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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. I know what you mean, this stuff is often shared in ways that make it seem like Awakening changes all things on all levels simultaneously (which can happen, but is not always the case). Take for example, Ive been a drug user or a alcoholic in which the behavior pattern has created physical/neurological changes and dependencies. Ten minutes later I have a awakening experience in which you could say Self-Realization/God undersanding/Enlightenment happens. It sticks, there is new found freedom, well being and understanding, however the body may go through a biological response neurochemically in which there is response coming from the cell level for what its use to, this will be felt emotionally and may be uncomfortable while its happening. This may feel like a urge to go consume what ever that thing was that was use to being consumed hourly. Not giving in, may feel uncomfortable. This pattern will still be there until its dealt with, but it may and often does feel less overwhelming and as a result the change over time to reeducate the brain/body/cells food/alchohol consumption/drug patterns will take place, sometimes rapidly, sometimes it may take some time.
  2. Tangible experiential lessening of struggle within.
  3. While I dont generally like the "dream" metaphor, I've gotten a great appreciation for it lately and think it best answers this question. You dream right? You know it feels kinda real and links together, even though logically it shouldn't. Like flying through some clouds only to land in a kitchen talking to your friends, it all can seemlessly fit together in dream land. Much in the same way, what feels like reality and its infinite complexity and building off of itself, is itself a form or type of dream, only this "dream" has lots of sensical and logical obvious stuff that makes sense (to you and most) and fundamentally feels and seems real. Also its consistency and the feeling of this consistency makes it easy to say this is real fundamentally and makes it had to question and see through. So basically to directly answer your question, the "unknown" is like a highly sophisticated Vr-dream machine that you experience everything through, which produces stuff called, known, real, and dreams.
  4. I made a video answering this question, perhaps it can help you and your loved ones in the future.
  5. @Someone here Congratulations, what implications does this realization have for you going forward?
  6. Dont make it into a problem that isn't one. Maybe consider that "other people" is no different than the Universe you love, right? Even from a silly science perspective, its all atoms and protons and space, appearing as different objects and experiences. Let go of how thats supposed to look in interaction, just be, interact, learn, love, feel like you stumble sometimes, rinse repeat. Again don't make a problem that isn't there.
  7. Thats a profound question and one I can relate to in some respects. While I think some of your fundamental conclusions may not be in line with truth, I understand it for surely feels that way. For starters you have no idea what other struggles these people you call rich, beautiful, smart are going through. I had what many considered a hot girlfriend who was a Med student at Harvard who was embarrassed to tell others she went to that school or was a doctor to be. She didn't like the judgements and assumptions she got from telling others this. Other people jealousy and judgment was to much for her. You see, no matter what side of the street your on, theres gonna be challenge, struggle perhaps and things to deal with. It's an illusion that someone has a free ride because they are rich, beautiful, or smart. But then of course your mind will go, well, they have it easier still since at least they have those qualities, and maybe theres some half truths in there, maybe not. All that said, your jealousy isn't going to help you and I think you know this. I'd appreciate how nice the grass is on your side of the street, rather than how nice you think it is over on the otherside or in someone elses shoes. Also forget those "other" people, again you have no idea whats going on inside them, just deal with whats in front of you, it doesn't matter if they have it better or worse.
  8. Maybe I'm just excited and getting ahead of myself, but I do feel this is perhaps the most powerful pointer to feeling "better" now that I've made yet. Let me know what you think, does it resonate? Is there something to this pointer? Any resistances or confusions. Honestly curious, want to refine this message.
  9. Why would it be a strange idea to accept yourself and love yourself if you have cancer? Accept it as a positive, but do what you need to do to get well if its possible and if you can't why fight and be negative about it? Not going to help you as you die (given the example you gave). Ya it is very strange, but the power to accept and not draw negatives about yourself is whats important here. Same with super obese. Don't let others or your own mind bring you down, but by all means make efforts to lose some weight for the health and longevity of your life, and yeah probably well being as well, since super obese isn't comfortable physically. What I'm pointing to is acceptance, an attitude, not letting your own mind or others minds and comments mean anything about you.
  10. @Someone here Another way to tackle and experiment with this issue is to relax into noticing whats being noticed. Some may call this being the awareness in the body. Basically the rules of this practice is as follows. If you notice a desire, or your mind, or your thoughts or emotions about this or that (your desire for something greater or better in the future for example) just relax into being aware of such. Oh a desire you might say, or oh a craving, oh a thought about wanting more, or oh a emotion of wanting more. Just let it be there and happen. Don't take ownership of being the creator of such thoughts. Don't blame yourself as though its a problem that such emotions/thoughts/desires/cravings/whatever happened, just let it be there, since it already is there and happened before any intention *but you may need to look into this subtlety more, to realize that what I'm saying is true or not* Does that make sense? You may feel like, but ya ok, I see those things there, but I don't want them there, I dont like the way they feel, I want them to change or be different, I don't want to crave, or feel craving. Sure, let those happen to and just notice and as others have pointed to, notice how nice it is that day or how beautiful the clouds are or the ground or your breath. Or just smile and be the happy you want to be in that moment, changing your mood as they say.
  11. How would you feel if your so called addiction was something that everyone did and considered as normal? Findom as you say. Would it really bother you then if its a accepted looked highly upon societal activity? Or if it was considered one of the highest praises and achievements of self development, would you really feel so bad for spending the money and doing this activity? Maybe upon seeing your answer you may realize that the issue is not the issue, but how you relate to it and believe it to be.
