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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. Hey guys, so this a experimental video. I'm more trying to convey a connection then a contextual understanding. If your up for it, watch this video in a quiet setting and just listen, don't focus on the words, let the mind bend, think, doubt, ponder, but don't get caught up in it, just keep coming back to the sound. Let me know if it brings up anything useful or if you have any questions pertaining to the content, I can maybe answer it here.
  2. Good. Can you pause a moment and see that on some level your fundamentally approaching this whole enlightenment idea like a scientist tries to understand rules to then replicate said rules. Then once these rules are repeated, said believed person will then become what it then believes it has through its own story (now enlightened because of doing enlightened things and having some changes in perception). Hmmmm what is this said believed ‘person’before ,during and after this story that is believing itself to be enlightened. If you begin to panic and doubt yourself now, just relax and let it happen the mind is being check mated
  3. As the above poster made mention, you said you think you saw nothingness and then rationalized that this may be your true self. However what is aware of this ‘you’ that saw all this other stuff. That my friend is worth looking into. If you can see what you call yourself inside your head body or awareness your not there yet.
  4. Was the video any different with the directions better understood?
  5. Sounds really deep and significant. I can relate through past experiences. I think it’s important to ask yourself what do you still want if your not willing to fully let go into this void. There is no wrong answer but be really really honest even if the answer is I don’t know. Some things to consider asking is do you trust this void do you know what your doing all this for and why Maybe share it here. In regards to your bullet points. B. And c. I found hugely important. If you can really let in and see there is no subject your cruising ? but don’t pretend it won’t be pure. With c. You may start to really see there is no place but here, you, now, happening. Congratulations man you may be close to a big milestone breakthrough. Just don’t shit your pants.
  6. I’ve firmly believed in both camps for various reasons at different points in life. Now I can see the truth may be neither.
  7. Thanks for sharing. It’s always nice to hear the power of awakening to your true self.
  8. Hi soonhei. My hope was that by saying what I said would help drop the minds the tendency to search for literal meaning, but it seems your at the moment getting a little caught up in my directions ?. So just watch it like you normally would with no expectations, and if you notice your trying to figure out what I’m saying just come back to the sound of my voice or the silence in between speaking. Make sense? Let understanding happen if it happens. If your caught up in something I said just come back to the voice.
  9. Nah. It will pass. Sounds like your going through some spiritual thingyness, and you have a healthy perspective on it
  10. @lmfao what makes you think you suffer a lot. What makes you think your addicted. Honestly.
  11. Sometimes we try to brute force awakening. Not saying you are but I’m in that camp that believes that if a certain issue sends you into full in panic perhaps your just not ready to face it. And that’s being honest. Pushing full force is just ego in my opinion. Donsome other inner work if inner work is what your heart desires but leave the really big panic one for later.
  12. Sounds like you onto something, the secret now is to trust in your ‘ah ha’ and carry on without looking back!
  13. Agreed. There is a time and place for it. Another example i can think of is Sometimes trauma is to much for one to bear and face if it’s not detached from and seen as other or within a context that invalidates ones currently held belief system or foundation
  14. The subtlety here though is the duality is awareness as well. And yes I would agree big time that healing at this point your pointing to is because you know your not it. But but but there may come a time where you start to see your everything and healing is a result of feeling understaninding and seeing that everything is perfect including what was once regarded as suffering. That make some sense?
  15. I would go on a guess and say IT IS the main reason people are attracted to nonduality, I know I was and still have that in me. Stress, depression, anxiety still part of my life.....hey thats not what I did 20 years of spiritual practice for man, not fair, but when I really really really let in suffering, suffering is "less" of an issue.
  16. This assumes 'enlightenment' is under ones control or willingness, there are many many many teacher who would disagree. When the ego hears this sometimes, it thinks its not doing something to get "enlightenment". But yet paradoxically there is willingness surrender it "seems". But I agree with many of the other things you've shared, right on.
  17. The issue with this kind of metaphors and views of non-dual they can unfortunately create unhealthy dis-attachment as well..... because its not really about not responding to a plane crash or feeling for a loved as well. I know that in my experience and hearing others it can make the mind/person will non-responsiveness.
  18. Be open in this phase, dont think it over to much, let what happens, happens. Is it possible that this strange feeling, the perception of your body now, the awareness all around, are not separate, are one happening, one being, one you. Could this fragmentation be a temporary seeing that is of your being. Dont over think it, but let it in.....
  19. I'm gonna say something a little different since your so young. What is it your trying to awaken from? Do you have a grasp on life as a normal 18 year old? Do you feel like you've seen a lot of the world? Relationships, work, volunteered helping people with less than yourself, supported yourself. I do wonder if having little exposure to world before doing spiritual practice is a good thing (it still may be). Nothing wrong with having some meditation, some yoga practice, some basic inquiry, but nothing to serious. This is of course unless your heart and intuition are heavily pulling you that way.
  20. Hey Shin, Clearing karma may have happened in the past, but more stuff can and does come up as one ages. I don't think one can safely say and know that all has been cleared, I think its best to assume one hasn't and not be closed to the notion that there may still be stuff hidden. That said, don't go try looking for it, it will find you In regards to your situation, it may be a energetic shift that is triggering a heart that is still in development. You have more to learn and grow into my friend, maybe let this in, and softly inquire into what it may be or just throw a open question out to the universe, "what am I to learn from this" and see what happens.
  21. This process of awakening can feel very weird sometimes. Right now your "just awareness" is still a lens of perception that doesn't sit well in your embodiment. Hopefully and eventually you'll see that the at the burger and went shopping is not "just awareness", but simply ones life known on the deepest levels without focus and obsession, as infinity in action/being however you may parse it. Not sue if this helps, but "what" feels like its in a "body"? Theres a subtlety here, can you feel/see it?
  22. Why is this a problem? Perhaps the planet needs less people. We aren't the center of it or the universe. If what you say is true, then this makes me very happy. I like people, I like animals, I like life, and honestly less humans is probably better for them all at this point in time.
  23. Who said the point of life is "waking up". Who said you need to meditate for thousands of hours? What kind of life do you want to live if its not meditating for thousands of hours trying to find something called waking up? No one's forcing these things on you. If these ideas trouble you, your free to drop them and live out something your more interested in. You are free......