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Everything posted by Ampresus

  1. I find it easier to talk to older women. Keep in mind: I'm under 18 years old. Anyone from roughly 22 to 46 falls in the same category here for me. Today, for example, I was at the gym (lockers to be exact) when I spoke to an older woman. She didn't look THAT old, but still. Not my age. Because at school I always call my female teachers ''Miss'' and have to treat them differently, I did kind of the same with this woman. Of course I didn't call her ''Miss'', but in my language there is a certain replacement for the word ''she'' and ''he'' which one uses when talking to someone they have to show respect for, and I did the same to this woman. When we were done talking, I walked in the dressing room a bit embarrassed. I kind of ruined that didn't I? Not that older women are necessarily my type, I still find it easier to talk to them. How could I potentially improve this? In general, how does one hit on older women?
  2. I feel like creativity + authenticity gets really rewarded on YouTube. Especially creativity. I don’t know why people have this obsession with thumbnails and titles. I have seen videos with terrible thumbnails get so many views, even if those YouTubers didn’t have a huge following in the first. Praying that someday the algorithm will favor you is also something. Getting into other people’s recommendations is probably a lot more effective than promoting yourself on social media.
  3. Hello everyone. (If you couldn't care less about the context, main question is down below in Bold.) I am very young. Usually this shouldn't be much of an issue, but I hope it helps you understand the situation I am in. I want to start working, but not at McDonalds. Or be a pizza delivery guy. I realized that I didn't need the money. I really don't. My parents buy everything I need and I don't want to go through the boredom/stress/stupid boss experiences because of a minimum wage job. All my friends already have jobs, I am the only one left behind. I want to work for the United Nations someday. Help people in third-world countries. I think it would be good for me to get out of this corporate western society for a while. I also want to help nature, help species in Africa which are close to extinction. Thing is though: I am not 18. And no non-profit seems to be willing to hire someone of my age. Trust me, the UN made it clear that I should be at least 18. My parents, friends and even my uncle suggested I should get a normal job so I can get my own money. That it would be smart for future me to stand a chance in the competition that is the adult-world. I, personally, just don't feel like doing a dead-end job. I want to help people in need. I think this would also benefit my Green side more. Extra stuff which might be important for the topic: - In a few years, if stuff goes right, I'll be going to Uni - I have 0 work experience - I am well aware that Leo and other people on this forum stressed ''fixing your skillset'' and that I should really be focussing on that more than work experience, I am just curious about what you guys think about this So my main question is: Should I focus on getting a 'normal' job (9-5 type of thing), or just ignore it and try finding volunteer work?
  4. For further reference, see (scroll down to find the biggest traps) It's about this one: Conflating knowledge acquisition with growth/development It might be me. English isn't my best language and so I don't really understand half of the sentence. I tried to translate it, saw the translation, and then wondered how THAT could be a trap. What I think it means: Thinking that acquiring knowledge on its own is equal to growth/development. I am not sure though. If this is the case, could someone explain me how that is not equal to growth? I thought educating oneself is done, so that the person may learn and improve. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hello everyone. I have this dilemma during every type of break. Be it summer break or christmas holiday. Like any other, I have some free time on my hands because of christmas. I don't even celebrate christmas. Now during vacations it is somehow harder for me to go to the gym, because I feel like I am giving up my free time. My time to calm down from the stress from school. I go three times a week and am a teen. My break only lasts 2 weeks. Don't know if that matters, but thought I'd put that out there. Do you have any advice for me? (Just because I want to quit gym temporarily, doesn't mean I'll go back to eating unhealthy stuff like candy. I will still eat fruit almost everyday and avoid sweets, sodas etc.)
  6. I mean the following video: These are rather specific questions for Leo, but if anyone else cares to help me out please do 1. Does watching YouTube videos on a daily basis count as the same junk as television? I mean to be fair, there is a lot of junk out there on the internet. I am struggling a lot with cutting this part out in particular, because I grew up watching YouTube. I usually watch gaming streamers and, sorry for the old fellas here, but so called ''meme'' videos. They make me laugh a lot, which makes it harder to quit. 2. How about Netflix shows? Recently they put up Spongebob Squarepants on Netflix, and I have such a hard time cutting that out. It's my youth man! It still makes me laugh. I have this deep rationalization in my mind that I should watch it because it always has been a part of me, but I also have this thought in my mind that says ''yeah but Leo pretty much said I shouldn't binge-watch anything, Spongebob can't be an exception''. I also watch ''Our Planet'', does this count as junk? (Bonus 3. I am stuck with your contemplation alternative. I am currently struggling with ''what is reality?''. I can't really put the right words for it (how to define reality I mean). Any tips perhaps? I also, occasionally, lose my concentration 5 seconds after trying to contemplate. Should I ALSO do concentration practices?) Thanks in advance.
  7. Meditation. Seriously man, it helps the craziest mind take a break.
  8. @LfcCharlie4 & @Michael569 thank you for the responses. It is really helpful
  9. I don’t know about team sports. I only really do fitness. I used to suck at team sports and so I quit them. Here is a piece of advice that always worked for me (during fitness): try to channel all your emotions into energy. Could be anxiety, resistance and even loneliness. The last one worked for me, which came as a shock for sure. Your own individual skillset and your mindset are different things. You could be the best in the world, and yet have resistance because your head isn’t in the game. You need to be in the present moment in the game. Think of all the resistance and slap it with confidence. Whenever I plank, it’s always the last seconds that can get me down. All the mental pressure and stress from thinking too much in that last minute, I channel to my last bit of energy. Your highest power is yourself mate. Only you can set the limits. Best of luck man.
