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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. What are YOU looking for in this investigation? What are YOUR initial intentions in this quandary? After reading some of your other posts, you sound like you have a pretty decent life other than maybe OCD? Are you looking for peace of mind, happiness, enlightenment? From what I've gathered, you have some depth of understanding and insight in your spiritual search that recognizes that YOU are looking for a state, but you've also learned that what your looking for can't come from that position. Your searching for something like you would a person with a map looking for treasure, which is natural. You have some concepts and ideas youve learned about that are pointing you to a treasure you want to find. This searching in your head/body is a traveling of sorts looking for the markers and idea's youve learned about and you are looking for those, maybe hoping that one of them will be enlightenment or a transcendence of the mind. Unfortunately, but not always, this can lead you in a circle of your own mind, but by the peace you've said you found it seems to have yielded some fruit in your garden. Have you heard the spiritual saying, you are what your looking for (by your post, it sounds like you may of come across it at one point). Well quiet LITERALLY you are what your looking for and often the act of searching for IT, is taking you into your mind/emotions/body looking for whats already present and self known and unfortunately forgotten. You ever try and try and put your awareness on the sense of I, or the source of what is looking. This can have a profound shift of awareness, in fact there is a well written post on this process and comes from a enlightened sage from India, Ramana Maharshi. So again. Whats your goal. Whats missing? Maybe I can help more.
  2. To answer your question most concisely, no, you dont need to get rid of emotions, you'll tie yourself in knots trying, you just can't get rid of emtions. Forget about the ego, you probably have no idea how to spot it anyways at this point in your spiritual search and will just create more mental activity in yourself than its worth. Follow your desires and emotions of what you truely want. I can help more if you tell me why your looking for enlightenment to begin with?
  3. Hey all, I made my first Meditation/Guided Meditation/Intro to mediation and thought I'd share it with you all. Feel free to leave any comments, experiences, criticisms, critiques. Hope it serves you well.
  4. Sounds like a good life affirming time, thanks for sharing.
  5. The more you try to impress people, the less impressed they’ll be. The more afraid you are of death, the less you’ll be able to enjoy life. One gained through wisdom and experience. The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know. Another gained through wisdom, experience and investment into something. Fighting violence with violence often just leads to more violence and doesn't solve the issue. You can spend your whole life trying to amass wealth, only to leave it all behind when you die. There are objects. There are no objects. Both are 100% true, but you have to have the wisdom and experience to grasp this. Nothing on its own ground, but can be individually appreciated.
  6. Thank you for the kind words, they seem to be in line with what I've received feedback wise in my daily life. Although my wife may say some other things. Np, let me know what you think.
  7. You definatley have awoken to some profound things and perhaps more than I, not sure anyone can say, however I think we, Hinduism and others will have to disagree that what your sharing is the WHOLE shibang. It seems, you/Buddhism seem to limit Absolute to be dependent on a mind and said humans independent verification of it which is not verifiable outside the mind, thus its not absolute (reminds me of the classic materialist debate). Where as I and many others have seen and understood the Truth of whats behind/in/as/that which makes mind possible/this conversation possible/body possible, IS Source/God/Ininfinity, which is never not the case, is You and I and will always be and never not was. And like your nicely put explanation that the body-mind distinction dissolves, such occurrences can and do happen in waking up to what I and others are talking about when Absolute is understood. Honestly I don't think it makes That much of a difference, but was fun discussing. Perhaps I and we better understand why perhaps there has been this Hinduism/Buddhist debate, maybe its hinging on this distinction (I honestly don't know enough about the history of the debate to comment). Also one last thing we can debate over which I use to take as truth, but question is, you said "This opens up the possibility to look at the flower without interference from the mind. This makes you able to see the flower as it is. You experience no-thing and see reality for what it is." Isn't the idea that what ever you call yourself, is seeing said flower as it really is, unclouded from the mind, just an idea? I mean doesn't Buddhism basically say there is no objective reality out there to be seen? Theres just one's seeing? Can one ever really say they see "clearly"? Isn't This a distinction that assumes that nothing is going on behind the process of seeing that would interfere in the seeing of said object clearly. Can one know what they don't know/are aware of, is going on behind the process of seeing? Even if one could, isn't the seeing clearly just one interpretative lens such as human seeing, and not all versions of seeing/feeling/sensing that are possible within this infinite possible universe?
