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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. What do you mean, surrounded by people who abuse you? Like at school they pick on you? Can you clarify? I'm trying to figure out will martial arts actually help you or not. That said, meditation can be done for like 15-20 mins a day. So I'm sure you can include both.
  2. This is a interesting topic. My first precaution would be at least first to see if its actually not just a real physical issue before going down the road of acceptance. That said, I've discovered or at least played around with certain ways of looking at and approaching pain that seem to help accept and or transcend. Now I don't know how much you've looked into what pain is, but here's some food for thought. When pain seems to arise, is it actually "real" (this can be its own worthwhile inquirey, to find out what real is to you in general, and worth 10-10,000 hrs of contemplation)? I'm sure you've at least once or twice in your life, believed, felt or saw something that seemed to be what it seemed to be, only to find out that it wasn't, or not even close to what you were certain and sure of. If you can really let this in, then when pain arises, you can leave room or space to ask the honest question, is this "what I think and feel as pain" actually as it seems. You see, felt pain, is so certain and true, that to even ask this question for many seems crazy and would never be considered. However, if you've seen time and time again, that just because its felt and seen that way as your experience, doesn't mean its actually the way it seems to be. This one insight, in my opinion has lead to a number of breakthroughs in non-reaction to thought, emotions, pain, others, life circumstances. And it can be taken to such extremes that ya, the being on fire like the monk, may just be a passing background something or other. Now of course, this will most likely not all happen suddenly, it will probably take a tremendous amount of what feels like will power, commitment and practice, and sometimes will lead to stupid results, because sometimes its best to just go to the doctors and get something for a parasite infection, but if you've looked into your issue and no one seems to be able to figure out whats going on, then, yea this path can be a god send and can create the willingness of mind and strength to practice, since your going to be in "pain" anyways with the issue
  3. I agree, God/Existence is more than just infinite combinations of finite things, because there are actually no finite things, lol. It gets into area's/experience that is not possible to understand or relate to as a "human" awakening to God realization. But it really doesn't matter that this is so.
  4. @fopylo Congrats, ya self discovery can happen and be found in music, art, relationship, psychadelics, work, and anywhere potentially.
  5. Ya a lot more organic nuance can come out of a interview like this in comparison to a video. Hopefully Leo does more of these.
  6. @Loving Radiance Great report, enjoyed reading it.
  7. Sounds like you had a decent trip and nothing else needed to be shown. Next time do a little more, be moderate with this stuff and increase in ways that are not dumb and based off egoic desire. You seem like you genuinely want to grow, so just do 20-30% more next time. Sometimes what you went through is all thats going to happen and thats just life, for some that would be a mind blowing trip.
  8. Hmm when you put it like that, the practice almost sounds like it may reinforce your already strong habit of liking to observe and discern. This may not be easy, but I'd try something different. Sit with your eye's slightly open for 5-20 mins, you decide, but after you decide, don't change how much time your doing it for no matter what. During this time, dont try to observe, but dont try not to observe, and just let all thought and emotion come and go as it does. Vaguely notice, that observation/awarness of experience happens none the less. Hearing happens, sight happens, feeling happens, breathing happens, etc. Just let this be noticed over and over again, till its just normal and natural. Then look what I wrote before on how this may be applicablely helpful in your life.
  9. Ya thats as good as start as any One pointer I'll give you is, dont look for an object of "who" is perceiving, this is a trap of the mind that can happen. Notice when there is looking for a "who" or an "object of what is perceiving, that perceiving is happening and innately aware of so. When this starts to sink in and become natural so to say as in there is not a looking for a "who", but just comfortably sitting, not trying to be aware, just aware, the next mind trap is a voice of "ok now what or so what, big deal, what do I do with this, I want something out of being aware". Just literally smile and let that pass. This may be a good time to start reading more and listening to some new pointers or new stuff to try and cultivate. But If you can just do sitting aware, it may become natural to notice thoughts and emotions more naturally and in doing so, the deceptions and victimization or strong anger attachments or feelings of deserving this or that, or expecting this or that, or fearing future possibilities that haven't happened or happened and no longer happen, will be seen as just thought and emotion patterns, and won't be as strong on the system. But this is easier said than done, this takes some real inner strength and discipline to go through. This is where a meditation practice is useful and helps both elevate consciousness in some sense and gives a place just to be with what comes and goes through the body.
