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Everything posted by Ampresus

  1. @Shroomdoctor Never heard of addiction to chocolate? I used to have that (I don't know if it is a real addiction, but chocolate used to play a big role in my life) and I always want to eat chocolate. I just resist it very hard when it is offered to me.
  2. It is the 31st of December as I am typing this. People are going wild with firework outside my house. I, as usual, am just on my computer enjoying my last hours before I go to bed. I wish you all the best of luck. I personally don't celebrate all this new year because I'd rather be somewhere alone right now, but I guess I need to wait till I am old enough. May the odds be within your favour. Have 'fun' as long as it isn't a concept of your mind to trick you! Hahahaha
  3. @Soulbass I never watch anime and only allow myself to watch anime series for kids. The rest is a weeaboo disgrace for me. Happy 2019.
  4. @universe I am 14 years old and I have never had sex before.
  5. @Sahil Pandit I assume that P = porn and M = masturbation, but what is O? Orgasm?
  6. @Shin I thought masturbating was a way of releasing sexual desires without hurting anyone/anyone in general? That many people did it in the past and still do, but now with porn (which makes everything unhealthy)?
  7. @John Lula You see: my parents are dogmatic muslims. If they saw a book with the word ''porn'' in its title, I would be dead. Thanks for sharing the notes. I dont celebrate New Year, Christmas or whatever and therefore don't have '''New Year's resolutions'', but I will try to quit it as long as possible.
  8. Hello everyone. From the many things I have seen here and have tried to understand, I can't understand humbleness. To give you a better explanation, you should know that I think that I just got out of Blue. I used to be a full sunni muslim who only bows down for the one and only true Allah and no one else. I still have this this belief in my life after many years and don't know what is good about dropping this belief. I don't understand humbleness. You are supposed to lower yourself to... a human? Or another kind of god? What do spiritual teachers mean when they say: ''Be humble''? Literally am I supposed to bow down to them? As you can see, I am struggling with this phenomenon. I only learnt how to bow down to Allah and no one else. No, one, else. I can't see why I should do that now, why I should humiliate myself like that. Why should I go so low? It is basically disrespectful to myself really. Maybe I got it all wrong and everyone who said ''be humble'' meant something completely different than what I think they meant. If so, please correct me. Take care.
  9. @ground Yes I came to that conclusion too, but I thought that it was cool for other people to know as well.
  10. Maybe this sounds stupid to some people, but it is something I discovered today during meditation. As I was sitting there and constantly noticing how much my mind was drifting away, I was specifically thinking about the thoughts. Therefore I am thinking about myself. I discovered that when the long sit made my legs hurt and I told myself ''oh my god this hurts so much'' it in fact hurt so much. When I said ''This doesn't hurt'', the pain backed off a little bit. When I tried to not think, I accepted the pain and therefore released it. What I mean is that thoughts themselves don't seem to have any value. It is specifically the effects they have on people that seems to let them look powerful, well in reality they can be manipulated so easy that it was a shock for me. This ultimately means that if a thought doesn't have a value, so doesn't everything you seemed to care about with your heart and soul. For example: You say you care about your family. Personally, because of my stage Blue youth, I have been told many times that I should really care about family (and Allah). This resulted in me believing that I actually do that (caring about my family and Allah). While in reality that is just a thought being repeated over and over again just so I buy into it. True care isn't accomplished by believing your own thoughts, therefore most ''care'' in the world is false. All association with thought seems to be false when you look it this way, therefore... this entire world is fake! Even this forum hahahah. Right now I am getting a little bit confused with myself. Please 'enlighten' me about this.
  11. @Damir Elezi Believe me I have already done most of what you are talking about. I realized that all it is is some fake old bullshit. It is too much dogma or ideology (I still don't understand what both those words mean but I assume it is related to people only standing up for their own religion) and many are missing the point of both Muhammad and Allah. I mean if a God tells me that I need to behead people who are mostly innocent just because of one sin, I think there is something wrong with this God. Or I simple misunderstood the value in this (because if you look at the moment the Quran came to earth, many people gladly accepted these terms and saw it as a modern thing to punish people for 1 sin).
  12. @Joseph Maynor Yes I am. The concept ''4'' is no more then a simple thought. The fact that that exact concept makes me answer ''4'' to your question is what makes it look like it has value. While in reality, it is no more then a simple thought. I could say ''blue'' as an answer and the value wouldn't be different. Of course, the answer would be wrong, but both ''4'' and ''blue'' are simple thoughts with no value.