  8. Ok, thanks for the responses so far, but still and I find this interesting of conversation in general, its so hard to nail down what someone is pointing sometimes. Can you describe more by what you mean as no-thing. Is this a state/experience that is within your every experience. Is it wisdom gained through what you;ve pointed to in Buddhist understanding as everything being relative in relation to something else, conscious/reality, flower/soil/sun/earth, feelings/body/mind. This wisdom is a no-thing? Or is this no-thing an actual understanding of it/oneself/the universe and It being the source of all? See from where I stand, there is never not god/infinity/oneness/nonduality. I see what you've been describing within this bubble since nothing is not that. Absolute is a interesting term I was reflecting on my bike-ride to work after I used the term. It can have isolating/hierarchical interpretations. When understood of what I'm talking about, Absolute is not on this scale, nothing is not Absolute, so all is thus absolute. A baby craving food, is Absolute in that form, having Absolute experience. You or I awakening to this understanding again is Absolute in action as such and this experience is no higher or lower then the babies, its all Absolute/God/Inifinty. Waking up to this understanding as a human is a metaphorical pointing to a actual truth that is not merely just a belief a person/body/mind is having, its pointing like Buddhist believe the sun to rise in the east and set in the west, to a actual occurrence that humans fit within wether we are here or not. This isn't some ignorance arising in the clean eye of no-thingness or a illusion held onto a self for security, which I sometimes get the sense is where your coming from. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. Yes I do get what your saying and glad you shared it, since I was trying to expand my understanding of Buddhist thought and realization. That said, I dont necessarily think its the ultimate or final understanding. Hell dont even want to say that since it may be impossible to make such a claim. But I think what Seratoninlove is pointing to and perhaps others as well (I agree with them) is there is a recognition that is not relative, that is understood and realized (and yes within the human form), that is termed nothingness/infinity/god/nondual in Hinduism I believe and other practices which isn't clear you actually understand or have seen, perhaps since your awaking is just enough and you no longer need/want to seek more (your questions have been answered, your awake and happy, and that is fine), but none the less doesn't mean you've seen and understood everything. Then again you later made a comment that alluded to the nothingness that you leave unlabeled is the same as what Seratonin/others/me are talking about, and "maybe" it is, but if you don't understand or see that this nothingness/infinity/nondualness is the source and ground of it all, is in everything and is You and I and is not relative, is and always was the source, then no its not the same. It really may not be that important honestly since the understanding doesn't create happiness and freedom necessarily, its just more knowledge and Truth. So if your happy and understand reality to the degree your happy with and can help others, do so, just keep an open mind there is always more, and in this case, there is this piece of Truth you haven't understood, which again, doesn't mean you need/have to.
  10. Just thought I'd share my first transmission video here since I believe its in line with this forums values. Full disclosure, this is something I'm still waking up to the capacity of and evolving into myself, so results are not guaranteed (sorry no returns). Hope it serves you well, and feel free to ask any questions that may arise.... Read the description for best results. Some people report calmness. Calmness can sometimes be a precursor to unconditional love, and deep peace. If you just start to feel calmness, watch it 1-2x in a row and see if the calmness opens up to more, I may have made the video to short, so in the future I'll do maybe 10-15 mins for better effect.
  11. I'll have to keep looking into the different views of Buddhism schools, but the one your sharing and the one I read about (yogacara) seem to stop at the notion that enlightenment is waking up to the realization that there is just ones human consciousness/congition, and nothing independent of that one can realize or see outside of that, along with the world exists outside of this and is not dependent on human mind/consciousness to be there. One could say they've mastered the path of understanding cognition, maybe? Correct me if I"m wrong at any point. Buddhism stops at a place of nothinness that is termed, non-questioning/grasping and from here its understood that when a question is asked (such as what created all this or created the possibility for all this), it is seen as arising within human consciousness and as you say inherently dependent on the natural nothingness that it arose from. This then leads to, the idea or experience of knowing a Brahnma type realization is said to be a silly idea since it would be a arising question that is answered within this space of nothingness and would thus be boiled down to Buddhist enlightened mind as a idea of something that arose and not the actual recognition of Absolute, but a interpretation of a question and an experience that manifested from it?
