in). What you are going to fill in, is what is holding you back. P.s. my words are meant to hurt, if you are agitated by them the more they apply to you. You will not get awakened by having people patting you on the back.
  22. It is a believe system, just as spiral dynamics and any other model or religion. If you believe in it you will try to form experiences you perceive into the system. Like a placebo, just as with SP and any other religion. There is no objective evidence to support the system outside of ones own mind. It is a model which tries to explain a part of reality, just as with SD, by the interpretation of someone based upon his or her worldview. It stems from the ego's desire for meaning; trying to give meaning to experiences as if they exist upon themselves and there is someone who could give meaning to them. Outside of the voice in your head. From a scientific point of view you can even prove it is utter bullshit as the gravity of the moon, as the nearest rock from the earth, doesn't even have the slightest pull on humans. The mass of humans is way to small, look up the details via Google. The moon only has a pull on Earth itself and the ocean (because it's mass is huge). So, planets further away then the moon have even less then zero effect on us. *Probably in some time hereafter someone will come in and defend his or her believe in astrology with an argument not grounded in objective evidence. Edit: there are some people who made a lot of money selling it to the gullible though. And there are a lot of people happy in believing.