  13. Hello everyone. I know this topic might sound stupid for some people; some people already know what they would do if they had so much free time. As many already know: the christmas break has begun. I got 2 weeks of free time. Let me tell you what I usually do everyday: I meditate everyday for 30 mins I read my books everyday Every Friday I have 45 min shamanic breathing sessions Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I go to the gym I am planning to: Visit an Osho meditation centre Do something useful in my free time You see: Now that I have so much free time, I don't know what to do. I can try finding my Life Purpose, but I don't know where to exactly start. Am I supposed to buy the Life Purpose and finish it in 2 weeks? Am I supposed to look up Life Purpose quizzes on the internet? Am I supposed to watch all videos related to Life Purpose on YT? I am struggling here as you can see. Recently I have been watching/listening on Podcast (that is an app on the iPhone) to Leo's videos. From ''How To Get Started With Self Actualization - Over 40 Techniques'' to ''Subtle Addictions''. I can try to look up as much theory about meditation, yoga, contemplating or whatever and do as many techniques as possible. I just don't know if that is how I should engage in this work. I don't like to read 2 or more books at the same time. I am about to start with reading a book about the Ego. Yes that is right, the very thing that makes me write this in the first place (I think). I can't really read a book about the Ego while reading about Life Purpose, different yoga techniques, different meditation techniques or whatever. That is why all my sources, if I would want to educate myself on various techniques, would be from the internet. And if that is a good thing... I don't know. Last note: I am 14 years old. Yeah that is right. I don't know if I should do this work or just game. I know that gaming isn't the wisest thing to do when I have so much free time. I just don't know what else to do.
  14. @bejapuskas What you are saying makes sense to me. Thanks for the reply man.
  15. @Sahil Pandit I have kinda ''studied'' various religions and my mom has already told me when I was younger how much similar we are to other religions (as in how similar Islam is to Judaism for example). I know I should probably study it more, but I certainly know a lot about the similarities. Thanks for the advice.
  16. @Sahil Pandit No I have never heard of that name.
  17. 25-12-18 Hello everybody. I just started with self-inquiry after having watched Leo's video on Sunday. I must say, time is so much slower when you are doing this work. I realized that today actually. I could game or be on my phone and the time would go much faster than when I do self-inquiry. Time is even slower during self-inquiry than during meditation. I recently got 2 insights relating to self-inquiry and meditation. One is what kind of difference there is between the subject and the object (the fact that I know what the difference is, not that I actually dismerged them) and the second was during meditation when I realized what was meant with ''look to your thoughts from a distance, don't try to associate with them''. Since it is the holidays, I have been gaming a little bit more. Porn got back to me. I watched 2 video's from Paul Chek about masturbation and am planning to watch much more of him talking about pornography because I simply don't understand it. Masturbation = oke, but porn = not oke? When I tried to masturbate without porn, lets just say that without imagination I couldn't have done it. Now I don't know if that is what you are supposed to do (masturbation on your imagination). I read somewhere that healthy masturbation = masturbating without any imagination (so no thoughts or porn). That is all. Take care.
  18. @Leo Gura No of course I didn't mean that they are all equal. Just a matter of understanding.
  19. Hello everyone. I know the title might sound a bit crazy. I know that Leo said many times that Spiral Dynamics can be seen as ''the amount of perspectives you take, determines how high you are in the Spiral''. That Blue mostly looks from their own religion's perspective, while Green looks from the entire world's perspective and so on. I mean the question (a.k.a the title of this post) in the sense of conflicts during different groups/parties. Lets take the conflict in the Middle-East as an example. My question is about if seeing the conflict from both IS' perspective and the allies' perspective, will I transcend a little bit higher in the Spiral? Does it have any effect what so ever if you take these kinds of different perspectives? In case you didn't know: I am mostly Orange. I try to see the world from all kinds of perspectives to get to Green and this is one of the things that I am curious about.
  20. @Space Thanks for your response man. Is it oke to do like seperate meditation sessions a day? I am trying to build up from 30 min to 1 hour and doing 2 hours in one session would be way too much for me to handle. So would just 30 min per session be oke (and then like 4 sessions per day, so I still get to meditate 2 hours, just not in one session)?
  21. @Hellspeed I am sorry, but I thought that the Heart is the source? Please correct me if I am wrong. Or if there is any wrong at this point at all.
  22. @CreamCat I am aware of that. However I don't know how much I should educate myself over different things at the same time. I just finished a health book and am about to start with one about the Ego. I can't find much books about Life Purpose and of course Leo has not much vids of it because of his LP course. Maybe I should meditate right now...