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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. I’m talking more about love energy in the universe not personal love.
  2. So, I do my best to point to unconditional love in words and making sense of how to live ones life from this place, or at least to the best each of us can.
  3. Glad you liked the video. I use to be on the shy side, but still am a bit of a introvert. I feel pretty good in front of the camera actually and speaking about these topics or video games But maybe your seeing old energy bodies of mine.
  4. don’t you have better things to do god then make a little post on this forum. Aside from that why did you make yourself hidden to most humans is there a plan in place are humans going to make themselves extinct any time soon
  5. Ya nothing really needs to be said. Its understood and is bound to happen when you party. Really, REALLY, its no big deal AT ALL. Don't distance yourself for something that people will one day tell a great story about you and say remember that one time you drank so much passed out and puked. Happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Seriously just laugh it off.
  6. Sometimes things like this peel away the shell of our old ideas and beliefs (which are can be looked at as a covering of our deeper energetic love makeup), when this happens we feel raw and open/vulnerable which interestingly enough is accurate to whats happening, like a wound thats exposed in flesh, it feels raw and vulnerable.
  7. I was thinking about what were some critical understandings that I found along the way of understanding and awakening to truth, and being honest with yourself came up as one of the most important, if not the most. Let me know what you think and if it was helpful, or perhaps any questions you have or would like me to go into.
  8. Thank you for the feedback. From reading your posts lately, You also seem to be deepening in your understanding and you have a good use of putting matters of the mind and nonduality into your own language.
  9. Thanks for sharing. Sweet story. Perhaps your path is opening more doors....
  10. @Martin123 @Aimblack @DrewNows Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot to me. I've wanted to share what I've learned for a while, and its good to hear it is of some use to people. So again thank you. Cheers!
  11. Joes a pretty open minded guy in my experience. He's been exposed to a lot. He's got a good head and decent heart as well. I think you can learn a lot on his show and he's a pretty good gateway for people somewhere in orange to be exposed and open up to values and views in green/yellow.
  12. Sounds like you got good advice, I'd follow it. You'll let this new I am ground into being in this process. In regards to your first question though, on this is obviously so, that will come later When you see it, you'll go oh fuck me, THATS whats always been
  13. To me it sounds like you may be experiencing a new state of conscioness that you’ve labeled as the I am state that you’ve read and learned about. It may be it may not. That’s for you to understand. Elaborate on the I am state if you can. In terms of the it’s so obvious question. Serotonin gave a great answer. My my sense is your on to something but your still caught up in distinctions and confusion of the mind still grasping and labeling. Again what is this I am state in your own words. Not what you’ve read. Why is it an I am state and not just anything else
  14. Thank you. Ya sometimes the energy of the speaker communicates more then their words, and sometimes the words create logical energy bridges to the source of what they are pointing to. I literally spent a year watching videos on Nonduality from Adyishanti, Paul Hedderman, Lisa Cairns, Rupert Spira, Da Free John, Papaji, and 95% of the time I couldn't follow any of their words, but the energy of what they shared opened up and disintegrated more then I knew was possible. So again thank you for the comment, makes it worthwhile.
  15. You keep narrowing down what I'm saying into partials that disintegrate my actual point/s. I've done the inquiry and it can reveal Truth, but I'm also saying that its not the whole picture.....and yet paradoxically it kinda is
  16. And if ITS all within a "Dream", wouldn't that make the dream, the real and the real, the dream. The actual and not actual in Mario world is answered in Understanding.
  17. It is a fun game. But isn't also a really interesting one to find out some actual truths of Being? Somehow I feel like your saying its never actually going to amount to finding out something "actual". Or am I reading into this incorrectly.
  18. Im more saying that it's more then just experience, its more then just the answer to the question you posed, its more then any human view on it, its also all those, its the answer, the question and the answering/questioning process. So when I say all "awakening to nonduality and everything in between experience" is in a way a metaphor that is pointing to an actual, I'm saying just that and simultaneous its more then that and Is that.
  19. In that particular moment there are no questions and answers, and all distinctions collapse, but that doesn't invalidate something happening or something never not always being the case. Which is were questioning and finding out into ones nature and what this is all about comes in, perhaps you could say from "what is" itself.
  20. In my experience of such things, there isn't a particular "thing" that can be pointed to, to answer such a question. Any experience that answers the question is in essence a metaphor for the actual. Philosophical theory, logical connections, scientific examples can also be useful in this domain to again metaphorically point to a broader encompassment of "what is", because just non-questioning, no-mind and human refereed "direct experience" isn't a full answer either in pointing to Truth of what is.... Edit: Although even the process of creating and experiencing the metaphor is the source in action as well, so its not to undermine this "action" nor deny its pointing because its never not the whole picture.