  10. @d0ornokey Forget the experience part then. I just feel like doing charity work more than normal work. I would like to help people. Does Leo say anything about that?
  11. Hello everyone. Something which came across my mind back when I was home alone for a week was what I wanted to do. I already know what I really want to do, but even if I get to go to university and get my degrees, I'll probably still need work experience. I started contemplating more about this and realized that I didn't want to work. I didn't want to do a stupid job with minimum wage just for the work experience. So I came up with an alternative: volunteer work. My first thought was volunteering for the United Nations, however I am too young. That is ultimately my barrier. Most non-profit organizations aren't particularly looking for teens, at least not in my area. Maybe I can land an interview, but as I previously mentioned I don't know what I am qualified for. I have basically no experience. I don't know what things there are that one can volunteer for. I did some research on my own, but only found vacancies which require some kind of experience. I hope someone can help me out here.
  12. @Girzo Between 14 and 17. Thanks for the recommendations.
  13. @pink What’s your point? Greta isn’t loved in my area either.
  14. What I mean is that for a long time now I have been eating food from my home only. I haven't ordered anything or ate at a restaurant in a long time. When I do eat anything from any restaurant, it usually is something with noodles, veggies and hot sauce. There is this one restaurant in my town that always promotes its ''healthy'' meals, but I can't really argue with them when compared to other restaurant. Stuff like Subway is just garbage. Now every Sunday I usually order fish. You can see that after a few weeks I get tired of eating it. It can be good, but getting all those bones or whatever you call it out of my mouth is pretty annoying. I also understand that most if not all pizzas are not that healthy, sames goes for McDonalds and stuff obviously. So what do you recommend? I have never tried sushi now I come to think about it...
  15. Hello everyone. Recently I, during the holidays as a matter of fact, decided to spend hours with no distractions. Just there, in plain boredom. What I have discovered over the past few weeks is that I always feel terrible after having some kind of terrible thought. For example: I think about killing myself and afterwards I feel terrible. Or when I think about old times and afterwards I feel really bad and want to go back in time. Back when stuff was ''better''. Usually these thoughts used to come up and I would gladly join the path, with no ''taking a step back and look at what is actually going on''. Meditating has helped me see this. Helped me see my thoughts for what they are. Thoughts. Ever since I haven't really dealt with my own build-up anxiety, depression or loneliness, but did try to process, mostly sadness, in case they randomly came up without my own ''contribution'' so to speak. Now during this long boring session I noticed how many times those negative thoughts would try to come up. I didn't stop them, I just watched them. Without giving them much of my own energy, they quickly faded away into nothingness. Of course, me not being that experienced, I cant keep up ''watching my thoughts'' for longer than a view minutes. This made me think: Are it those thoughts that cause the way I feel? And if I wanted to control my emotions, all I would have to do is learn to control my thoughts? Your ''thoughts'' about this? Do you think I'm right? Bonus: If I could somehow influence other people's thoughts, could I influence their emotions too? Sounds like devilry when I put it like that... Sorry if this may come over as dumb for some people. I feel like I made a great discovery about my own emotions.
  16. @SoonHei This really makes it clear to me. Thank you so much for explaining. I never play table tennis btw, but I understand what you mean.
  17. Hello everyone. Recently, like many others apparently, I came across many videos of old speeches from Terence Mckenna. That made me look him up on this forum and it turns out that you guys are well aware of him. However, Leo put him both on the Green and Turquoise list. That made me confused. I heard Terence talk about stuff like ''the truth requires no belief'' so that made me think that he is Turquoise. Well, what do I know. I have never done psychedelics and quickly clicked on ''uninterested'' on all those videos. I don't see how he could help me. What are your thoughts about this?
  18. Hello everyone. School is going fine, I get enough money from my parents and they buy all the stuff I need. Even compared to decent rich kids in my class I get decent money. However, I want more. Haha, yeah. You see last summer break all of the sudden it went down with a lot for the first time (paying for nice treatment in Istanbul is expensive alright)). Sure I can save it again and then give it away again, but I would like something more. I discovered a loophole in the black market here and know a way to gain a monopoly. It is very tempting for me to work on it you see. Normally people do this stuff cause they are in need of big money real quick. I don't. I just want enough money, loads of money, for my future me. Btw, I am already secured in the area of ''getting a job'' so you don't need to comment on that. If there is any other way you might think would be far better than engaging in the black market, please tell me. And yes, I am well aware that I wouldn't want to engage in the black market for the rest of my life.
  19. @flowboy If only it were so easy man. I have 2 books for school that I have to read and someone really advised me to read David Hawkins’ “Letting Go” relating to an addiction problem I have. But sure man I will put it in my to-read list.
  20. @flowboy I never did this man. You took my message out of context. I meant with “this will be it” that the final situation of my topic would be one answer and that’s it. Me still doubting whether I should or not. I didn’t blame anyone. Yet here you are throwing false accusations at me.
  21. @flowboy Angry people tend to say this stuff a lot you know.
  22. Damn this is a huge book. I am no American and so had no clue what the hell Abe had actually done and why he was so famous. Gotta admit: details about people I didn’t know at all were very unnecessary in my opinion. Why would I care about Salmon P. Chase’s wife? Make this book a bit too much. Overall liked the end a lot. Now I understand how the Civil War went down in the USA. If you are really interested in politics and wouldn't mind learning from the history of politics, I highly suggest you buy this book. 3/5 stars