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Everything posted by Consilience

  1. @genandnic ? @RickyFitts Completely agree. The incredibly counter intuitive insight is only when all of the world's problems become non-problems can we step into the collective space needed to solve all of the world's problems. Compassion grounded in primordial perfection whose roots spawn from Awakening. In a non-poetic sense, solving our inner conflict creates a space of purification for our immediate environment - our home, our loved ones, all beings around us, the work and focus we give to this life, etc., are all directly and inextricably connected and influenced by our inner landscape.
  2. What's interesting is as one develops high levels of mindfulness, particularly while on a meditation retreat, reality starts to break apart and "breath." When perception starts "breathing" on psychedelics, that spacious, fluid, effervescent type quality, this is what happens as a result of serious meditation practice. This perceptive fluidity is like a fractal to the felt body sensations in the body. The entirety of our direct experience is breathing in and out of existence moment by moment, this is anicca aka impermanence. This is even more profound because these breath sensations are expanding and contracting at multiple resolutions, even a micro second of an inhalation has even more minuscule "expansions" and "contractions." Reality is also breathing, expanding and contracting at different scales and resolutions of time. This is all to say, when one can feel the breathing of not just the breath, but of our entire unified field of perception, that's when things start getting interesting.
  3. There is no such thing as anything. You are literally imagining there was something in the past. What Leo is pointing to is not your interpretation of what Leo is pointing to. If we look at a rock, we think “there’s an enduring, consistent, static object there.” Actually though, when we train our minds to examine direct experience at microscopic resolutions of time, ie moment by moment arising and passing at the smallest possible scale, we can directly observe that there is no such thing as an object called a “rock.” The “rock” is expanding and contracting out of reality moment by moment, the form of this apparent object is going through a rapid death rebirth process which gives the illusion of continuity, consistency, and static objectivity. Truly, there is only a rapid flux of anicca, impermanence, happening at literally un-imaginable speeds. There was never such a thing as a rock, only the mind projecting the illusion of objectivity, consistency, and continuity over this dancing, effervescent, morphing coagulation of form through the existential assumptions of time and space as well as the super imposition of memory on-top of perceptive experience. In fact, even creating the distinction within perception “rock” is attention creating an illusory separation from the whole of our direct experience. There is and only ever was one unified field. The rock is imaginary on ALL accounts. Like the rock, so to is this past. It is a complex matrix of mind imposing itself into and onto direct experience, which then shapes our present experience of life and the many beliefs, behaviors, and emotions we unconsciously create. The past is no more real than a child’s imagination. The past, future, life, death, self are all pure imagination in action. Tapping into this imaginative quality begins to open one up to the intrinsically beautiful and magical qualities of reality.
  4. Meditation is how. Over conceptualization without the embodiment of practice seems to make the situation worse. Most people have no idea how much they’re suffering and that the world is a complete illusion. After we open up to this reality at a deep, conceptual level, this can be very disorienting, creating existential crises. The path to freedom lies in the ability to be in all moments without being dragged around, manipulated, and lied to by the mind. Meditation is this practice. Meditation is a practice of an entire rewiring of the mind long term such that we see there is no one here, happiness is found within, and that the only enduring quality of existence is complete and utter emptiness, which counter intuitively, gives way to immeasurable beauty and reverence for the world of form.
  5. Yes. These small synchronicities start to skyrocket while on psychedelics, even at small amounts. In my experience, this is particularly the case with mushrooms. They are wild teachers, to the point where the “external” world starts to be used as a teaching tool.
  6. Within the domain of spirituality, the highest understanding is embodiment. Conceptual knowledge does not fundamentally change the way one experiences, responds, or behaves in relation to life. Unless understanding is grounded in one’s direct experience, it’s only useful insofar as a pointing to what work needs to be done for embodiment. Again within the domain of spirituality, specifically. Without embodiment, concepts are just mental masturbation the ego is using to keep itself alive and safe under the incredible guise “Im spiritual and understand.”
