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Everything posted by hikmatshiraliyev

  1. Man, i struggle with sex a lot. I ejaculate under 1 minute, and i can not make my gf orgasm. Her behavior changed towards me, now she is more reluctant and undesirous for sex. I feel very depressed, i don't wanna lose her for that reason, i am afraid of cheating as fuck. I have a trauma in the past about cheating. I feel very insecure about that. Can you guys teach me some fingering techniques to use? I try to stimulate her g spot, but after a minute my hand starts to hurt, i can not maintain stimulation about 10 minutes. Waiting for replies. Thanks
  2. Does do nothing technique lead to enlightenment?
  3. Hey, guys. 2 weeks ago, i met with a girl. She is my best friend's friend, and i liked her so much. She is a teacher in another city, so she has to live there. It is holiday here, that is why she is in my city. She was planning to go her city for 4-5 days, her family is there. But, she decided to stay here for me. I didn't ask her for that, it was just her choice. She is not that beautiful, but i liked her lifestyle, character vs. In few days, i created attraction, after a week we kissed at my friend's house. Everything was great. 3 days ago, we went to cafe, talked a lot. Meeting was good. Next day, in morning she texted me casual stuff like how are you? bla bla. After 4-5 messages, she texted: "I am not sure about my feelings, i like you, but i am not sure.". I felt very bad. I said : "okay, you do not wanna meet with me anymore". She said: "No, i want. But i am just not sure about my feelings". I said "Understood. I don't wanna meet anymore". She: "Okay, understood". Then she decided to turn back her city for 5 days. Next tuesday she will come back. We do not text each other. What do you think? I want her back, should i do something? Sorry for bad english, maybe it is hard to read. I couldn't cover all of the story, if you have questions, i am ready to answer.
  4. @Nexeternity I try. My life is not great, i have lots of stuff to handle. But, relationships are great sources of happiness for me, i can not let it go.
  5. i thought if a girls says this kinda things, it is almost over. it is a belief in me. you are right, i have to work on my insecurities.
  6. @Evilwave Heddy i think i have a chance. she lives in my best friend's house, so i plan to go there on tuesday. it is not a problem if she is not going to contact me. I can meet her if i want.
  7. @NoSelfSelf man, actually i did it because i thought that it is not a good move to talk about that. if a girl says sth like that it means something went wrong. so, i didn't want to hear "i dont wanna meet you anymore" word
  8. @ajasatya Teaching music is not being a musician, it is being a teacher. Composing, talking about it, etc. are things that almost every musician do. There is not a guaranteed way to make good money at music sector. Even if you are very qualified musician.
  9. Man, actually i do not have access to LP Course yet, but i struggle with fear a lot. I think that, there will be so much money problems in music sector, especially if you are in high quality music, not some low consciousness pop music. If you have an idea about making good money with music, let me know.
  10. I plan to have a retreat for 10 days using do nothing technique. What do you think about that? Have you ever tried that? What are your experiences and advices?
  11. I saw this sentence under one of the Om Swami's youtube videos. What do you think about that? Do nothing technique is very enjoyable
  12. Hi everyone. I study dentistry about 3.5 years, but i do not feel any desire to learn dentistry. My father wanted me to become a dentist, because he was a dentist. Unfortunately, hi died at 2013. After 2 years i passed exam and started studying at college. I have not access to Leo's Life Purpose course yet. But i feel that, when i play my electric guitar, improvising solos, i feel alive. I do not feel how time passed. But i feel fear deeply. There are some reasons: 1. I have really strong negative motivation about money. I think that if i quit college and pursue music, i will not be able to even pay the bills. I can be a music teacher but that is not what i want. 2. My mom. She wants me to become a doctor. When i say i don't wanna be, she feels so bad. We live together, so i feel very bad too. I love her, don't wanna make her sad. 3. Sometimes i feel good about dentistry, sometimes feel so bad. When i feel that " I can learn these stuff and make good money, then i can pursue music" feeling, i feel great. It is an outer motivation, it passes quickly. And there will be lots of lost years if i pursue dentistry. So, i don't know what to do. Leo, i am waiting for your answer too. Thank you.
  13. I use meditation technique which Leo explained in "How to meditate deeper" video, stage 2. But now, i want to practice mindfulness meditation, because i daydream a lot. Should i use them both?
  14. @okulele Life purpose, relationships, money, finding Truth. These 4 things are the main things i want to solve. When i meditate, there are a lot of thoughts and stories about them. I don't work on them because i think they are distractions of ego. But thoughts are very sticky. They come every day at my meditation sessions. I can not feel present because of thoughts at any moment of the day.
