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Everything posted by Wekz

  1. I watched a video from Teal Swan about oppening the third eye chacra, and she said it is possible to identify myselfe with illusion and that nothing closes the third eye more than that, but because it were very andvanced she didnt talk about it. I believe i started doing it after an event made me wrongly distrust my intuition and everything i learned watching actualized.org. Since then i feel strong preasure in my forhead every day, and am kinda lost in life...Does anyone know something about it? And how i can break free of it?
  2. I understand your skepticism, but i didnt even know about Teal Swan after the event took place...i had put all my trust into a person and she kinda betrayed me, but not realy as i realize now. That made me question my intuition and everything i learned from actualized.org, and made me trust not in my intuition, but illusions, i dont know what else there is. And i still am, i can feel the preasure in my forhead every day, and i can remember the difference in counciousness from now and from before the event, i cant even explain the difference..
  3. I will do both, thx for the replys guys.
  4. So over the past year i have build the habbit of listening to my mind instead of my hearth, and its killing my growrh and my life. Every time i get scared by my mind but encouraged by my hearth i listen to my mind and back off -.-, its gotten to the point that every time i get a new opporrunity to listen to the hearth i just shut down automaticaly, i found a good quoute that explains it: "The mind creates the abyss, and the heart crosses it."—Sri Nisargadatta. But in my case i just cant bring myselve to cross the Abyss. Any suggestions on what i should do?
  5. Can true growth be pretmanently obtained while using nootropicss? Etc. Facing your biggest fear while on them? Or has it to be sober?
  6. I have this issue that when i get closer and closer to achiving my goal the more scared i get, and bail out at the last minute or distract myselve from optaining it, is that normal or can i do something to prevent it, or shft it so that i get more motivated and less scared?
  7. Its difficult, i tried to move out by myselve, and i tell it to her and she says its ok, but when she tells me that, the more i want to take her with me and the more guilty i feel knowing that she wants to go too. My body tells me to do it but my mind desperatly doesnt want to.
  8. @Joseph Maynor its the goal of my higher selve, and to achieve it i gotta go trough all the fear and disconfort, thats how i understand it.
  9. I started doing it to obtain peace of mind, i dealt my whole life with depression, on and off, and the first time i tried meditation it was like magic, it was total and absolute bliss. It shifted my whole life towards meditation and self actualization, i grew in 3 months more than i could ever dream off. But as you can imagine from this post it all fell apart. My intuition told me that it was time for a shift, i had to abandon the current family situation im living in, and commit to leading someone trough life, the way i myselve believe to be the right way. My father is a narcissist and im pretty sure a sociopath, but he has got money and gets away with every manipulation, emotional abuse and fucking slavery hes making us do. So the thing i gotta do is move away from my family, and take my mother with me, to save her from this hell, cause she wants to leave too. I get realy close, i manage to bring myselve back up, but every time its time to leave i fail, not the leaving part but the taking my mother with me part. I know i gotta do it but something is holding me back, if its confort, or fear of sheading my old selve, or both.
  10. I'll try with midrodosing and focusing more on my direct experience, and not always being in the head. Thanks for the advice mate
  11. I didnt succed in actualizing my higher selve, i had oportunities to do so, but didnt take the nessesery action to disolve the old one and transition into the higher one. The main reason was fear...Now i feel stuck in the old selve and in a pretty uncouncious state, with the feeling that im not able anymore to make the nessesery steps on my own, so i thought to start microdosing moshrooms. I read they have a lot of positive qualities, and i think they would make the transition go easier. Im wondering if its a good idea or if i have to do the transition on my own, without the schrooms, to make the changes realy stick. Would apreciate some insights..
  12. I get what you want to say, but i realize now that the only way to move forward for me is to make a radical change in my external life, so i can experience a paradigm shift and continue growing. I had some experience with psyhodelics and the effects were amazing, i took a light dose of mushrooms, about 1 gram, and i was able to be fully in the preasent, my awarness was 5 times as high as it is now, and i have the feeling i could solve any issue i have at that level of awarness. But dunno, is that cheating?
  13. Fear of commitment to a relationship, fucking failing to aproach a girl i like, by my own choice, with the clear attention to have sex with her and enter in a relationship. That is the root cause of everything, and after that it spiral into all kinds of limiting believes, self doubt, self esteem issues etc... Its a problem i have my whole life, that i cant manage to overcome..
  14. Like the title suggest, im thinking to combine mushrooms with self hypnosis. The reason is that i have terrible self doubt, so i thought to combine a self hypnosis tape for 'being enough' with mushrooms to boost the effects, and trough couple of sessions get rid of the doubt. Has someone already done something similar? And if yes can you tell me your experience?
  15. I'll try a high dose of mushrooms without the hypnosisthen then instead, hope they will give me the insights i need for overcoming my flawed personity..thx for the responses