  12. So does your Buddhist training not go into the question of what created the possibility for the arising of anything?
  13. What do you mean dependent arising? I think this whole topic was needed and very interesting. I to use to blend Buddhism, Hinduism and even a lot of other different practice under the unquestioned assumption that they are were saying the same thing. However when I posted something one day in a intergral next forum, some guys said I should read about a particular form of buddhism (Cant recall the name atm), but basically I learned buddhist dont seem to believe in a absolute even though I assumed thats what buddha hood/mind/emptiness was. As you said those idea's were barriers or paths towards a seeking that missed the freedom that was already present or as you put it emptiness in which there is freedom in understanding that there is no absolute and truths/things depend on context of origin/other things defined (correct if I'm misquoting or wrong on any of these interpretations of buddhism). This is where I was 3 months ago and had my first big awakening embodying and understanding these things. Yet still something niggled at the edge of consciousness and it was waking up to the truth of what we are. Not just humans, but infinity/god/oneness/Brahman as humans. And yes all that buddhism/the above still has its place and truth in the context of human living, at least this is how I see and understand at this point. So it seems Buddhism (or some sects) stops at a certain point of understanding and doesn't go into the Brahman understanding. However I will say Buddhism may be a better overall path towards "happiness" since it tackles that problem with the cultivation of good habits and treament of others/self which just realizing god doesn't necessarily transform. Just my at this point accumulation and idea's.
  14. Well in the spirit of debate, this brings up a interesting question, one in which can put the mind in a realization of checkmate......perhaps forcing one to drop the question.... For starters when you or anyone brings up the subject "Absolute Truth" what is being said first? Then based upon what is meant in the language/symbol of "Absolute Truth", the question is then, is that Absolute Truth? Which then brings into question again, what Is The Absolute Truth to compare the established question/idea of absolute truth against to then be able to answer the question?
  15. Paid for by the Abbott corporation.!.
  16. Hey John, I dont intend to hurt anyone, its not the intention. I've given a lot of though to the matters brought forth to me by Salvius over the last 5-10 years of my life. I'm very aware of my karma and what karma is from the angle I've been taught through Buddha and other enlightened teachers. I understand there are other interpretation of it out there. I tried to meet him with where I saw Salvius at. When someone tells you, you can get karma by someone touching you, or doing simple energy work (which honestly Im not doing here, I'm presenting something for people to feel for themselves, I'm not doing any intentional work with them personally 1-1 which I do on a daily basis as a body work for the last 10 years, never had a complaint in energetic respect, people can let in as much or as little as they like, or just turn it off if it rubs them the wrong way), its hard to take them seriously. Thats why I gave the examples I did. If karma is so connected to a look, a touch, a stare, a thought (the examples he gave and said came from sahdguru), then we are all fucked every second of our life in the interactions we have. If what he/Sahdguru is saying is that way then it doesn't matter if someone is a energy worker or not, all interactions create karma, so then why point out this instance of it, its happen every second, even in this communication between you and I. Should you or I reflect on how we could be hurting eachother karmicly in our talking? I dont think so, do you? It honestly sounds like a OCD/germaphobes interpertation/belief of karma, and I dont mean this insultingly, just think about it. If what Salvius or Sadhguru is saying is true, everything can kill us energetically. You get my point? If it is this way ultimately then there is nothing to say about it or my videos or anyones energy work, and if karma isn't this way, and is the way that I've learned it from a Buddhist point of view, then you aren't going to catch a cold/death of karma from someones touch, its something you gain or inheret from repetitive action/beliefs. I hear you, and Salv, and I guess Sadhguru, but dont agree if the above examples are what Sadh is saying.
  17. I think you should contemplate the difference by "these are Sahdguru's words" and switch that to Salvijus thinks he knows Sahdgurus words and is quoting his interpretations. I have my own understanding of Karma, I hear your interpretation and have thought about the same thing over the last 5 years and the possibilities it "could" have. Like you've said any possible exchange of energy like this conversations, someone shaking your hand, touching someone, sharing information about meditation, meditating with someone, could all lead to a car accident. Instead of not doing anything as a result of infinite possibilities, I chose to do despite all the random things that can happen in every day exchanges. Anyways it was fun going back and forth, but this is my last response on the subject.
  18. Ya the conversation we are having and the transfering of energy thats taking place could kill you in a accident to, or when you talk to your parents, or get angry at a cat that gives you a bad look and brushes up against you. I think your being overly sensitive, but thats just my opinion. You have yours and thats fine. Respect!
  19. Well if we can inherit karma by just touching people, you should start putting a full body condom on at all times. No but really, if thats true then we just talking, watching leos videos, talking to your boss, shaking hands at work can have just as much impact as what I've shared.....
  20. Sounds like a good move. Also keep in mind, if this feels like to much to shift at once, just take it slower, you may have less ego backlash.
  21. @TheAvatarState Leo beat me to it, it does sound like a lot at once. Go for one for a bit, or maybe 2 of the 3 you listed. Although wimhof + meditation is giong to bring up a lot of shit possibily, so I'd just do one of those and read.