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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. I think you should contemplate the difference by "these are Sahdguru's words" and switch that to Salvijus thinks he knows Sahdgurus words and is quoting his interpretations. I have my own understanding of Karma, I hear your interpretation and have thought about the same thing over the last 5 years and the possibilities it "could" have. Like you've said any possible exchange of energy like this conversations, someone shaking your hand, touching someone, sharing information about meditation, meditating with someone, could all lead to a car accident. Instead of not doing anything as a result of infinite possibilities, I chose to do despite all the random things that can happen in every day exchanges. Anyways it was fun going back and forth, but this is my last response on the subject.
  2. Ya the conversation we are having and the transfering of energy thats taking place could kill you in a accident to, or when you talk to your parents, or get angry at a cat that gives you a bad look and brushes up against you. I think your being overly sensitive, but thats just my opinion. You have yours and thats fine. Respect!
  3. Well if we can inherit karma by just touching people, you should start putting a full body condom on at all times. No but really, if thats true then we just talking, watching leos videos, talking to your boss, shaking hands at work can have just as much impact as what I've shared.....
  4. Sounds like a good move. Also keep in mind, if this feels like to much to shift at once, just take it slower, you may have less ego backlash.
  5. @TheAvatarState Leo beat me to it, it does sound like a lot at once. Go for one for a bit, or maybe 2 of the 3 you listed. Although wimhof + meditation is giong to bring up a lot of shit possibily, so I'd just do one of those and read.
  6. @Nexeternity @Nahm Your both welcome, can I ask what you both experienced. The scientist in me would like to know.
  7. From what I gather on how your using Construct, no, the Construct is not Awareness, but a system of looking and feeling and believing the world. Is Awareness all there is? If by God/Oneness, yes, but if you mean your personal awareness, or awareness as a function that makes bodies/beings able to experience, no theres more+that.
  8. Nah you dont inherit Karma like that, karma is something created from repetitive action.
  9. Thats a fair question. My view on it is we are all in this cycle together, we share and open up things within eachother all the time. This is what I'm sharing with good intent. And yes like all relationships, breakups, surgeries, unintentional accidents, indirect causing of environmental destruction from lack of knowledge, foods that later are found out to be unhealthy, flat tires randomly happening and causing frustration or anger, my work or actions can have unintended effects, like everyone else and the things we do can. I'm not waving a sharpened blade around aimlessly if thats what you want to know. I've been working with energies and creating healing for 10+ years now.
  10. @Space Spoken like a true scientist. Calmness is a precursor to love, bliss and unconditional love. I also have a calming aura from what I've had reflected back to me in relationship. So it could be either, or none. If you like, watch it a few times in a row and see if the calmness opens up to more, I may have made the video to short, so in the future I'll do maybe 10 mins for better effect. @luckieluuke Calmness for some is just what they need, it can also be a precursor to opening up to love, bliss, unconditional love. If you like, watch it a few times in a row and see if the calmness opens up to more, I may have made the video to short, so in the future I'll do maybe 10 mins for better effect.
  11. What has these idea's? What see's things this way? If "You" were not truely awake, you would not see any of these idea's inside yourself. What is aware of the free floating see of association and memories and feelings and the rest? What is aware of the Construct? Drop your idea that you realized sensation of there being a "thing" or "kernel" or "nugget" or "soul" or "watcher". You really have not proved this to be true, so stop kidding yourself and drop it so you can let in new possibilities, or in the least let the mystery of existence continue. Also if you feel like it, I made a video for a guy on the forum with similar holds up, let me know if its useful.
  12. When you can let go of the need for sense, why, but its supposed to be this way, but it is this way, I know I know, I need to know, you may get a wiff of something cooking that will make you want more. Then again you may freak out and run out of the kitchen.
  13. That sounds like something you should let in and contemplate, dont brush it off as nothing that big. The I-ching means the classic of changes and all the symbols are an expression of the types/degrees of that change. In your dream it sounds like it was presented in the awareness of "You", the space thats been labeled the dream space, formless awareness and seeing, "You", that these changes arise/are seen/witnessed by "You". Who else say the arisal and the comprehension of this dream take place. This was not a dream it was the awareness of what you are first hand seeing that things arise in it. Dont over think it, or even think about it, let it sink in. What was aware with no body and comprehension during this vision? Its not a brain and a body seeing and thus it experiencing, its "You" bodiless self aware of itself. And yes to your question, the mind can reach a place through practice of meditation and inquiry, where inquiry and illumination begin to become more effortless and spontaneous.
  14. Just a personal opinion? Experience? Any particular reason your throwing this out there, I dont see the reason to say such a thing.
  15. I can induce change with my intention, with my hands normally. I'm a body worker by trade and with that theres also energy work that I've learned , involving meridian points, chakra's, chi. Transmission through intention non-hand wise and over video is something I'm evolving into and guided you may say, a mystery to me as well. Just wanted to give full disclosure. What was your experience like if you watched the video, I'm curious.
  16. Are you saying actual nothing exists or metaphorically like a nondual kinda thing? Because it seems to me like your arguing or trying to convey some sort of point with someone on a forum.
