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About Andrewww

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    United States
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  1. I love how Leo puts quotes in the beginning of his I'd like to do the same hopefully that's fine.
  2. I see so much oneness/nonduality talk. An yet how many of these people if any can say they're okay with giving up attachments to many of their objects and aren't as tied to the 5 senses. Many religious founders spoke of a divine ecstasy/love rapture that is a fruit of spiritual development. An yet where is it and who talks about it? Curious what you all have found. Thanks :).
  3. @Preety_India Don't just find it far less enjoyable. Opposed to what can get up to when it's taken care of. Plus survival can lead to more unethical choices.
  4. I have a lot of orange shadow am sure just wish I could stay forever in green and above but know survival will always/often at least call me. Wish wasn't jealous of people who were able to stay there but not much can do.
  5. How does one experience the internal happiness dramatically as they state it. Making things such as accumulating items pointless.
  6. @Ajay0 That was SO GOOD. Thank you for sharing my goodness. I will look deeper into Swam Vivekananda I am ready to learn an evolve.
  7. @gettoefl I've realized oneness through ayahuasca. That I am nothing and everything. But still here. Yeah after AYA my kundalini was up in full flow I was in nirvana/heaven within also celibate but like couples months past of that great lvl of consciousness I had sex (didnt know wasnt suppose to stimulate low chakra) day after day an then the kundalini flow went downwards.
  8. @peanutspathtotruth Yeah some say meditate or get busy basically even though dont always wanna do that or have energy to get busy opposed to easily jacking off or filling my face with food.
  9. @Nahm Everything you said sounded nice and poetic but I don't think I learned much from it other what im doing and maybe self inquiry more? Please expand on it Id really appreciate it c:.
  10. I'm trying to be more spiritual I've noticed my body is always like MORE MORE yet my persona is like chill there buddy especially in terms of sex and food. It's never satisfied an I want to evolve past this. I've tried fasting here an there an periods of celibacy but I keep failing on reaching the end goal of not being pulled by these things.
  11. Online I see a lot of kundalini yoga videos but I hear K yoga isnt the safest, other types of yoga I have to dig and have wasted much time am ready for books. What do y'all recommend? I'm looking more for increase in consciousness/purifying of traumas rather than physical strength type of yoga, but strength is good too.
  12. Example for me: People feel significant by being loved, liked, adored, or by being disliked, hated, and feared.