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Everything posted by Consilience

  1. @Commodent Thank you I am currently reading it yes. I 100% agree that this work doesn't stop with enlightenment... This is something I honestly did not expect when I began working with psychedelics.. And yet now I'm in too deep to stop lol. At least I feel the call to continue pressing on this path. I think I was able to explore these domains because of how much this book has been opening my mind up to what is possible with psychedelic work... I very much felt "LSD and the Mind of the Universe" vibes during this trip. Interestingly enough, however, this trip isn't the first time I've stumbled into the collective domain. One of my first mushroom trips I remember becoming conscious of what I could only call the collective suffering of humanity and realizing how this suffering could be no other way... And another time asking "who am I" and getting this distinct experience of the collective part of humanity's consciousness asking that question, how I had asked this same question across so many lifetimes. These were before I heard of Bache's work. So when I heard him discussing the "Sea of Suffering" as he calls it, my previous mushroom experience suddenly felt so much more validated and authentic. Unlike the mushroom trip, this time the suffering I felt was oddly specific. Specific in that I was feeling suffering directed at the regret of humanity, not simply generalized suffering. It felt literally like I could feel the weight humanity's lost opportunity's coursing through my body and mind.
  2. I appreciate this... Thank you truly.
  3. This one is the twisty part but you gotta love it. Psychedelics let one peer into facets of consciousness that are relative truths, not absolute. Ironically, understanding absolute truth is not the same as understanding the depth of intelligence and form at play here. At least this is what I suspect. It seems it may be possible that enlightenment and understanding the depth of reality are two different paths.
  4. @TrynaBeTurquoise Thanks dude
  5. Interesting projection. Nah I don’t feel desperate. That’s the whole thing with attraction, desperation is a huge turn off. If you feel desperate and needy to seduce women, you can pretty much bank on not being able to lol. As far as salvia, I have no interest in exploring that one.
  6. I appreciate that and all the guidance you’ve given us utilizing these tools. Namaste ?? Thank you Nahm!
  7. Thank you and for sure. Do it alone. Sitters can be cool but they will without a doubt influence your trip. Empathy is always on overdrive with psychedelics so I prefer doing them alone without the influence of another’s emotional state. Make sure you have music planned out before the trip and recognize the tone/energy of the music deeply affects where your mind goes during the trip. Three, meal prep. My mind is so torn apart while tripping (Unless I do smaller trips) the idea of having to manage food seems impossible lol. Finally, Id stick with 150ug max for your first solo trip. Too high and your body/mind wont be able to fully process what the hell is going on, plus it lowers the risk of bad trips. You also build up your energetic tolerance the more you trip, not in terms of the physical effects, bur how well you can stay centered and conscious during the peak. So be patient with yourself and allow yourself time to adapt.
  8. Agreed but overall I enjoyed them all, even the dumb ones haha. They all had their charm and were all very artistically novel which is one of the things I found so impressive.
  9. Interesting read. I don’t necessarily disagree with anything posted here but I wonder, if you were to explain this to a teacher such as Mooji and he asked you at the end, who is the one that is aware of this absence of knower, how would you respond? Im basically curious as to what your perspective is between the distinction of the True Self in Advaita Vedanta vs. the No Self in Buddhism. Overall this sounds like a powerful practice. Tbh it almost feels like the more mindful and stable attention becomes in meditation, the more I contemplate in the background what the hell is going on in my daily life. Its as if mindfulness and stable attention has become the contemplation itself, a steady noticing of direct experience and what it really is all about. Thank you for this post ??
  10. I love this video. Ive always interpreted the video in that the real trap is not seeing the truth of both perspectives. Both bears are correct. Though tbh brown bear is being a bit more stubborn imo and between the two, id prefer living in gold bear’s perspective. Beauty is just to beautiful to not experience. Plus beauty is the Being brown bear is talking about, he doesn’t seem conscious of what Beauty really *is* I also appreciate Jeff Fosters ocean/wave model of non-duality.
  11. Acknowledge the anger fully, feel it fully, but let it go. Just let it go. If you pretend you aren’t angry, you’ll turn that anger into a shadow. Shine the light of awareness on it, which it sounds like you’re doing. Next step is to literally let it go, let the sensations pass and don't bother projecting importance onto them. Your anger for this girl is completely unimportant. Also let her go; let the need for you and her to be together go. I know it’s difficult, Ive been there multiple times, but it’s really the most conscious decision you can make. Keep in mind she isn’t an object for your pleasure nor is she needed for your happiness or fulfillment in life. Respect her autonomy as an individual being. And as counter intuitive as this is, letting her go is the best choice. If you let go of your neediness to be with her, it’ll either help attract her or you’ll attract another woman. In either case you win. It sounds like she may be into your friend, so just be prepared and ready for that. All is good. Good luck dude.
  12. Of course. There are many paradigm locks within society. Yet this one is on you. You’re trying to assert that a form of physical activity doesn’t have any room for skill improvement when it clearly does while also appealing to no authority other than “because you’re wrong” while ALSO acknowledging you’ve never experienced sex. Its a clusterfuck of a rationality. Yet when people give you analogies that parallel your assertions, you brush them off as being bad analogies. You are paradigm locked over the silliest of topics while also refusing to see your own fallacious reasoning. This lack of clarity, open-mindedness, and self-analysis for your own position is indicative of what society is doing on multiple levels across multiple domains. Whether you realize it or not, you’ve created a great example of paradigm lock for the forum to observe firsthand. You’ve provided a fantastic example of just how stubborn, close-minded and irrational the human ego is when it comes to defending its own position, even when the defense has gapingly obvious holes. I don’t say this to be mean, merely to point out to others (and hopefully yourself) how ridiculous and yet indicative this example is when it comes to other positions within society, much more nuanced and complex topics beyond “this is act takes skill to get better.” If an ego can defend a position like this post in such a bizzarre way, imagine the lengths an ego would go defending more emotionally charged topics like religion or politics.
  13. This thread is teaching me so much about how paradigm lock ?
  14. If you’re wanting to live in a psychedelic state without having to take psychedelics Id recommend taking the long road and learn how to meditate.
  15. Im just trying to help you see the oversight you’re making by explaining different scenarios that have rhe same structure, but are different content (see Leo’s structure vs content video) but Im starting to think you're trolling. Done replying. Good luck with your future sexual encounters ??
  16. Intellectual knowledge =\= experiential knowledge. Knowing how to aim a gun and hit a target intellectually =\= knowing how to aim a gun and hit a target experientially. Man this is hopeless...
  17. And this right here is what will hold you back from being a great sex partner one day.
  18. You know it intellectually, not experientially. Just like you know the surface of the moon intellectually, not experientially.
  19. @the-philogynist Maybe save your opinion until after having had sex?
  20. Of all the thought stories to be lost in ?
  21. @the-philogynist I encourage you to be open to the possibility that sex requires practice to master, and there are skills within sex by which you practice achieving mastery.