  17. Your 14 right? Its just a picture. Sounds like your blowing this out of proportion. Your free to not mingle and talk to them, but let it be and move on, hardly a betrayal. Sometimes you just need to accept these types of things in life no matter if they feel kinda shitty in the moment, she probably think its silly and funny, maybe she thinks you will to. Sometimes people flirt this way or joke around this way and friends like doing these kinda things to eachother, its only when it doesn't sit well with one party that it creates an issue (this is assuming both have good intention to begin). Maybe look into how much of a big deal it really is to have a picture of you out there, why you need to be so private....just my 2 cents.
  18. Agree with Leo, plus theres a lot of research that shows that changing to much is not realistic to keep up. Do a little, very little at a time but dont fall back from it. Like cut back gaming by 20% for a month and vaping, then ask yourself, did I feel better doing that, can I do 10-15% more? Can I add in maybe reading 1 book a month that will help me learn something that may help me grow or lead to another line of work that will pay more. Everyone can do something, find what you can do and stick with it no matter how small. Maybe if you can meditate 5-10 mins a couple times a week, very simple, put it on a schedule. If thats to much dont include until later when you've made some progress with something very easy.
  19. I didn't believe in this stuff at one point, even not to long ago and decided to look into it and was like, wow wtf, I can feel my kundalini shifting watching this person do something I can't understand. I'm a energy worker by trade, but the idea of doing it over a video baffled me.
  20. Ive experienced entity communication but it was on the heart opening and love side of things. I wouldn't listen to entities telling you to do battle. Id listen to Arhattobe if you want to play on the safe side of life, although it sounds like it was only one incident.
  21. Sounds like a worthwhile thing to do. And thanks for the concern, its not something I deal with on a conscious level much these days, atleast not in that same form. I'm actually more interested in your opinions on what I said in the last few paragraphs,What are your thoughts on Self consuming Self, never not Self, the relationship of Self and "right" action. And if you believe in right action, how would you encapsulate that?
  22. 1. What guide post or guide lines do you have for pointing someone towards gaining useful nuance, genuineness, self honesty and awareness. 2. What makes you feel qualified to speak about enlightenment or waking up? I ask 2. since we seem to have exact realizations about enlightenment and its interpretations along with the dangers of not dealing with fetters/karma/ego/things that cause suffering. I first studied under Anderew Cohen who was big into accountability (sadly/funny enough his ego got the better of him and brought down his community), and this had a serious impression on me. Then like Leo is sharing, such ideals unconscious to me created a perfectionist state and a goal that may be impossible (i was not aware of this at the time). Down the road I spent a few years of following/letting in nonduality teachings of Paul Hedderman, Lisa Cairns, Papaji, Rupert Spira and some of Alana Watts, I let in the idea of nondoer ship and the recognition that all experience arises and is out of our hands no matter how real the "I" free will feeling, belief seems. This was profoundly healing and freeing and perhaps didn't create a egomaniac monster since I first started with accountability and not causing suffering to self and others as a prime principle. However I had two profoundly paradoxical understandings abiding in this shell of being. That seemed to have merged on a understanding level along with a direct recognition and understanding of who and what we all are.....god/infinity/oneness Along with this has come freedom and understanding. There is never not god, everything, matter, energy, thoughts, feelings, experience, the capacity for such things for thoughts to be able to happen, feelings to happen, experience to be possible, wisdom, all experiences of what realizers call waking up, all are god, and none of them are themselves the full picture of infinity, but are infinity none the less. Now comes some of the odd pills of truth along with this. I'm god, with all my ideas, views, beliefs, spiritual practices and disciplines that bring equanimity and fruits, such as dont rage at someone or I'll experience the flood of chemicals, pain that it may cause others, and self discomfort from my chosen action. Theres the experience of doing and being done, non action, arisal, no knowledge of where thoughts creativity, ideas arise from, the mystery. Knowing all of me is the creation of my original face. Theres also a very real understanding of why guru's do what they do and feel fine with it, like sleep with a student, harshly discipline out of supposed benefit of student, and any number of culty things out there. This freedom that comes from waking up seems to reveal that there is no actual moral barometer out there enforcing anything on anyone, almost the opposite, a unconditional love accepting and understanding all as Self/Love. What you and I call karma and fetters is another form of god/play of lila/maya, how could Self ever get anything wrong or cause itself any harm, and yet paradoxically Self is always consuming Self and causing Self pain somewhere in its infinity all the time. As Self it seems like whats done with this individual incarnation is self+Self creating Self in the mystery of itsSelf. What are your thoughts on Self consuming Self, never not Self, the relationship of Self and "right" action. And again I asked 2. to see what makes you in particular feel like your ready to teach and out of curiosity what was that turning point.
  23. Thanks for your answer. My first question I think is very relevant, but the second may be non-usefull, but if you dont want to answer thats fine. New question: What guide post or guide lines do you have for pointing someone towards gaining "usefull" nuance, genuineness, self honesty and awareness.
  24. @Arhattobe I have a few questions on the personal level. 1. What makes you feel qualified to speak about enlightenment or waking up? 2. What was the event that gave you the reason to go oh now I know enough? 3. What is it exactly that you want others to understand, and why?
  25. Thanks for showing up and giving alternate views on this mystery, the forum needs it. That said drop the I know more then you vibe, or atleast look into it for your own growth (or perhaps once a Brit, always a Brit..... ). Do you have a website, videos, book, anything broader then what you've shared? I'd be curious, always looking to learn and grow.