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Everything posted by Consilience

  1. They’re all just different flavors of experience, some of which require a more contracted ego/mind/body state than others. For example, fear requires more contraction than love. Ive found that the emotions lower on these various scales feel more dense, the “higher” the emotion, the more free and light the emotion feels. Another example - true peace, equanimity we may call it, feels like the reciprocal of apathy. Both have a “whatever happens, happens” orientation, yet one is lighter, more free, and connected with actuality. The other is self oriented, disconnected and heavy. The “pseudo science” emotions are just different distinctions in experience mainstream science may or may not study. The truly scientific mind would examine their direct experience and begin their contemplation there. Ive personally learned far more about emotions watching them directly in action than reading books or studying science, but study can be an important piece of the puzzle.
  2. @LfcCharlie4 Im curious what pathogens you’re referring to? What chemical structure in eggs specifically “feeds every virus?” Moreover, what type of research or evidence is this doctor pulling from? Is it possible some bodies process nutrition differently? For example, some bodies respond EXTREMELY well to resistance training. Some guys can half ass it at the gym 3x per week and become JACKED whereas others can bust it 5x per week or more for mediocre results. The stimulus and outcomes are obviously in a different domain than nutrition but my point is that in this case, the same physiological stimulus (resistance training) is giving a radically different output (muscle growth) depending on the individual physiology. Could eggs fall into this category? Could meat? Could fat? Could carbs? Im not trying to defend eggs at all. In fact Im against factory farming and will only consider eating them from ethical sources. But in terms of health, I just have never found targeting and demonizing specific foods as a holistic viewpoint. Some things like candy, soda, cookies, yeah its hard not to directly bash, but eggs? Just seems strange. Even stranger when I consider my own anecdote, feeling noticeably more energetic and stronger after eating them. Im open to this being in spite of potentially negative consequences though.
  3. Start a 1 hour meditation practice and start spending dedicated time every day self reflecting. Consider buying Leo’s life purpose course.
  4. @VeganAwake He also has an entire section in his book "The Book of Not Knowing" describing how the nature of nothing and the nature of infinity are identical
  5. Interesting to read that about the eggs. I recently started eating eggs again because of an intense craving my body had. Every time I eat them, my body feels GREAT. I have a degree in nutrition and have studied this stuff for a long time now and one of the biggest principles Ive learned is to be skeptical of absolutest claims. Different bodies, different microbiota, and different minds respond differently to food. There are a few good principles pretty much everyone can follow, for example low sugar diet. But even with sugar, a bodybuilder with a low bf literally will handle sugar differently than a 15% bf male without much muscle. Nutrition partitioning is POWERFUL. Another example is caffeine. I have a marathon runner coworker who drinks coffee 1-3x a day, has no crashes and shitloads of energy, more energy than me and needs less sleep. Perhaps he could optimize this more without caffeine but his body definitely handles caffeine differently than mine Im guessing because of all the running he does. When it comes to nutrition, think holistically and listen to your body. For me, reintroducing eggs has really made a positive impact on how I feel. As woo woo as it sounds, my body literally just feels better eating them than not and over the years Ive learned to trust that feeling. This dude’s work sounds really interesting though! Seems like it’s worth exploring and finding what works for you
  6. 2nd this. Bodybuilding is like the fountain of youth. As well as all the benefits listed above, higher bone density, balance, joint mobility, joint’s soft tissue health, strength. Dont have to become a competitive bodybuilder or start obsessing over your muscle size but training like one is very powerful.
  7. @LfcCharlie4 His work has helped me immensely so... idk what to tell you. Kinda like when someone tells me Leo is arrogant and full of shit. Alright? Doesnt change the fact that he’s helped me immensely. Plenty of anecdotes of his teachings working successfully and he also gives all of it away for free, unlike other coaches.
  8. @VeganAwake If you listened to this dudes content, he doesnt define ego as merely a separate sense of self, he defines it as the part of the mind which causes suffering. You like to post a lot of his videos so I figured Id make that clarification. But maybe he defines ego differently based on the video?¿ Im not sure. @DreamScape I think this perspective is important. However, the ego is also a very tricky beast and its devilry should never be underestimated imo... but it’s also no less deserving of love and care than anything else. Thank you for sharing your journey and this powerful perspective.
  9. Corey Wayne’s material is extremely solid. His approach is a bit... classic? For example he emphasizes calling instead of texting. Also, he coaches against texting at all other than if it’s used to set dates, he is really big on men pursuing their purpose, not sitting around waiting to hear from a woman or texting, he also has principles for how to cold approach, body language, dating, relationship, and long term relationship, coaches that women need to pursue 70-80% of the time or the attraction will slowly lower, men pursue more in the beginning but slowly let women start to take over. Out of all the dating youtube channels out there, Ive learned more from him than any other. He has a free book so you can validate his stuff for yourself, unlike a lot of these coaches asking you to pay for their material. The book itself could be better written, but if you pay very close attention to the principles outlined, it works extremely well. Id check him out.
