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Everything posted by digitalkaine

  1. I'll be honest this is the mindset I have most of the time. I hate the idea of being a victim and I feel like everything is in my control all the time. I appreciate the inspiriation seriously. I just wish I understood my own psychology more enough to understand what makes me not hit on all points in my life. I've been able to make great strides from time to time but in reality the thing that eats me up is the fact that I'm so irresponsible. I visualize literally everyday and I am big into affirmations. Sometimes they work sometimes they dont and for a while I actually gave up on the whole "we create our reality" Thing but instictually I really feel that way and the only thing that has made me feel otherwise was the fact that I was high and self conscious. I appreciate it though I will make an honest effort to actually do what you mentioned. I know even if it doesnt fix my internal issues it will actually make my life easier in certain aspects.
  2. I feel like at the end of the day theres no real answers or right or wrong to alot of this stuff. I can tell you I pretty much masturbated and watched porn from like the time I was 13 to now (30 yo) I developed a nasty porn addiction while in my last relationship, I was dating a really attractive girl but still watched alot of porn. I stopped watching it about a month ago for the first time in over 15 years and I actually stopped fapping all together at the same time. I didnt count the days of how long I didnt fap but Im sure it was about +25 days. I did get extremely horny at times and had to like sit and calm myself down. Being able to just stop porn completely actually made me feel really good about myself but I'm sure I could have still felt good about myself regardless if I stopped or not. I will say I do genuinely feel like I am not as like awkward and way more confident when talking to women or people in general but that also could be because I stopped smoking weed at the same time. I doubt I'll ever watch porn again at this point, I have my own personal feelings towards it. I dont think its wrong per say but I just feel like its not for me anymore. The fact that I was able to stop vaping, smoking weed, watching porn, and fapping all that the same time makes me feel like I have the power to do anything which maybe sounds kind of lame but I'm just being real. I did end up fapping however and kinda have been on and off w/o porn and it does feel different, I dont feel the shame and guilt I used to feel before. It kind of feels more natural and no where near as draining. I'll most likely do another round of nofap just for the fuck of it. I would like to just stop fapping all together and only have sex but I dont really think it makes a difference either way.
  3. I got really sick about a year and a half ago. Ironically right after I had a spiritual awakening that lasted about a month. I dont know how I got sick though. I just remember the day it happened I had a sandwhich from a place called Cheeba Hut, I had a stomach ache that I thought was going to go away but instead my whole upper half of my body ended up becoming inflamed and I started having heart problems along with lung issues and throat issues. Recently it actually started effecting my brain and eyes. I've been to docs and they dont know whats wrong. The scariest part is mostly my heart problems. I'm not the most healthy person although I can be at times when Im able to be deciplined enough. I went 2 full months eating nothing but veggies and fruits, I've done multiple 3-10 day fasts. My symptoms constantly change and actually after my last fast my brain issues went way thank god. Usually after I fast I see insane results in my health but then I start to feel better and eat like shit or start drinking coffee or whatever the fuck get all addicted and then decline again. I stopped doing drugs entirely because of this. I used to do alot of stuff, I wasnt a drug addict but I liked to party and for the past 3 months Ive been dead sober and I like it alot. All kinda besides the point. In Jan I really got into Joe dispenza. I was meditating for up to two hours a day and doing alot of visualization and affirmations. I actually changed quite a bit I had went sexless for a while because of how being sick affected my inner dialouge and whatnot but things started to change when I started really applying Dispenzas teachings. I was mainly writing this post to see what people thought about his healing techniques he talks about how people change their personalities and leave their diseases in the old body. I meditate and picture myself healthy and feel like what it felt like before I was sick. There was times where I did gratitude meditaions where I was picturing myself in situations in my future and I would connect with the idea so much that I would get like a high for the next 10 hours. Id go to clubs and bars by myself and just be really happy and having a good time like people were noticing me changing. I even kind of dated this girl I wanted to date for the past 5 years but never really had the chance, it ended up eing