  15. Hey guys. I read this forum and watch videos about 2 months. But now, i feel stuck. I am new for self-improvement. I have not much success at relationships, money, fitness and stuff like that. I meditate 45 minutes a day, and it feels so bad. I can not observe my thoughts well, a lot of things come to my mind about different things, and i lose control. I don't know if i do it correctly or not. What do you think? Should i improve myself at other areas first? Or i should meditate and do self-inquiry too? Are they opposite?
  16. Hi guys. I started to meditate a month ago, with Leo's "No bullshit guide to meditation" and "How to meditate deeper" videos. But at 1st video he says that do not go with thoughts. At second video he said that let the mind do what it wants, just observe it. When i meditate there are lots of topics in my mind and there are lots of thoughts about them. I try to be aware of them, but at least they are stories about thoughts. Should i just observe the thoughts and let them go, or observe all the thoughts and stories? Second question: Is vipassana meditation is same with concentration practice? There are a lot of people doing vipassana as a meditation, but isn't vipassana a concentration practice with focusing breath?
  17. @Bobby i ordered it man. but i will get it at the end of january. Whenever i try a technique i feel anxious because i feel i am doing something wrong. So i decided just to be aware of thoughts and watch them.
  18. I already meditate 45 minutes a day. But i want to change my technique. I felt confused about which technique works
  19. I started to meditate a month ago, but yesterday i felt so stressed during my meditation. I was trying to achieve something, like clearing my mind from thoughts. It ruined my meditation, what can i do? How can i drop the idea of "getting benefits of meditation quickly"?
  20. I don't have a life purpose. I study dentistry, but i don't have any motivation to study it. Except money + other negative motivations. But i think that if i study medical subjects about several months, i will start like it. But, i will not have a purpose in dentistry. I can like it and make money from it. Should i have a purpose?
  21. Hi, When i meditate i have lots of scary thoughts like ghosts, devils, paranormal things. Every time when i had thoughts like this i was saying "okay, it is just a thought, it is not real". But today, i watched leo's episode about paranormal things, and couldn't meditate even 10 minutes. I live with my family , but i go to my another house to meditate because of silence. I meditate alone in dark. Maybe i should not go there, my subconscious mind doesn't let me to be in peace. I feel safer at home lol
  22. Hi guys. I have a question about meditation techniques. There are lots of techniques , and i started to meditate 5 days ago. When i meditate i close my eyes, and trying to be aware of everything. I don't know what is the name of this technique, but Leo said that it is meditation for beginners. I really like meditating, and the question is that ; should i change my technique after some meditation work? Are some techniques better than others?
  23. you say nothing different. body changes , mind, thoughts change. and we say that "they can not be me." why? why we are looking for something constant?
  24. hey, guys. i am new for leo's enlightenment videos, and i only watched "spiritual enlightenment intro and 2". I haven't done any enlightenment exercise yet, i try to understand things logically. But there are some points that do not make sense. First of all: Who am I? Yesterday i was walking in street, at the same time thinking about that. I thought, there is body, mind, and ego. 3 things creates me. With body i can see things, with my nose i can smell things, etc. Mind analysis things and for example it says that "this cat is small" or "this place is dangerous". Ego wants stimulation to feel good. I explained things with these 3 body-mind-ego stuff. It is my body, my mind, my ego. And they are changing every day. If you cut my arm and my legs, i will change. Because body is part of me. 5 years ago i was only thinking about my future, career. Now, i can understand life better. Mind creates better thoughts, so i changed. Btw, when i say mind i mean "something produces thoughts". 5 years ago ego wanted different things about life, but now it wants other things. But who is aware of that? Isn't it mind? When i meditate it says "be aware, observe everything", and this is a thought. So, is meditation a mindstate? I do not believe in free will. I see myself as body-mind-ego based robot. When Leo says, "you are not body/mind", i think that, "okay, they are not me but they are part of me. i am not just body, or just mind." So, i am confused. Help me. Second question: At "spiritual enlightenment 2" video, Leo was talking about bubbles. He said that," we can not know if something comes from nothing, or another thing. If something comes another thing, then where does another thing come from? What created God? ". (Sentences are not literally same). What created God? Is that question irrational? We only know one existence. God doesn't need to be created. Rules of this existence doesn't affect God. So, it can be existed forever and not be created. Sorry for bad english. Waiting for answers