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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. In terms of the why, thats a harder one to answer, it may be like asking why planets are circles and not octahedrons. It seems from my experience if your on the spiritual path and its a true focus that you ebb and flow through phases like this. Maybe during your reading phase you understood some concepts that were new and they started to integrate into your life, creating shifts both outer/inner. Then your desires changed to more meditation or doing nothing, and during this time you may of learned new aspects of illusion inside yourself or about life, and this sunk in gradually creating new shifts both inner/outer. Then again desires switched..... Does this sound familiar? Also the advice from the user below is great in places of change like it sounds like your going through @Your place at Heart This is some good advice, definitely a must in my opinion during ego fighting phases.
  2. @mochafrap By reading what you wrote and into what you wrote is it safe to say that you are a intellectual/philosopher of sorts and this information is to help you gain more knowledge and perhaps get a little closer to no-self or get you to a place where you see the truth, wether its one or the other? My experience with these matters has fluctuated a lot of over time, and each phase has had its realizations and understandings. Some have stuck and some of been dropped, but what I understand now has given new life and understanding to all the previous experiences. You see, all is "infinity/Unbrokenness" expressed and experienced as is it all. The understandings and changes you feel as though you have and will have are that in action, including the individuality that it feels to be you and you are one with that. Individuality and no-self as you've described is each its own expression/self experience as you've understood up to this point, neither is the whole picture and neither is not part of the whole picture. What would it be like to let go of "Is it one or the other, and the idea's you attach to each of these".
  3. Sucks some balls and I'm pretty sure you won't be asking who is aware
  4. Listen to Paul Hedderman for a while, you might find that good old mind fucking you've been craving.
  5. Various breath work styles for example fire breath or Ujjayi breathing (I found these to be helpful for clearing 1st and 5th chakra stuff, a few mins a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, don't do it after eating or within 2-3 hrs), sound therapy *look up chakra clearing on youtube* I've found useful, just putting your hands over a chakra for 10-15 mins and imagine/intend clearing can work as well (don't get lost in your mind if your doing it right or if you feel like your straining to maintain it, just repeat the intention every minute or so with your hands over the area).
  6. I'll watch this later when I get home sounds fascinating, but share my experience thus far. What you call enlightenment and flow are each perspective experiences one can live as a "consciousness"in which is inseparable from Source/Self/Oneness. The life journey of discovering this is a conscious journey of Self itself. Flow stat is a experience of engagement, generally not sustained that has experiential tangents to what is generally accepted as enlightenment experiences which funny enough are often not sustained at their peaks either like a flow state. This flow state to is experienced in essense as Self itself, although most often its from the state of mind of a person who sees themselves as a individual. I would maybe even say that flow is sciences way of classifying and accepting these same area's of life a monk/spiritual seekers says in spiritual awakening moments.
  7. My take and experience of these area's is there is only "that" and its everything. But dont let that rob you of enjoying the individuality of it all.
  8. I know you don't want to derail the question, the thing about questions like this is you have an idea what a self is (which you already believe since its viserally real to you) and what a no-self is. Perhaps one idea you share or heard is you have something called a personality and a free will as a self and it learns by making choices what to put its attention on (this probably lines up with your direct experience) Then on the other side of the coin is no-self, and since a self by your definition/experience is something that has preferences and individuality, you seem to believe that this no-self functions within the context of preferences and individuality/will, which it may be a combination of or a not all. If you shared more of your ideas of what you see as self and no self, I can maybe help you more.
  9. It can be a confusing state to be in, happens to me still as well. Just going on a walk without trying to figure anything out can be a great thing to do during this type of thing. Also if I dont want to move I find its generally best to just be, simply close your eyes and do nothing and don't make a problem out of the state of being. I find this to be the purest kind of meditation, its spontaneous if you don't concern yourself with what it means or whats supposed to happen.
  10. Your welcome. Enjoy your future.
  11. Well I think Leo and I are a lot alike. He seems to have consumed a hell of a lot more books then I have and tasted the depths of nonduality through dmt and personal practice. I've meditated for the past 15 years, been apart of a few spiritual communities and focused my attention on understanding truth. I've consumed little books but listened for hours to awakened teachers. Some mushroom experiences were also very helpful in waking up. Leo seems to be in a "unfiltered with a slight edge" phase of wanting the world to change and having a little frustration with the closeness of human minds. If used this energy is used correctly it can help people, but also turn off if not wielded right (so far I can see that his heart is still in the right place). This is not a critisism but just a little observation that could be full of shit haha as he puts it in his latest video.
  12. Welcome. I know how you feel. It's a strange thing isn't it. Are you happy in this realization? It took some time for some of these to sink in and for the ego to burn away to some degree for this to be let in, usefull and enjoyable. One thing that may be helpful is to ponder the radical realness of this, instead of looking at it from the angle of a empty meaningless illusion. These types of realizations can subconsciously trigger a nihilistic caving in of your soul, which leaves a tint or a lot of depression if left unchecked.
  13. Recognizing your tiredness of all these things is the first step in making a new choice and dropping it. Then let what emerges in the absence of your old habit. It will make you feel a little weird and out of place inside, but this is the natural process of growing past what you are habitually at this moment.
  14. Another Jail Break that applies to multiple disciplines in life is the art/practice of leaving open the possibility of what you don't know and whats possible (one could argue this is a quality that comes with awakening past egoic limitation, but I think its bigger than that since people who many would agree are not awakened benefit from this realization). This is really deep and profound. Really really understanding this can uncork what ever bottle neck you are having within almost any field. For example in the field of making money. Some people just don't believe that its possible for them to be rich, wether its because they have limiting self beliefs or it just doesn't seem like it to them based upon outside economic factors (lots more reasons you could insert here). This art/practice of acknowledging and questioning your idea the impossible (which is only impossible from your stand point at that point) can open up possibilities within athletic performance, spiritual knowledge and experience, healing potentials, capacities one can build into one's actual life like remote viewing or astral projection. The list goes on and on. I'm gonna have to look into how to bring this out in others more because its so radical what it can shift.