a dud but it was cool after just being single for a long time. Then I got the flu and everything went back to being shit again. Its been hard for me to meditate and break out of the cycle im in. Im slowly building myself back up, but I'm so turned off by Dispenzas teachings. When I watch him now he kind of just seems scammy and its not his fault I got sick the point of this post isnt to like talk about how I dont believe his shit doesnt work but im just giving some context. I was more so writing to see what people thought about meditating and healing the body. Has anyone had any experiences with healing themselves by doing so? The reason I ask is because obviously I watch Actualized and leo often talks about his health problems and I figure if it was as real as Dispenza makes it seem then Leo of all people would have been able to seen some sort of results. I dont want to say I'm desperate because I hate the idea, but sometimes the shit I experience is terrifying theres been multiple times within the past year and a half where I swore up and down I was going to die. Maybe its Covid related, Im not really sure but aside from dealing with that I really do try to stay optimistic and Actualized really help me deal with it in a healthy way. I understand that people wont know what Im going through and I get that if anything does happen that it doesnt have to be the worst thing I can still remain grateful and love my life. Not saying im perfect Ive def sacraficed so much in terms of everything I was becoming prior to me getting sick but I don't want to let it stop me. TLDR does anyone have any experience with healing themselves with meditation and visualization? or is joe dispenza full of shit lol
  4. bruh people are really bothered by this? lol its insane that people cannot read between the lines. They're acting like hes being abusive or something. I hate to say but reading that just made me laugh lol Its Leos forum, people who get upset by things like this are highly annoying. If you dont like what hes doing just leave but writing this and demanding an apology is ridiculous because no one is forcing anyone to be here lol.
  5. I've been learning about manifesting and was able to manifest alot of things within the past month or two. My biggest issue is with money though. I have alot of skills and have made alot of money in the past with no need or help from a 9-5 job. My issue is I cannot seem to break through a barrier I have imposed on myself when it comes to having alot of money. My biggest issue is that everytime I start to make alot of money it changes me and I don't want it to be the source of my happiness so lately it prevents me from making more because everytime I start to get excited about it I start to recognize that my sense of happiness and sense of who I am and how I represent myself Is coming from the fact that I'm cultivating alot of wealth on my own. It almost doesnt feel right for me to be that happy when I start to make alot of it and it stunts me to the point where I just end up not having money at all and end up going broke alot. I do also have a broke mindset that comes from my parents years of just being told we are always in lack. I guess writing this I recognize the fact that I have to actually let alot of these feelings go and assume the identity of someone who makes and maintains alot of wealth. I'm hitting on every other point in my life I'm healthy, completely sober off drugs, productive, I read and meditate for hours daily with no problem. I guess I just am wondering any tips for how to stay humble and myself as I become someone who identifies with making alot of money. When I start to make alot how do I make sure that my happiness comes from within? I'm pretty good at being happy dead broke. But I get terrified at the thought of my happiness solely relying on my money situation when I actually start to make it. Sorry if these are dumb questions I really just want any advice because I dont plan on ever going broke again and I think this is the one thing that is holding me back.
  6. I suppose so, I guess coming here for unbias takes was a silly idea lol.
  7. What the fuck is happening in this thread lmaooo.
  8. I feel it but nobody is perfect. I think if it produces any kind of results or change in behaviour then it has some merrit, we're all trying to help each other out. Or maybe I dont know enough about the self improvement guru world I just cant think of any teachers that I know that are damn near perfect.
  9. He looks kinda badass not gonna lie.
  10. again I feel like he is playing a character I dont think he sincerely believes his bugattis make him who he is, I think he says it to have fun and piss people off because why the fuck would you care about what some millionair bozo dickhead is doing. Its boarderline satire I think hes only as strong as powerful as people make him out to be in their minds he knows that which is why hes as ridiculous as he is. Trump is a whole different thing I think trump genuinely believes his own nonsense.
  11. He's clearly trolling why would you chose to take that serious and use that as a reason to disregard the positive things he says lol.
