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Everything posted by Consilience

  1. Thanks for this. This is great! I think one of the best tools for deepening LSD trips is a hardcore meditation practice. Also Calm Whales on YouTube is great. Similar to binaural beats but better in my experience. Extremely potent effects while tripping.
  2. If you were completely enlightened you would be completely honest with yourself, and if you were completely honest with yourself, those commitments would be automatic. Your most authentic self WANTS, DEEPLY DESIRES, to pursue your Life Purpose. Become enlightened and honestly acknowledge that desire. The commitments build your short term discipline which in the end will transform into the insight that you wouldn't have wanted to spend your time doing anything else anyways. At least... that’s my pov.
  3. This! Which is crazy... Like literally the bliss of sobriety outweighing the bliss of drugs. Until I personally experienced that shift, I never *really* thought it was possible. I find meditation to be the best tool to appreciate the pleasures of sobriety. That all being said, shamanism is a valid spiritual path, at least it has been for me. It's just that over time one's relationship with mind altering substances changes. Instead of using them to chase good feelings (escaping one's present state in favor of another state) the context shifts towards exploration and curiosity. For example, I don't use psychedelics to get high, I use them to explore consciousness. In the case of weed, I feel like I've just about explored as much of it as I need to in 1 lifetime lol. One final point I'd like to add for other weed users - Until you actually feel the damage and have a preference shift towards sobriety over being high, trying to quit or scale back will probably be quite difficult. I've tried to scale back a lot over the course of my useage but always seemed to fall back into a habit of frequent use because at the end of the day, I preferred being high over being sober. Until one day it finally just... clicked. Inquire into why you're using weed, and try to really get clear on what its effects are. Explore sobriety and the nature of pleasure, and well being through meditation.
  4. He’s got a solid conceptual grasp of awakening just from watching some of his videos... which is weird and unexpected lol. I must admit Im curious with how this will turn out. Im rooting for the guy and I hope he doesn’t hurt himself
  5. Whoa this is awesome! The color is great too. Do you plan on trying to develop it further? Not that it needs it, but curious
  6. Can definitely relate to the reemergence of themes across multiple trips... a lot. This has been my experience and its really fascinating to watch how the trips unfold across time. If we study them closely, energetic patterns seem to emerge. That’s awesome you got through this theme. Exciting to think about where you'll go next!
  7. Can agree about the THC. It really fucks with dopamine which in turn makes you feel less connected with life. It blurs the mind in fog and slowly damages memory over time. While THC has some wonderful qualities, it’s best used very sparingly as to not damage the mind. I eventually reached a point during meditation where I realized how much harm persistent use of weed was causing and scaled waaay back. Even now, my sober state is actually more pleasurable than being high which is a pretty massive shift from my stoner days. The mind fog, lack of focus, and energy depressant qualities dont outweigh the euphoria anymore.
  8. I find that semen retention is a powerful way to build masculine quality energy inside which can then be directed towards productive work. Whether you fap or don’t fap, the energy is going to be released though. Do you release it with fapping, do you release it with video games, or do you release it with life purpose? The choice is yours, just remember either way your energy will penetrate the world. Imo might as well use it for something like life purpose. Many people don’t, however.
  9. Cant offer advice but id love to follow. Handle?
  10. @Serotoninluv Amazing analysis, thank you for taking the time to write your posts up. Seems like a true stage yellow/turquoise perspective!
  11. @Lyubov After enough seeking this relativity dissolves. At least that’s been my experience.
  12. Id like to point out that the distinction between sober vs tripping is imaginary. All form is awakening so... as long as one is separating and classifying some forms of reality as “ego” “not ego” “awake” “asleep” “tripping” “sober” you will be in delusion. Psychedelics are you. You are a trip. You are sobriety. You are reality in all its manifestations. Awakening is sober. Awakening is tripping.