  12. Ya I like Matt Kahn, at least the very little I've seen of him. Lovely message, and fun energy.
  13. Let me know if this was useful, or if theres anything confusing about it.
  14. Ya same. I can relate for sure. Enjoy it while its there, if it effects your practical life in such ways that you can't show up for work and relationships, then maybe call it a addiction, otherwise, just let it be what it is, I don't see any harm in feeling what your describing in your process. Maybe in time your naturally just move onto something else.
  15. Ya, I wouldn't use it if it causes this much stress, there's an infinite amount of approaches out there, find one that clicks. On a side note, this type of perspective has done wonders in my life, but again its not for everyone. It may only work for those who have really accepted death and suffering as a normal part of life. Death and suffering aren't bad parts of life, out of place, poorly designed or not supposed to be there. It is what it is, it happens, doesn't necessarily feel great when it does, but that in of itself is not a bad thing.
  16. @softlyblossoming I’ll keep my answer tied to the video I made but some of your questions are interesting and could be useful going into individually for starters the video is just pointing out something you can observe going on in your current reality and from that reality point of view I’m posing a logical question about why wait for outcomes to happen to feel how you would feel if it were to happen. That is it . It is possible yet not the normal mode of going about things. In regards to some of your questions. Isnt it great that the “lies” that you saw through and deconstructed are in fact not true? this can be a great relief. How is this recognition a lie? And sometimes it’s not a relief, but now you know the original lie is not true and hopefully it makes it less pulling in it believability and suffering qualities. and the reframing you say you do to replace the old lie that feels better, how is this a “lie”. Doesn’t it feel good when you do this? Why not leave it at that. Also this may hold some truth for you. You see if your seeing through a lie, it doesn’t need to be replaced with a better lie, because it’s not true to begin with. Perhaps your not deconstructing to the point of seeing it’s fundamental falseness, you may be trying to say a more pleasant story while still holding something that is believed.
  17. I don't know man, not sure if I follow your train of thought. I'm basically pointing to the fact that there's so much mystery and possibility, that "computers" or unicorns becoming able to talk or appear to think on their own doesn't seem unreasonable or a far stretch by any means. I think a far more real question to ponder that has implications in your existence perhaps, is to really ponder into that there's something at all. What is the implication that there is something at all to begin with, rather than not. And if its possible that this "something" could of come from somewhere else. And when this is understood, what is the implications of this. Enlightenment: You are existence, a logical explanation - YouTube
  18. @Someone here Even though there is something bigger so to say than either, if humans can seemingly come from stardust over millions of years, I see no reason that so called computers and circuit boards couldn't become conscious.
  19. Ya I had a hard time with this even after 100s of bob dual experiences and 1000s of hours of meditation. I feel like some shifts happened after I tried a few things that at first felt silly and counter to everything I had learned and framed reality through. first ask yourself do you feel love or find yourself in loving anything. What does that feel like. Can you do the same in relation to yourself or your thoughts or emotions. Like literally love your thought objects and your inner image. Project warmth to it when it arises sometimes. Treat it as a actual alive entity which can be accepted and has value like a person. Experiment with this. It may feel Very foreign or wierd at first. If this causes more discomfort then maybe lessen it or stop for a bit and try again. Let me know if you have any questions.
  20. I find Sam very open to possibilities expressed within many spiritual traditions, he just approach is it from a very vigorous scientific and materialistic standard, which I can relate to from my own experience.
  21. Thats a good a take away as any, and I guess after listening to it again, it is the overall message, the real short and sweat of it. . Although I'd say some of the felt intention behind the video was to point out how ones inner blah blah blah experience doesn't have to be paid attention to or felt so significantly. Not to say inner experience isnt great or relevant, but to show how one could let it go as well or make no importance of it, and in doing so free oneself from shit that seems important, but is actually just stressful or causing stress. Like a new tool that one can use, once understood or shown its possible, or pointed to as possible. I may make a follow up video going more into detail, but it seems like one can get wrapped in a myriad of notions around experience. For example one may be like, "hey, this is my feelings, they deserve respect or consideration and are thus important and need to be met" either by others or by ones own expectation of how they should feel or how they believe they should feel or how they believe how feelings should be base upon some rule of whats good and whats bad. Like for example a person may think if they feel unpleasant they are doing something wrong, or that their feeling unpleasant is some validation that they have it hard and go into some victim mindset or some slightly more positive societal mindset such as thats just life and its tough and rough, yet still on the downer side of things. Spiritual people may sit in feelings under the belief that if they move away or push away or do something to change their feelings, that they are breaking some Buddhist or "sit in feelings and be awareness rule", and as a result the possibility of being able to break free in spectacular and instantaneous ways are rejected, dismissed or more realistically unimaginable, since "they've learned this new way of being to help themselves or inherited these new idea's of right and wrong in relation to "emotions" or "thoughts", which again are not absolute.
  22. @Someone here You could say the "context" is "a something/nothing that includes context and non-context, is everything while everything is never anything solid or anywhere". Lol let that one sink in. Its pretty wild, and if you don't find the love in it, you will feel empty in the searching and trying to understand.
  23. If a god bites you as a snake, do you as god want to let it engulf and end the body/current adventure dream, or do you/god want to fight the snake/god off you and live another day so to say. None the less, chances are, without thinking, you will struggle and try to get it off you, but either way I think my answer gives you more depth to your question.