  12. Have you watched his content? It is not simply just instagram thots and attention seeking lol. Hes done numerous interviews and podcasts where he is giving genuine advice despite whether or not hes flexing he is still teaching people to value themselves. I think his foundation is shitty and shouldnt rely so heavily on material aspects but the fact that he has such a huge following and is telling them to be healthy mentally/physically/spirtually is better then alot of the other shit that is getting pushed. I dont really care if its surface level because as far as surface level needs there are not alot of people with tates influence who can reach out to that many low conscious individuals and point them in the right direction. again what you do with his information is up to you.
  13. and tate teaches you not to focus? lol how is that distracting thats basically the core of what he pushes to people.
  14. What part of what I said was brokie copium lol.
  15. I think its spot on. I was very toxic masculine 10 years ago, I then became extremely aware of my feelings and others through actualized. I wouldn't say actualized feminized me but I just became extremely aware of how my words, beliefs and actions affected others to the point where I didnt judge anyone at all for anything and wanted to allow people to be as comfortable with themselves even if it meant i had to sacrafice my own opinions or just drop my ego really fast to avoid a nasty argument that I know would make the person feel bad about themselves. It did have a huge on affect on my dating life but I believe achieving even like any sort of awakening or enlightenment from actualized was one of the most pitivol moments in my life however I do not believe it was great for my dating life at all. It kinda made me weird with women and since tate I dont know why but I do not have the same problems I had in my dating life before. Attracting women and maintaining conversation isnt really an issue because again I dont really feel the need to impress them. On top of that I feel as if was able to see my worth in a way that was fast and straight to the point, I realize that I do not have to sleep with whatever I can get. I'm not walking around feeling as If I am Top G and all women are beneath me because Actualized taught me that there is no better or worse when comparing human beings and that everyone is unique but I realize I dont have to have sex with just anyone to please my conceptual needs I can actually save myself for someone who is worth it and isn't toxic and shares the same values as me. I would not suggest tate to someone who is childish and doesn't have a mature enough worldview but again he def helped in areas of my life.
  16. I was born poor still pretty poor
  17. @Kshantivadin agreed, I understand what they are saying its just genuinely hard for me to sit there and really consider him a mysoginist because if he was I dont think I would find him entertaining. Maybe you could say that is because I am a mysognist but I do not hate women, I find them to be annoying just as they find me to be annoying im sure , which just seems natural in my eyes but I dont think me saying that would make me a mysognist. I Think all the traditional shit andrew tate kicks is really how it should be but I do not think it should be forced onto anybody Just seems as if the world would be a healthier place if it did maintain traditional gender roles, but who ever decides to do or not do that is up to them and im not going to judge. I think I've watched enough of tates content to recognize his intent. He doesnt seem like a devil to me but I guess only time will tell even if he was I wouldn't let that stop me from using his content to laugh or like be motivated. I like him very ironically.
  18. I mean im genuinely trying to understand the risks, but I understand if you would rather not talk about it. and yes I do all this other stuff as well, if it wasnt for actualized there would be no way that I could meditate daily for hours on end along with being able to inquire about whether or not I am decieving myself in all aspects. I think there is different medicine for different people and honestly tate really helped me when it came to being responsible and grinding, actualized helped with creativity and just being free and open which is super important. I dont go around like scamming and hustling people I'm an extremely honest worker. But tate does motivate me just as anyone with that charisma who is getting to it would. I would not neccisarily call that toxic I can still be happy without the money lol
  19. I understand that, but again if you are only watching actualized content that is not healthy, Leo even talks about that I'm sure. Not saying thats what you do but either way you are responsible for whatever seeps into your psyche. To act like I shouldnt watch tate at all because theres a chance that my brain can like some how be infected by his ridiculous mysognist worldviews is kind of silly. My friend I do not condone treating any person as property to the highest degree. That is a huge thing that I disagree with when it comes to tate. I believe that so much that I dont even chose to date women. I make that very clear with every girl i come into contact with from the start. I do not believe anybody is mine to own and I do not believe I can be anyones property. On top of that those girls who chose to do that with tate is completely on them that has nothing to do with either one of us. I would not want a girl to only do what I want because that would give me 0 fulfillment in my life I actually enjoy allowing people to have their own autonomy over anything. I think hes dumb and insecure for saying that his girlfriend cant go to the club without him even though he clarifies that his girl would not even want to which is perfectly fine with me. I would let any girl I fw do whatever she wants she doesnt have to please me in order for me to like her so long as her actions do not fuck with my autonomy and if they do then its really not a problem I just stop talking to them. They do not have to compramise with me if I do something that they do not like either Im perfectly okay with or without them.