  13. He used psychedelics exclusively during that time before traveling to India. I personally use psychedelics and meditate, A LOT. What Ive observed in my experience is that when I use both holistically, they feed off one another. Meditation has allowed me to go much deeper on psychedelics over time (sensitivity is increasing) while psychedelics have shown me how to take meditation to deeper levels. It’s been total synergy. Perhaps when Im more “advanced” Ill walk away from psychedelics or realize they’ve been damaging me, but for now that’s not the case at all. If you’re literally only using psychedelics and that’s it (like Ram Dass) and you don’t have practices to ground and process the energy such as meditation or yoga, I could see how it could create issues. As much as I love Ram Dass, I personally think he misunderstood where psychedelics holistically fit into the framework of awakening. It’s not binary. Use the practices to build off the other practices and don’t think of them as having to be black and white.
  14. The value of the psychedelic state is not the hallucinations. So mindfulness techniques very much are intended to produce psychedelic type experiences if what you're valuing out of the psychedelic is the higher states of awareness and clarity. If one is using psychedelics for consciousness work, that is the value they provide, not the hallucinations.
  15. As a type 1 diabetic I disagree. This disease has been one of the biggest blessings and most profound teachers received. I learn more from it every day as it pushes me more deeply into myself, and into the condition of humanity.
  16. Wow what a fantastic explanation of the dynamic playing out followed with great practical advice.
  17. I am responding to what he meant. He’a creating a duality out of the “do it yourself” model. Im saying no such duality exists so his advice doesn’t have any real grounding. You’re exactly correct about yoga and meditation- this is an extremely important insight for people to have
  18. He’s already semi retired. His apprentice Brendan facilitates the workshops but is also extremely good at it. Super funny guy too... Id say a solo retreat would yield more growth but Ive never done one. Only workshops.
  19. Smh alright dude. Cling to your paradigm then.
  20. Start with yourself. Prove Leo’s point by becoming it. If you had an unlimited reservoir of discipline, concentration and vision, what behavior would you be creating? No go do that and watch as you become a super human, or more accurately, trans-human. It’s not too complicated or mysterious best I can tell. The mysterious part is that no one in society does this, so the idea of becoming super human is... a mystery haha. It’s an available path, especially if resonates with you.
  21. When you realize you are literally are a psychedelic, when you eat a mushroom or eat a tab of lsd, you are literally eating yourself, notions like “you must do it yourself” lose all meaning. That’s just my pov though. I also practice meditation and yoga pretty relentlessly and I find they make me trip deeper, and tripping deepens the meditation and yoga.
  22. @Nak Khid as long as you THINK love is a feeling, you wont understand what Leo is referring to. There exists a formless quality to the universe which is rightly defined as Love. Imagine this, if you loved something you would allow it to be exactly as it is. You would not need this thing to be a particular way at all, you would allow this thing to fully express itself without your influence, you love it completely as it self after all. This is the nature of existence, in case you've missed it. Existence is so loving, it fully accepts the manifestation of form, in all forms, completely and wholly, even rape and murder. It is radical and completely transhuman. You cannot comprehend this Truth through the lens of humanity. As an ego, we think “how horrible murder is!” But to existence, murder is like a single raindrop creating a ripple in an ocean. Less than that... it’s heart wrenching really. But its the truth. The universe is so loving, so unconditional, even atrocities are permitted to be, freely expressing themselves. Why some dont use the word “Love” I cant explain. All I can say is when your heart opens up to this truth, you will understand. Perhaps many spiritual traditions see the risk of the ego taking snd running with the word love. I mean look at how Christianity, a religion based on the teaching of love, has completely bastardized the teaching. But our concern is not with Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Cheng Hsin, Advaita Vedanta, Neo Advaita, Non dualism, or anything that can be turned into a teaching, our concern is with Truth. I hope you can find Truth = Love in this lifetime but even if not, we have eternity.
  23. Love is formlessness. First time I really realized this I balled my eyes out in appreciation, sadness, happiness, joy, terror. Crazy stuff. The emotional state you refer to is a contracted form of love, but not existential love.
  24. The psychedelic experience is the equivalent of yellow. You cannot explain it with science and hope to communicate the experience accurately, or even effectively. Until yellow is experienced, you wont know it. Until psychedelics are experienced, you wont know it.