  10. The pointer I'd give you is feel into "that or what ever it is" which feels located in the body.
  11. Notice how this is all in your experience and not nessecisarly something that is actual. You believed something called free will, which you now believe has been disproven by something called science. And now your asking about something called "100% responsibility". Why not "99% responsibility", would you know the difference if it were even something real to begin with? Would you know what 10% responsibility even feels like, or 20%, or 30%? See how imaginary this is. If you get what I'm saying, you'll laugh your ass off.
  12. Existence is existence, its not a "something" that exists. Nor is it a function of sub or simultaneous elements to create the actuality called existence. If you can get to this on a quality level or even a very firm philosophical level that is certain, and not just one of the many possibilities, then the next interesting question to ask is, what does this mean about a so called something called Time. If you can see and understand that existence truely is the case, this means there is no so called time in which existence didn't exist, theres no before it, and there is no moment in which there is a after existence. Time literally doesn't exist except as a "experience or imagination". There's no, "existence started 1 trillion years ago", there for there is time in which things have happened, with befores and afters and laters. There literally hasn't been a moment of time, with a moment after or before. What you think you just read didn't happen in a actual something called time and there isn't a later time when you are done with this paragraph, its only Now that anything Is. Of course the experience of time may or may not continue to be experienced and this is fine either way, to try and convince yourself its there or not there may just keep your mind in a constant rejection of experience, the goal of life is not to see past this. Time can be a relatively enjoyable type of experience and of course it can be painful as well. Perhaps its useful to use what I'm pointing to as a reminder to help you not get caught up in conflicts with time and reality when it feels so painfully certain.
  13. Its funny I made this video yesterday, and today there are like three topics wondering about existence. Interesting coincidence, hmmm. Let me know why you all think, its a good subject to really get into, debate and get to the actual bottom of.
  14. Everyone is different, if you feel "good enough" for now with what you've learned then go with that, in time you may realize or find interest in reading more. Is there something you feel drawn to that is a practice that seems to yield what your looking for?
  15. Sure theres a mystery to all this and thats a beautiful and terrifying aspect, but don't overlook the simplicity and implications of mystery/existence being the only Reality. You, the spouter of rules and beliefs such as if you think you know, you don't know, is existence, reading, arguing, replying..... what else could be happening
  16. It really doesn't matter, and this is the deep part, whats being pointed to is not "something" either plural or singular existing, but the fact of existence is prime, everything shares that constant. Really let in the implication that existing has never not been the case. Let go of the minds desire to then go what is existing then, and see its not that somethings or one thing is existing, existence itself is the irreducible. Once this is understood, the implications are really worth investigating. One question that seems to be core to your question is "stuff". Well lets just go along those lines of assumption. If there were stuff, where would it come from or "get there". Well from existence of course..... Because stuff does not come from "other" places or other "stuff" to make it. So what would "stuff" be made of, again existence, which isn't a "stuff". Okay, if you've really let this in, then the next profound connection is, well then whats asking the questions, whats living and breathing supposedly reading this right now..... Existence of course, what else could it be.. lol.
  17. @Adamq8 So funny you made this post, I just made a video on this very subject. Let me know what you think.
  18. What good would it do you to go around thinking your imagining all this stuff, even if it were true on some fundamental level. What if it were not true, would you want to go around seeing this way because you were told or believe it were true? What I believe leo is pointing to with this saying is something you don't want to just accept, you want to really look deeply for yourself and find out.
  19. In this example I'd say its best to not believe yourself to be god as in the only highest thing with nothing higher, since on a lets call it relative scale, even though thats not exactly correct, there is help. But you gotta really let go of the idea that your hot shit or something at the top of some food chain, there are loving forms of energy that will help if your humble and sincere. I'm being very vague here but none the less useful.
  20. Happy to hear, but don't know to tightly, its always just beyond fully knowing it.
  21. This video probably won't make much sense unless you've dedicated a decent amount of time on the so called path of enlightenment, but if its your passion and your ready so to say, it may click. If not, don't worry, just let it pass.....
  22. Actually I think that was the best pointer in that moment. Even to say not a something is just as much a category or something to the mind sometimes. All good either way though. ?