  20. I dont think there isn't a piece of actualized content I have not seen. I do not know how much further this conversation will go because I think you are taking the content way to seriously along with just kinda missing the point of my original statement. I do not watch tv due to what I have learned on actualized but I wouldnt go around referring people on this forum to that video as if its like some sort of rule that cant be broken. Especially if the question was in regards to something else I was just giving that as an example. U said it would have a negative impact on my psyche after repeated exposure but that goes with anything. I dont think that statement is wrong either but i dont think it would be healthy to have repeated exposure to actualized content or any other self help/spiritual content as well. Its not like i'm sitting here watching hella tate videos day in and day out, that would be extremely obnoxious. I'm not trying to be rude but it sounds like you are deflecting because you believe he may have something of value to offer if digested correctly.
  21. I mean that goes for anything though. If it was that serious I would probably avoid turning on the tv or just going outside in general. If you would like to elaborate I would be free to talk about it because I am genuinely curious but that statement alone isnt all that convincing.
  22. I fuck w tate because he reminds me of a Wrestler in the WWF. I do not take him serious. Im extremely aware that 6 bugattis and women will not make you happy only the present moment will. Do I want 6 bugattis? No? Do I want a couple sports cars maybe because I believe they would be fun to own? Sure. Am i going to be any less happy if I do not get it? nah, If I died right now id be happy either way. If people want to believe his every word and chase all this material shit then it is no skin off my ass. Tate did help me stop giving af about how I'm being percieved by women, It doesnt mean I go around treating women like shit but I can see how much me caring about what they and other men thought about me held me back which was kinda true to how I was before I discovered actualized. Actualized gave me freedom from like this devilish mysoginist/cheater side of what I used to be a while ago, tate kinda gave me a backbone in everyday social interactions but the foundation of my self esteem is not reliant on my accomplishments or my material possessions. My self esteem just derives from most of the stuff I've seen on actualized, authenticity and just realizing none of this stuff is real. Death just being an idea etc . Again I dont act like him I dont belittle people and judge people but I'm not scared to just be myself around anybody where as before I was always highly conscious of trying to be an ultra good person. I think tate has given my life alot of value but I still believe he is insecure in some ways and also is a snake oil salesman. Maybe I'm brainwashed but idk I believe I am mature enough to interpret his bafoonery in a healthy way.
  23. I do not understand how you can feel so strongly about him in any type of regard lol.
  24. What if they did ask him this and he actually said that he didnt care if you stated all these things about him? maybe I'm wrong but I feel like if you did ask him this stuff in a way that was non threatening and genuine then he might side on you being able to make those statements. I get that he constantly references his own trauma and like lashes out at the world but I dont think he's ever had a genuine conversation who actually understands him or is even trying to really understand him. He's basically always on defense mode every interview. He stated he loves jews even though he believes hes being exploited by them and nazis I doubt he would say that he harbors hate for slave owners. But who really knows i guess.
  25. My dad claims that our PH Balances regulate themselves by pulling different resources from parts of the body which is what causes alof of the diseases. Like yeah it happens naturally but if you are eating acidic foods then your body is going to regulate ur ph in a way that is not healthy and causes damage thats actually in affect how osteoporosis happens, maybe Im wrong but I think I remember him saying that when you are not eating enough alkaine foods your body uses minerals in your bones to balance the ph making them weaker.