  7. I posted this in another seduction group I'm apart of, but throwing it out here as well just to get constructive feedback. When I encounter a night like this again, I want to make sure I'm prepared for it. Even though everything went extremely well, oddly well even, I didn't quite finish as strong as I'd like and I'm not exactly sure how to improve nor where to take this moving forward. So if you're willing, I would deeply appreciate any criticism or feedback, especially on how to end on a stronger note. Overall though, I think reading this report can help some of you guys out here on the forum with understanding how to embody their masculinity. Stepping into it is really the only way to attract high quality women. I'm definitely still learning this art myself, but I've found day game cold approaching to be one of the most powerful ways to integrate one's masculine energy into the body and being. That being said, this was not a cold approach, but was riding off the momentum of an increased number of cold approaching I've recently done. Thank you in advance to anyone who has feedback or questions of any kind. - TLDR: I pretty nailed the whole interaction until the end. I had an uncalibrated ending and I'm not exactly sure how to move forward. The girl did give contact info, but she doesn't live in my area (was only traveling) so Idk how to make things happen for future interactions. Learned so much in one night about the subtleties of seduction. So me and my friends were bumming around on a beach yesterday, throwing a frisbee, we started a beach fire, and we were more or less self-amusing, just having a great time. There was another group of people around our age that set-up a fire a bit further down on the beach. I'd noticed there were two males, two females. I couldn't tell if they were on some sort of double date or not, but whatever. Turns out this group needed help with their fire so I end up helping them get their fire going which introduced a super small eye exchange with one of the girls. Thing is though, this girl is no lie a 9/10. Honestly though looks aren't super impressive by themselves so even though she's incredible gorgeous, the deeper attraction isn't there yet. PLUS she's with a group of guys and I just assume she's with one of them. Probably a bad assumption I need to learn to let go of for future interactions. Some time passes. As the evening progresses our two groups continue to have increasingly more regular contact. Me and the same girl officially introduce ourselves and so far nothing sexual other than somewhat longer than normal eye contact (I've found being able to hold eye is game changing). Me and my friends are playing frisbee somewhat too competitively but just having a good time. But again, we find ourselves merging with the other group. So we start to all just chill together. Later on a golden opportunity - Another group of girls from further down the beach comes over to our two groups and asks if we had a lighter. They were having trouble building their fire and I immediately got up and got their fire started for them. I think what was powerful about this was that the 9/10 girl was sharing a story with the group as the other girl approached. I wasn't intentionally ignoring her, but displaying a sign of non-attachment PLUS solving problems for others PLUS it being for another group of girls… You just can't ask for a better opportunity. 9/10 girl is definitely more interested as I come back. Then as the night progresses we're still hanging out as one big group, just sharing stories, laughing, enjoying the spontaneity of our paths crossing. At one point the topic of meditation gets brought up and the two girls basically jump my bones asking me about it and I start leading the group through this pretty deep conversation about meditation. Psychedelics get brought up as well. And I'm asking questions making sure it doesn't devolve into being all about me, but simultaneously sharing a bit vulnerability. We all were. Turns out this girl is way into meditation as well. After having displayed leadership multiple times, having a strong presence and just a string of great opportunities, I've kind of dominated the dynamic of the group. The 9/10 girl is sitting next to me, her leg bumping into mine, our hands brushing, very obvious yet subtle kino. I'm letting her initiate probably 75-80% of it but moving my body in around 20-25% of the time back. Not too sure if this is a good amount but it seemed to be. At one point our hands are touching about as much as possible without holding and we're in strong eye contact, and just flowing in conversation. There's 0 doubt in my mind that this girl is into me. And what makes it nerve wracking is how into her I am… 9/10 in looks PLUS she's way into things I'm very passionate about. Meditation, psychedelics, she's a self-proclaimed tree hugger (as am I)… I mean just text book. So far I'm staying chill though. After this, I believe there was a "mini shit test." She ends up getting up and sitting on the other side of the beach fire and one of the other dudes comes over to sit by her. An intuitive understanding arose that I just needed to sit still and literally do nothing. I didn't move, I didn't try to talk to her across the fire. I didn't ignore her, but I didn't do any initiating. 