  10. It’s complete magic, absolutely mystical
  11. Honestly, just start applying the material and the law of attraction will happen on its own. This has been my experience anyways. Some REALLY weird synchronicities have occurred since beginning this journey, havent explored loa or manifestation too much, I just take a lot of action and trust/surrender to the universe and shit happens.
  12. Just to counter the above texts - my mind used to be extremely active. Unbearably active but for whatever reason I kept pushing the 1 hour per day. Very creative but very active. By this definition, I would have a “strong mind.” Yet now there is a noticeable decrease in mind activity both inside and outside of meditation. So by these definitions Ive gone from “strong” to “weak” with even more creativity (meditation has helped on the creative front.) Moreover, Ive actually been able to go deeper on psychedelics because of my meditation practice. Label the mind strong or weak all you’d like, meditation has nothing to do with that. Meditation is about the systematic process of rewiring your mind to be more transparent and embodied to the Self, to Truth. It can produce insights but it’s more effective at embodying the insights you’ve already experienced through this slow rewiring process. At risk of sounding defensive, I don't like the language of “meditation is for weak minds.” This is such a loaded, egoic statement without nuance or explanation which could very easily deter someone from seriously exploring meditation. Meditation works for some minds better than others. Labeling these minds as weak or strong is just the ego creating unnecessary hierarchy and value judgements.
  13. Meditation is not for weak minds as Leo says. In fact, consistently meditating and facing boredom requires enormous emotional labor. Our minds are like heroine addicts, activity and distraction being its drug. I would argue not being able to meditate for long periods of time and remain equanimous is symptomatic of a weak mind, not the other way around. True power and happiness is being able to do literally nothing at all and be at peace. To someone who is caught by flashy experiences, distractions, society, and the endless amusement the ego craves, this will of course be labeled as weak. What a brilliant defense mechanism by the devil. And perhaps there is some truth from that perspective. However in my personal experience, a mere 1 hour of meditation per day for the last 2.5 years has been just as transformative as psychedelics or any non dual theory Ive picked up from Leo or other teachers. Your true nature *is* meditation. Let that one sink in
  14. I personally alternate between do nothing and The Mind Illuminated which is basically concentration meditation. Ive found do nothing to be surprisingly powerful once there’s a foundation of metacognitive awareness, in other words a high level of awareness of mind activity. The surrendering component of do nothing is extremely powerful as this is a gateway to the Self, to Truth but concentration from TMI is important as this trains the mind to stop its insane level of activity which we’ve been programmed and conditioned with from our upbringing in western society. If you feel like do nothing only results in an uncomfortable amount of monkey mind, either surrender to that or train the mind with concentration before returning. I think in the long run surrender and concentration merge into what we might call Being. As in Being has both a quality of surrender and concentration.
  15. Great except 7. No more than 2x per month. Id recommend advancing your meditation to the point where you have insight into the damage marijuana has on the mind. Until you have this clear insight, either consciously or subconsciously, you’ll feel a draw to use frequently. Ive been there cycling through heavy use and abstinence, only to fall back into use. It requires a pretty hard shift in awareness of mind before I was able to walk away without craving. Weed is s great beginner psychedelic but it’s addiction risk is very high, and damaged on sober memory and sober cognitive function adds up overtime, unfortunately.
