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Everything posted by Consilience

  1. Here’s an incredibly important counter point: How many sides does a circle have? 0... right... but we notice: triangle: 3 sides Square: 4 sides Pentagon: 5 sides Hexagon: 6 sides etc. Interestingly, as a polygon’s amount of sides increases its shape naturally starts to transform into a circle. So using our implicit mind abilities, we can see that as a polygon’s number of sides moves towards infinity, it slowly transforms into a circle meaning that an infinite amount of sides and and a 0 amount of sides are mathematically equivalent. This has massive implications on the nature of dualities like “no meaning” and “meaning.” Sure what Vegan man writes about here is correct, but it’s still a dualistic perspective which must acknowledge and integrate infinite meaning. No meaning is precisely infinite meaning. Your life is so fucking sacred, so fucking precious and until you can become conscious of this inner divinity, you will not truly understand what no meaning really means. Everything is absolutely infinitely meaningful, perfect, empty, and absolutely nihilistic. ❤️
  2. Immediately. Serious gains started happening after doing 1 hour a day for 6 months straight. After 1 hour per day for around 2 years now, my life is forever changed. But I literally will feel better doing 5 minutes instead of 0. It’s very healthy for the mind to have the space needed to just vomit it’s contents freely. Almost like it’s purging itself haha. Keep going and progressing at whatever rate feels natural imo.
  3. Hard read but very interesting. Thank you for taking the time to write this ??
  4. Most definitely. The way a focused, congruent, and unified mind experiences life vs a distracted one is vast. If you cant sit for 60 minutes straight without letting your attention span wander aimlessly from thought to thought, your mind is unfocused, incongruent, and divided, at least not as fully aligned with itself as it could be. This functioning of mind starts to become extremely conducive for permanent spiritual insights to occur. Keep going. Id personally recommend the meditation system outlined in a book called “The Mind Illuminated” but most any meditation will work towards this end.
  5. @LfcCharlie4 I guess what I meant is there is no longer a clear sense of desire or wanting to gain more insight. It’s simply being observed almost like watching water flow or the breath breathe. “Im” not seeking, there is simply seeking. But I feel this advice on a more relative level, thank you.
  6. The illusion is thinking there’s a duality between no will and free will.
  7. @LfcCharlie4 Id be curious what your thoughts are on the phenomena of seeking still occurring despite the clear insight that the self is not the seeker.
  8. Ime the seeking has a life force of its own. When one recognizes themselves as not the one seeking, or even the seeking energy itself and yet the seeking continues.... now that is a mindfuck, the mindfuck I happen to find myself in.
  9. @loub Excellent advice. I still want to reiterate how powerful the work is... especially in that environment. Masculine focus aside, if you really commit to the work it changes you. Love, beauty, creation, etc, are not separate from what Ralston teaches even though he doesn’t use this type of language. Just fill in the gaps yourself.
  10. It feels like Im drifting aimlessly through life, meeting so many people, creating so many relationships and stories, feeling so many blessings and so much suffering, falling in love and feeling stone cold, seeing life as beautiful and abhorrent, everything feels like a synchronicity now, everything feels absurdly meaningful when I stop projecting meaning onto it.. I truly feel lost when I think about the fact of this dream. Realizing the dream feels like reality is completely groundless, non-sensical, yet it displays so much intelligence. It makes life feel tragic but somehow so worth it... that one day this dream will be gone... forever into the void of infinity. One day ill wake up, we’ll wake up, but until then we’re just patiently floating.
  11. I went to the Experiencing the Nature of Being and Transcending Self Workshop. Id highly recommend the ENB... It was almost like all the contemplation I did was planting seeds which have been continually growing since I left. Extremely powerful material... I also had a full blown enlightenment at the end during a 1 day silent contemplation intensive. TSW wasn’t as impressive, felt more intellectual and like material Id already done a lot of work with on my own or could do on my own. The only thing I didnt enjoy about the workshops were the assumptions that we (the participants) were not conscious of certain truths and the lack of focus on Love. It was almost like the facilitator kept forcing the idea that we all assumed there was a separate self even if this had already been seen through to some degree. And then as far as the focus on Love, it felt as though the workshops where highly masculine and were missing the feminine qualities of Truth. That being said, I plan on going back to the ENB.