  15. A big Jailbreak for the financial, career and just goals in general (as well as spiritual aspirations) is accepting your mortality. Full stop just seeing deeply into the fact and letting it hit you can radically change a life. Theres many mainstream stories of people having a near death experiences or recognizing this truth some how and then finding a passion to live towards something they had always wanted to do or were already doing (but now with greater focus and determination). This happened for me on one occasion that definitely shifted some important things toward waking up. Another is looking at the spiritual journey from the angle of Mystery can create a jailbreak in needing to know. I think for most minds when it starts to see into the illusion of things, or rather things breaking down from the meaning they appeared to have at one point. This can create a lockdown or a freak out in the mind or a total rejection of anything, painfully and depressingly so. Somehow I came to something that seemed to help this symptom, seeing from the angle of life as a mystery in which I didn't know either way if things were finite or infinite, material or spirit...ual, trustworthy or not and so on... I really dont know why but that allowed for me to just be and feel, and see, and not struggle with the content one way or the other.
  16. Another thing I want to add and it may help you. Do you trust your doubt in everything or do you doubt that as well? Do you trust your pinpointing every belief or do you doubt those to? Do you trust your non-identity, non-ideology....or doubt these as well? In my experience of doubting everything, it was very scary and frustrating for a while, until I saw and understood that a big part of universal truth was not knowing either way.
  17. I read some of your other posts and we seem alike. I had a big issue with determining what is real in order to trust it. I saw a question you asked about breathing that may connect here. You asked/said "When I'm trying to notice my breathing, I can't shake the feeling that I control it. I don't know what to do. When I'm not aware of my breathing, the breath is very slow and shallow, maybe because I need less oxygen than usual (because of running). So in order to notice the breathing, I need to concentrate" Now my question is, how are you aware of your breathing and that its slow and shallow, if your not aware of it? Look into what is aware when your not putting your concentration on your breath, or anything for that matter. That awareness is key, its a sense you can trust. Now my second question to you is, what is your intent with this work your doing to understand yourself, your goal rather, if you have one that is.
  18. Really good answer. @poetryandpolygraphs Also enlightenment is just a word, a word not defined or agreed on across humans and cultures, so there for there is no answer to the question. If you can define your question, then perhaps you can find an answer, but I bet the further back you go to try and define what you mean by your words, the more you'll find you don't know what you mean. Now if you do that, your one step closer to what many cultures point to when they say the word enlightenment.
  19. This hack can lead to oneness thinking but from an angle of the scientific mind. A contemplation. In science from what I've gathered, a object (slice of reality) is determined within a environment, an environment determined by senses and observations within measurable dimensions. In order for an object to be actually pointed to it must be at a defined location, otherwise you can't measure said object. But since an object is dependent on a outside/environment to be separate from it in order for a measurement to occur, one must be able to define where the environment is, and since each time you cut reality in a section in order to determine said object/point/environment, you have another environment created in the splicing which is not yet defined either. This goes into infinity along the scientific model of things being sectioned from things in order to measure and quantify said section within its separated part. Therefor said object that you say you see and point in the direction of is not defined enough within scientific measurement to point to. Best case is approximation in relation to something else. I have it written down from my thinking and journals somewhere more eloquently, but thats just off the top my head.....
  20. @Rowan Glad to hear. If your ever getting neurotic its generally a good sign to pause and introspect, especially if its around spiritual work. My dad used to get stressed, and then me stressed about needing to meditate with him in the morning when I was a young kid (maybe 10-11). Then he realized that it was kinda working against part of its purpose.... Kinda like that.
  21. @Rowan It sounds like you have a pretty good understanding of your direction at this point. From what I can gather you feel a little bit nerotic and repetitive in what your doing. These may be signs to cut back a little on the things that feel that way (not completely) and replace them with something that is in line with your desire/goals but just at a new angle, like polishing the otherside of a stone that needs to be refined (you are this stone). For example if you are feeling a little burnt out on meditation, cut back a day or two and replace it with something that builds the same qualities but just from another angle. If you want to share the thing or things in particular your burnt out on, I can maybe try and give you some perspective on what may be a good replacement (or maybe you know the answer to this if you set a little time to think about it). The second thing is appreciation gratitude that you brought up. While I didn't exactly point to those things its interesting that you saw the importance of these none the less. I'm gonna take that as a little sign to put some energy and attention on these. You see I was on what you may call a spiritual path for 15+ years and despite 100's of mystical experiences, understandings and changes to my consciousness, I had this unhealthy yearning for the next thing, for more understanding, for some ideal constant emotionally pleasing image of what I wanted my life to look like in order to be happy, that I remained dissatisfied. It wasn't until I really saw that I wasn't appreciating and having gratitude for the journey, for my life, simply being alive with for no reason at all, was I really able to start being happy..... Theres many gratitude practices out there, I'm sure google could bring up a big list. Take a look and see what connects with you, and maybe add that in with what you replace.
  22. @Ampresus 14 years old. Good for you You should read as much as you like and feel like, follow your heart. Don't worry about it giving you an advantage or not. The point of this work is to bring you closer to life, humanity, the galaxy, not give you an advantage.
  23. This is really great, you point to some really interesting things that are similar in my own understanding in the past. How would you say your view has change on this same subject. You may find this interesting, it was my first post on this site, and while still usefull in its intention, is not totally in line with how I see and understand now, but I think you may find it interesting. Then again maybe not.....