  16. 12 hours, it was loooong haha. I think the higher dose and the fact that I haven't tripped in a bit contributed. Contemplation yes but Ive found detailed journalling to be invaluable. It helps contextualize and make sense of the trip in a powerful way. Meditation and yoga seem to help too with driving the behavior changes needed from the trip. Which on that note, Ive found Leo’s concept of “Learning = Behavior Change” to be a huge component of the integration process. These trips always teach me lessons but the if the lessons aren’t actually changing my life in practical, tangible ways, they have less significance and are often slowly forgotten. Integration is about aligning your being with what you’ve experienced on these trips, and a huge component of alignment is behavior. Thank you! That really means a lot Yes the work can be insanely powerful, and focused if used properly! I had a lot of less significant trips when I began but back then I was still learning how to actually utilize psyches to their full potential. Im still learning. Never let a guru tell you this is a shortcut or that it isnt work
  17. Intro – This was by far the biggest mindfuck on a psychedelic I’ve ever encountered… Like a serious fucking mindfuck. Which is crazy because they’ve all been a trip. But this one felt so fucking personal and so deep that I’m really at a loss for understanding it. A lot of integration will be needed for this one. Even this report is merely scratching the surface of what happened. What I write about below describes a very visionary trip. I have 0 clue of the ontological validity of what I write about. I can’t claim that any of this is “true” or “false.” Honestly such distinctions don’t even make sense to me after this one. All I can write about is what I experienced, and I suspect only until physical death will this trip truly be understood. It may sound new agy and not really in line with strict non-dual theory, but whatever. Phases of the Trip: Surrendering to God Becoming an Infant and God Light and Love Meeting the Soul Clairvoyance Set – I’ve taken quite a bit of time away from tripping compared to my normal schedule, so leading into this trip my mind felt very grounded to baseline reality. I was particularly various of how to activate the Super Saiyan form not as a state but as a stage of my personal development. Out of all of my trips, that one felt incomplete, like I had tapped into some higher form of myself, but hadn’t gone quite all the way. This was my biggest intention – what is the Super Saiyan, and what was I really here to do with this life? What is my soul here to do? Setting – My room, LoFi and Psych Rock music, eyeshades for some of the trip. Surrendering to God So as I’ve previously mentioned, I’m a type 1 diabetic. Long story short I have to make sure my blood sugar is stable, so I don’t go hypoglycemic and have a seizure. I’m sitting there listening to fairly aggressive music with my eye shades and slowly starting to feel the perceptions of my body and mind melt. It felt like they were merging with the entirety of my experience, as though the boundary of body/mind and the other senses were one. This process started accelerating and I realized I should check my blood sugar before I went any deeper. However, when I lifted the eye shades it’s like the trip exponentially intensified. I was now in a totally different realm. I realized I had no fucking clue how to check my blood sugar, my mind kept slipping away at deeper and deeper levels. I was losing the ability to know where I was or who I was as a human. Somehow, I knew that I needed to check my sugar, but I was so disoriented that even the idea of diabetes felt hazy and distant. A primal fear and panic kept coming all while my mind continued to slip away; imagine what a stage beige being on the SD scale would feel overtaken by fear. I then was struck with a very powerful gut instinct that surrender and faith was what I needed, faith that the intelligence running this show wouldn’t let me die, that this wasn’t how it was supposed to end. Perhaps foolish on my end to be in this situation at all, Im not sure. If I experiment with doses like this again I think Ill need a trip sitter for health reasons. Nevertheless I accepted the possibility of my death in that moment but also acknowledged this faith that I would preserver. It felt like the only way to transform this fear was to accept my situation fully, which was by extension accepting the faith that this was not the end. My body instinctively started going into bilateral symmetry with an anaji mudra moving from my 3rd eye and back to my down to my heart. Becoming an Infant and God My mind is melting at this point to degrees I never thought possible. I reached some sort of mental crescendo where nearly all knowledge of reality was gone and all possibility of knowledge was gone. My identity was like an echo, only staying anchored in reality by this intention to understand what my soul was here to do. I kept repeating those words, “What is my soul here to do?” like a mantra as this chaos of total not knowing unfolded. The words became unrecognizable except for the energy those words carried, that I was trying to go to the source. I recall losing touch with all language, but there was an instinctive understanding of what this meant, yet the specific words where no longer understood. My 3rd eye, throat, and heart chakra then blasted open, my body started moving into all sorts of bilateral symmetrical positions on the floor, and space-time flipped, it was like I time traveled back to my birth, entering into infant consciousness. There was one field that felt like was being spawn out of my spine, nothing made sense, I felt totally lost and alone yet a sense of “I am” persisted and the obsessive intention to find my soul. I didn;t even know what this intention meant anymore other than it was the only part of reality I had left. As I was this infant, I simultaneously felt the presence of God. God watching over this child, this child being distinct yet identified with God itself. I was in total God mode at this point, yet still in the duality of God and child. It was like duality and non duality were yin and yang, yet one. I felt loved by God, completely vulnerable and at the mercy of my own will, to my self. It was so twisted and I’m still trying to process this paradox. I remember wanting a parent or some sort of guide to help. I felt totally lost, totally in touch with the infinite and it was all I could do to keep my sanity as I looked at the present divinity, emptiness, and total lack of any form of knowing other than God itself. God felt like an infant with total understanding and wisdom through a mechanism of a complete lack of knowledge as we humans refer to