  12. I feel this but it’s sorta paradoxical right? The act of wanting your baseline reactions to be a particular way is a denial and craving towards that which is not... aka more ego. I would focus on just accepting absolutely everything that is, even your racist egoic fear based reactions and judgements.. but accept them consciously. Accept their actuality, not their meaning. If you’re truly present and accepting of what is, all meaning is impossible anyways. I know you know this, but the more one accepts, the more one opens themselves up to love aka truth. Ive struggled with this but more so with depression. Ive had to continually become conscious that my states of depression are still forms of love and thus reacting to them as if they’re “bad” is all one big ego game. Ironically, the more I accept, give gratitude and love these mental states, the more quickly they pass and are replaced with happier states lol. All forms of form are welcome... at least that’s what the universe is doing so “I seek” to embody this. Even fear or depression can teach us about love... so... just observe, accept and love. That’s what’d id try to do
  13. This... it’s so sneaky....
  14. Sometimes self sabotage is the only way to progress... transformation is rarely linear. If Biden gets the nomination my gut is saying 4 more years of Trump as well. But 4 more years of Trump could very well create the collective suffering and damage needed to transform our society for future generations. I had hoped the damage already done would be enough.
  15. Every poll Ive seen has shown Bernie as being the more electable than Biden because of Bernie’s ability to get non traditional voting groups to vote. Where are you getting this idea that Biden is more electable?
  16. @ivankiss we’re talking in circles. I know what you’re talking about here, the model that we are constantly shifting from one reality to the next. From one moment to another moment. I get it. Ive felt it. Ive felt it in a variety of different modes via psychedelics and very focused and large amounts of contemplation. What Im talking about is the context, “the structure” (see leo’s video on content vs structure) of time. This traveling through one reality to the next is still content of time, not structure.
  17. Judge others and call people clueless all you want - still doesn’t change the fact that you can become directly conscious of eternity, timelessness. Id highly recommend remaining openminded to the possibility that right now is the only moment that has ever, and I mean ever existed and that you can truly experience this moment directly. But whatevah. The illusory nature of time is interesting though. Ive had moments on psychedelics where I experienced my entire life in a few seconds or during a contemplation intensive where I experienced my childhood again... very trippy experiences, but all happening within the metaphysical context of eternity.
  18. I have moments where I experience a complete lack of time though. I like how you frame and wrote about time here, but time is still illusory. The illusion of time does not contradict with what you’re writing about here. Time is a side effect of the apparent continuity and casual nature of our experience (as you write about), but this is all happening right now. If eternity hasn’t clicked for you yet, keep going until it does imo. Either way, cool post dude. You’ve been making very high quality threads lately
  19. Ive had massive permanent insights into the nature of mind and consciousness that simply cant be unseen... Ive experienced emptiness, infinity, and love in ways I never imagine possible. To an extent, these insights aren’t as apparent in my waking sober state as when I was tripping, however they are still available. If I sit, and just let go of mind, identity, and be, it’s always there. The best way I can describe it is this: I am not enlightened, but I don’t feel that enlightenment is separate from my lived experience. Psychedelics, contemplation, and meditation have all played their respective roles, each intermingling and synergizing with one another.
  20. How many sides does a circle have? 0? Or an infinite amount? Or is it both simultaneously?
  21. It was an inspiring speech for sure... Great analysis too!
  22. It is hard... it was been hard for me as well. But on the other hand, this deep recognition of impermanence imbues my life, relationships, and experience as this human with deep, DEEP, reverence and appreciation. Consider how unique what this life really is, and consider how it will be gone forever. Never forget how precious what you have is, because as you’re fully feeling, it is never coming back.