10 minutes later she's started reengaging, trying to get my attention, holding that strong eye contact again from across the fire, asking me questions. So the night is ending and this group of people are packing up to leave. I recognize that if I'm going to get this girl's number it needs to happen now. And here's what threw me off, the limiting belief I'm still struggling with - I recognized that we'd all just had this super wholesome night as strangers bonding by a beach fire getting real. I also recognized that one of the other guys may very well have been into this girl. So as I'm about to pull the trigger and ask for this girls number, it feels like I'm souring that bro bond I've formed with these other guys. But on the other hand, this literally feels like a dream girl. I would absolutely regret not getting this girl's number. So I go for it despite my "lowered state." I tell her next time she's near my city we should hangout and ask for the number, she enthusiastically agrees. However, the critical mistake I made was I ended the conversation with "Well hey it was great meeting you. You're super interesting and honestly sexy." To which she replied "Haha yeah.." and then kind of rushes off to her friend group. Couldn't tell if she was just nervous or if she was thrown off by my abrasive compliment… Lmao. In hindsight, there was no need to communicate those intentions through language. Or if I was, using a more calibrated word or language than "sexy." All of that was already communicated through the prior interactions. I guess I've accidentally conditioned myself with openers clearly stating my attraction for girls, but this is not always necessary given that this wasn't a cold approach. The other thing, I still feel somewhat bad potentially overstepping on another dude's girl but it was clear they weren't an official couple and I guess selfishly I just have to go with what my gut tells me. And my gut said this girl and I had a connection and I wanted to see her again. So here we are. I haven't texted her yet as I'm kind of trying to let some of the potentially awkward tension dissipate. Moving forward, is there any advice on how to make things happen with her? She's definitely going to be visiting my area again but I'm unsure how to stoke attraction/interest when it could be 3-6 months, possible a year before she's back. I guess I have this idea in my mind that she'd one day hit me up out of the blue being in town, but to facilitate that possibility, it feels like I'd need to be at least interacting with her from time to time. Keeping myself on her radar given she's no doubt surrounded by a plethora of dudes. Obviously short term goal is to keep approaching and meeting women. Logically I understand that there are many super attractive, super interesting "hippie" girls out there. Especially with where I live. But I guess I'm still working through my emotional states that are based on a scarcity mindset, and just working through the "wow I really connected with this girl on a multitude of levels, physical, mental, spiritual." But girls take longer to bond than men do, it seems. It seems to be a survival strategy for weeding out men. So even though I for sure made an impact on this girl, I doubt it was as strong as impact as she made on me. This is also the case because being as attractive as she is, there's no doubt she gets lots of attention from guys. Further, just because she made a deeply emotional impact on me, this does not mean I have to squash or deny these feelings. In fact, the healthiest approach would be to deeply and completely feel these sensations while recognizing the objectivity of the situation. The objectivity is that she's just 1 girl, out of many, many, many more I'll meet in life. Detachment, counter-intuitively, means feeling completely and fully. Letting shit wash through you. Overall, I learned SO MUCH from this night. This will definitely be one I remember long-term and continue to integrate. No doubt that any future successes with women will be influenced by the lessons from this night.
  8. Yes super counter intuitive. I mean even at that point where she got up and sat on the other side of the fire. I was damn near ignoring her and that was literally the perfect play and she came back even stronger... This night was so fucking insightful. But also there are points where compliments and validation are appropriate. For example, after a girl qualifies herself after putting a good bit of pressure on her, good opportunity to release the pressure by validating. She'll feel like she earned it. In this case, she didn't really do much to earn what I said. Your suggestion is playful, and teases her. Thank you sensei.
  9. Yeah. This night really allowed me to peer into the experience of what being a super hot girl must be like. It's insane, the absolute effortless abundance they have. I don't blame her. It makes the rewards of this work that much sweeter, and I can already start to feel the internal shifts happening as a result of the journey so far. This is pretty high standards but it's a target to aspire to. Thank you. I've had a bit of beginners luck with getting numbers but the next step would be learning how to turn numbers into dates into getting laid. Short term goal is to start getting good at instant dating and powerful first interaction escalation. As in minimum hug. This makes a lot of sense. I currently have a pretty small social circle but that's due to devoting significant amounts of time on consciousness work. How would you suggest going about finding high quality guys to do this work with? Thankfully, I have the life, hobbies, and body thing taken care of and am very confident around other guys. Even though I don't socialize much, I'm very busy and don't waste tons of time on bullshit.
  10. Thank you for the encouragement man. Yeah honestly I was so appreciative of how tripped out I got after she never replied. Still significantly less upset as I would have been 3-5 years ago. Yet the fact that there was still so much attachment to someone I realistically still barely knew was and is eye opening. It feels like pickup and seduction is such a powerful "technique" at giving us glimpses into the unconscious emotional mind, beliefs, and frames running our lives. The more we can feel and let our neediness go, the more the outcomes of these interactions stop mattering.
  11. Really appreciate this feedback... It's spot on. I could have also asked her to leave the fire and walk up the beach together, create an instant mini date. There was a specific point in the interaction where this would have been very possible had the possibility even been in my head during the night. Yes after further self analysis, the bro-code stuff was self sabotaging limiting beliefs. If the roles were reversed and another dude took his shot with a woman I was into, honestly I wouldn't care unless it was just blatant we were a thing. There was no obvious signs at all she was a thing with any of the guys. So given that I'd give that permission to another dude, I should give myself that permission as well.
  12. Yes! And the more one can study what "on" is, the more one can begin to spontaneously generate these states... I appreciate the vote of confidence. However, given that she never replied to my initial text, I'm guessing there's something else going on. I have no idea if this girl has another dude waiting for her at home, if she and the guy she was worth were actually fucking days before and once the night was over, the fantasy sort of rain out. But I'm not going to pursue if there's 0 reciprocation on her part. Thank you though. You're right, I did not Fuck up. That was definitely the hottest most interesting girl I've gotten the number of. In the future, escalation would be advisable. I can think of a couple of different ways I could have made the night even better with very small changes with how everything played out. Based on some of the conversations I overhead, I'm pretty sure she's either already left. I'm just going to take it as a powerful teaching opportunity. Thank you for reading.
  13. Thank you sir. Yeah it was weird... I felt in my bones that even though this was in some sense a failure, it's helping shape me into "a better man." Next time I'm in a truly loving relationship, I can have this girl to thank for pulling out my weaknesses, so to speak.
  14. Thanks. I could just tell it didn't end as nearly as well as the build up. Honestly, as I'm reflecting on it, it almost seemed like it spontaneously lost steam as the friend group was packing up to leave. I mean yeah she definitely gave her number out without issue, but still something shifted there at the end even before the comment. And I have no idea. You're right about the bonding thing. She hasn't replied to the message I sent, she's literally already completely moved on hahaha. Man such a brutal lesson when dealing with girls that attractive. It seems that either an instant date is required, some kind of rapid escalation, or make them wait before I reach out given that most guys will text/call well within 24 hours. Fucking games man.
  15. Appreciate this. That's a good point. Getting clear on how they all know each other is key for the future. Something I'm learning is how to effectively project my sexual intent in a calibrated way based on the girl's personality. Some girls respond better to more forwardness, some require more subtly. I tend to have trouble with over projection or under projection... Finding that middle ground is really difficult and requires a pretty high level of emotional awareness. For this interaction, an instant date would have been better. I can already think of a scenario where I pulled her away from the group and use it as an excuse to walk up the beach together. I think the hotter the girl, the more critical it is to escalate strongly, the instant dates, hugs, possibly going for a kiss. Strong verbal connection and even kino is not going to be enough to make that lasting impression, it seems. Yes for sure. The frustrating part is I bet I could have met up with her the next day if I'd pulled the trigger on that. In this phase of learning about seduction, I guess I've been focused primarily on phone numbers, but instant/next day dates man... Ugh. Shit is hard. Damn does that iron loose heat FAST. At least for someone that attractive. When you say close, do you mean get numbers or lay? It's nuts dude. I cannot imagine the psychology of a 9/10 or 10/10 woman in the 21st century. They are living in effortless abundance. Even if a guy steps into true abundance, has shitloads of options, he'll still have to actively create leads, actually lead/handle the logistics of the dates to a successful conclusion (sex), be the man. An attractive woman literally just has to sit back and be pretty. Lmao.
  16. I usually do not like episodic things either. This one is a rare exception.
  17. I know lmao. Yeah I've realized the more I'm cold approaching, interacting with women and whatnot, the more I'm understanding the fine tuning required for a truly calibrated man. I was literally great, better than great, all night but there was just a slight slip at the end. Thank you for the feedback and direct insight about letting go. Yes you're correct. It's weird how fixated the mind can get on one person, how rampant the fantasies or projections can be. I still don't know this girl really at all even after a kickass time on the beach. We could be wildly incompatible. Letting go makes sense all the way around. Hmm. I guess the idea of another dude swooping in. I mean that's what the fear is based in, yet in this case I was the one doing the apparent "swooping." Yet on the other hand, I realize that if the roles were reversed and another dude took their shot with her I wouldn't feel bad or angry at him; so I should give myself that permission as well. Well the thing is, is that comment WAS authentic and genuine, but it's also something she probably hears ALL the time. And it was one out of many more effective ways to communicate. A hug would be been great. We actually did hug earlier, but another hug would have been ideal. And yeah I know. It kinda really fucked the momentum up. I'm particularly disappointed just because of how organic the rest of the night had been and to fuck it up at the end is just... Sigh. It is interesting how quickly girls can lose steam like that. As a guy, if a girl made some sort of weird "Fuck up" last minute I'm not sure it'd kill the whole vibe but maybe it would. It's hard to say. Like I said, HUGE learning night on so many fronts. Thank you for the feedback man.
  18. A couple of very easy, very high yielding changes you can make. 1) Feel into your body as you're in these types of social interactions. Actively relax your muscles, loosen you're joints, relax into a good posture... Get your attention out of your thoughts and into your body. Attraction is coming from the lower chakras. As odd as this may sound, your body, presence, and being are doing the communicating. What you say matters so much less than how you say it and what vibe you're giving off. The vibe and how you communicate comes from being in your body. The objective "what to say" will flow once you're tapping into the sensations of your body. The more relaxed you are, the more fun you'll be. Girls are attracted to fun. 2) Eye contact. Strong eye contact with men, women, while talking, while listening. Eye contact demands attention and can pull people in. There are incredible subtle, micro yet powerful communications happening through eye contact. Learn how to read and how to communicate with the eyes. (Notice this is still using the body and not the mind). 3) Ask questions, lots of questions, talk to everyone. Get to know everyone at the party. Be authentically interested. Learn how to interconnect their replies with either follow up questions or share a bit about yourself. Being vulnerable is powerful, but don't let it devolve into being only about you. But don't forget, the one asking the questions is the one controlling the conversation.
  19. When one studies direct experience long enough, when one trains the mind to have a high level of mindfulness (concentration, sensory clarity, and equanimity) one eventually sees that our mundane sensory sober experience, the most non-mystical experience you can think of, is actually none other than infinity, oneness, and love. These three words all pointing to that which is absolute. It's impossible to describe why and how this present moment direct experience is infinite; this is not even something the mind can "do." However, I can explain why you don't perceive it as such: Our present moment sensory experience for the average individual is constructed out of a plethora of distortions, beliefs, interpretations, and the belief in an identity based on emotion predispositions, a life story, a being moving through space, and events happening across time that weaves and tangles all of the raw sensory data together. This distortion, this deep entanglement of physical perceptions and mental perceptions (many of which are so subtle they're completely unrecognized by conscious surface level awareness) creates a sense of known reality, a sense of "the way things are" when in fact complex matrix of distortion has nothing to do with the way things really are. When we see reality as anything other than pure infinity, emptiness, love, god, the absolute, etc., we are playing into a story we're unconsciously constructing. The way out of this unconscious construction is by rigorous investigation, deconstruction, contemplation, and meditation. So yes right now the mundane sensory field feels very... dull. That's due to an entire matrix of un-cognized, background beliefs and interpretations driving your experience you've yet to sufficiently become aware of through deep mindfulness/observation/investigation. Until a sufficient amount of mindfulness, for example, is brought to see into the heart of what this field is, understanding how reality is love, for example, will be impossible.
  20. Wouldn’t any and all forms of creation be an expression of some type of feeling we may accurately label as “seeking?” To create anything requires a movement from what isn’t to what is, within one flavor of reality or another. Moving a thought into a physical manifestation, such as cooking a lovely dinner, is seeking no? Yet calling the creation of the lovely unhealthy, or that this act of creation couldn't ever be healthy, seems extreme. Could you elaborate on what you mean?
  21. Nostalgia moved towards reverence as the emotion is directed towards the present. We can, in a very real sense, feel nostalgic in the present moment without craving or clinging.
  22. I thought you guys might find this interesting. Shinzen's been busy haha. I've heard through the deep grape-vine his lab may be looking at how to combine this bran scan technology with 5-MeO in the future but.... That's very far away; may not happen. For now the focus is on the feasibility of the ultrasound hits. Anyways, cool that meditation is starting to become increasingly mainstream. He made The Guardian!
  23. This was 100% a projection. I literally question Leo all the time. Go read some of the other threads Ive commented on. Wasn’t offended at all brother. Again, “Mu.” - ?
  24. You realize how FULL of concepts The Book of Not Knowing is right? It's a gigantic book with many elaborate, detailed explanations. The trap you're outlining about is fully present in The Book of Not Knowing. Just playing devil's advocate here. It's an amazing resource, but let's be honest. I've personally found sometimes even contemplation carries with it the possibility of unconscious conceptualization about whatever it is you're contemplating, such that pure "meditative" observation, more vipassana style, would have been in "higher" alignment with whatever is true. This seems to presupposes pure, clear, direct contemplation is THE WAY. What if pure, clear, and direct contemplation was 100% bullshit? What if sitting down and shutting tf up was more pure, clear, and direct towards whatever is true?