it as. Light and Love As Im in this stage of the trip, I started experiencing reality as light and love. No matter what form perception took on there was only this blinding light of love. Eyes closed? Light and love. Eyes wide open? Light and love. Body all twisted up? Light and love. No matter what form perception took on, it was all the same substance, this light and love. I saw so fucking clearly how no matter what form reality took on, there was nothing but love. Even murder and rape, at this level of consciousness there was no possibility for evil, evil was seen as a simple mind game constructed for the sake of survival. In fact, it would be more accurate to say that evil was not even possible at this state because there was only one thing. I just let myself sink further and further into this love with the only the intention to find the source of what I was here to do. Meeting the Soul As this light and love is shining through and as the very substrate of reality, a vision of an immense being appears. This colossal, infinite being of light appears and is looking at me, but still tethered to this Love, as though a hand of God (one of an infinite number), both God and this Being looking down at me. This being of light felt ancient and primordial, like it had been through an insurmountable amount of... I’m not sure. It seemed to be infinitely wise and loving. As I’m making contact with this thing, an intuitive understanding took over that I was making contact with my soul. I was staring at the identity structure that transcends this lifetime. Mind you, all of this happening within a multidimensional context of identity meaning there was distinction between this triad of ego self, soul, and God yet all were one. I saw that my diabetes was intentional. I saw that there was more to God than merely living in full blown non duality. That there was an immense ineffable intelligence orchestrating everything. That it was all spontaneous, free, yet directed. I was not merely here to be enlightened, but to spread this knowledge to humanity. As this vision was filling my being, this soul started pouring into my third eye, down my throat and into my heart. Even today as I write this my throat and chest are sore as if the surrounding musculature has been stretched too far; it hurts to talk and breath air into my chest. As this Being’s light is penetrating my body I was given this memory of being born, choosing this lifetime, choosing these circumstances yet it felt like I was returning to a pact id set with myself, like I knew this LSD trip was going to happen, and was merely waiting to receive this information from myself. It was like my third eye started downloading information from this soul being. I was then sent back to the beginning of my life, of my birth and experienced my life up to this moment at a supra time scale. In a nano second my entire life up to this point made complete and utter sense, everything was perfect. The light continued to pour inside of my body and I experienced a clairvoyance of where I was meant to go and what I was meant to do and how the past was irreducibly linked to this present experience and future. Clairvoyance We’ll see how much this plays out over time. But what happened next is that I literally started having visions at lightening fast speeds and solving a string of complex problems in my life. Financial issues, career issues, creative issues, relationship issues, like... everything. Literally with every passing second I was generating not only the right brain oriented visions of purpose and direction with multiple domains, but also the left brain oriented details of the pragmatic steps of what action needed to be taken. This information felt like it was being energetically seared/downloaded into the third eye, down the spine into the lower chakras, and throughout energy channels of the body’s musculature. It was both physically painful but healing. I spent the remainder of the trip problem solving at deeper levels as the LSD effects slowly disappeared. Take away – It feels like I’m done with my psychedelic work for a bit. This trip put so much of my life into context that it feels like there’s little left to explore with psychedelics for the time being. I have the steps I know I need to take, and all that’s left is to take the steps. To head the call of my intuition and go on the hero’s journey. The vision I had of myself was massive, easily a 15-20 year endeavor… and so really I just have to trust in myself. I have no doubt I’ll do psychedelics again, but damn I just feel… Exhausted from this one. It was so much material, and so fucking deep. Another thing I’d like to mention for those pursuing psychedelic work: Do the manual practices! Without a shadow of a doubt, my meditation practice is partially responsible for how deeply I was able to go. I’ve also been doing daily hatha yoga which I theorize helps with processing the excess energy of a psychedelic, and allow various emotional releases. If you are interested in the practice of cosmological exploration, the manual practices are a must.
  18. Thank you! I follow a channel called Boho Beautiful. Its made by a couple, very beautiful videos, very great yoga. Ill sometimes do yin yoga as well. @Leo Gura Yes tis time. Thanks!
  19. Im not sure. The opening of chakras seems to be a long process accumulated from meditation, yoga, and psychs for me. It doesnt happen on command exactly and it ebbs and flows. For example, my heart feels more or less open on some days, with the net being an opening over time as I become more conscious.
  20. It feels like you keep trying to take a teacher role in this tread and are ignoring the stated intention of why I commented haha. I appreciate the gesture but everything your writing Ive already realized many times. I was only trying to make sure Ralston wasn't misrepresented, I don’t need any more conceptual understanding of being or awareness.
  21. Im not against the word awareness or being. Im just commenting on what Peter said since he was mentioned as sacrificing all for awareness. I thought the people may be interested in his direct calling out of the word which contrasts what was claimed about his position.
  22. Peter doesn't emphasis awareness. In fact, at a workshop he mentioned to us people talking about awareness is a real trap because then people create another form of identity around it. Just an interesting tid bit.
  23. A fully integrated green has the previous stages embodied so this is incorrect. True stage green is a very hard worker.
  24. They're all really good. I'd recommend listening and finding some that resonate with you personally, kind of like music. However I've found this one in particular to be a gateway to connecting with the divine feminine: