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Mu_ replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Wasnt meant as challenge or competition. I acknowledge your words and will leave you to you. -
Mu_ replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Just out of curiosity, have you noticed if this belief creates a, seeing now as no there yet did-ease I say this because What if ‘there’ was a 100% not going to happen, full stop. Could you be fully here then? Fully at peace with the knowledge you’ve gained.? Because isn’t the truth not still the case despite its visual and experiential differences. -
After 18+ years of spiritual practice with mind blowing ups and suicidal downs, Self-Realization occurred and I woke up to what we all are and it stuck. Ive been making myself more and more available to helping people find out who and what they are over this last year and will continue to do so. Feel free to ask me anything relevant to your path. Now you may of noticed I dont use the word "enlightenment", I do this because its just to muddled and divided on what it means. So if you are to use that word with me please really define what you mean. And if you do use this word in your own inner dialogue and life in general, I encourage you to REALLY look into what you mean and are seeking, because this can be a awakening of its own sort. 1. If you have a question, the more you can share about yourself and how it relates to your life, the better for your awakening. 2. If your a bit shy, feel free to private message me. If you don't feel like asking anything, this is probably the most important tid bit yet that has come up in these questions that is helpful for everyone. What helped this experience stick instead of just being an enlightenment experience and coming back down? Ive thought a lot about this since and I'm afraid its impossible to nail down exactly. The biggest issues that were faced in the end was the complete acceptance that I can't avoid death and danger to me or my loved ones. That "I" can't be proven or dis-proven, choice and the arising of desire appear on their own, and God is All. There was years of meditation before this, years of contemplation and exposure to various perspectives on consciousness, thought, science, synchronicitys, speaking with spirits and angels, multiple mushroom and lsd experiences, many great adventures and travels, and many many many challenges of having to bear my own mind, emotions, and disintegration. My advice to you is if your interested in this "waking up" stuff, accept it as the biggest challenge of your life and that you may have to go through things you do not like and doesn't feel good, but at the same time, don't take it to seriously. Be consistent with your practice, but don't become to rigid that you feel guilty for dropping it some days. Ego backlash will happen and if I've learned anything, its important to respect those periods sometimes and just take a little break, do something fun or restful and non harming to yourself and others. This "awakening" thing isn't a race, the universe has been around for billions of years and if you've been doing a lot of personal work or implementing a lot of new changes (sometimes even just a little), this can challenge you at your deepest levels, re-calibrating the body, mind and spirit, and require some needed rest from from the process your putting yourself through. Meditation did wonders in cultivating a stance to be able to see the movement of thought and stories that we are believing without knowing it. Looking into these stories and understanding what attached me helped me let go of coming from those places. As stories fell away, emptiness, unbrokenness and new perspective slowly emerged. The mind and some of the many tricks and its core desires became more obvious. Wanting to feel important over other humans, feeling entitled to everything, the belief of being in control, that life is out to get you or against you, needing to be right and prove others wrong, and many many more, many of which are specific to this incarnation. Being open, and ready for the possibility that anything can change that your convinced is just the way it is, is just you, always has been and always will be. If this isn't confronted, chances are you will remain stuck, in the hundreds of ways this can happen in a life. Really finding it in you through investigation that ANYTHING is possible even if it seems scientificly so or rationally. Again, just the mindset will allow for your life, mind and body to do what you couldn't imagine. Trusting that life is worth living and inherently good and that most people mean well, is important, it will keep you grounded and sane, help steer you away from a lot of unneeded conflict with others, help with inner doubt, and apprehension on letting go of your trauma's, and pains you will face. Theres a lot more, but these are really important in my opinion no matter what path you feel drawn to.
Mu_ replied to mandyjw's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That’s awesome, ya me to. -
So I'm venturing back into doing another Transmission video, my last one seemed to get some good feedback and interestingly enough by far the most video views (which I find fascinating and don't completely understand). So again, this is for those who are open to something out of the box, willing to let down their mind and expectations and interested in expanding into something new. I'm also really interested in your feedback and experiences, because this is a new thing that has recently opened up on my own path. Also I know it may seem weird or asking a lot, but if you start to feel even the smallest something, try watching it again, these type of things can take a little time to work through the layers of conditioning and the mind. Again like before, I suggest meditating 10-30 mins before so that your mind is at least a little at rest. Peace. And P.S. while I don’t promote psychedelics I will say they have their uses and I have a sneaking suspicion that you’ll get more out of this video while on one ☝️
Mu_ replied to mandyjw's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ya who knows.... -
Mu_ replied to mandyjw's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Its not so direct as your hoping. While I talked about these things in some what of a linear fashion they don't always unfold that way. So let go of "next step", "You" "Are". Drop solving, let it come and go. I read your recent returning post and think its great that you saw so much into "not needing" in its many ways, keep letting those be seen through, love and care and consider in your life. If you really need to get your finances taken care, really get it taken care of, I know you mentioned something like this before. -
Mu_ replied to mandyjw's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I dont know why but my sense for you is that you may find it useful to let go of connecting, since honestly "what" is there to connect? -
Mu_ replied to ardacigin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Jordan94 Thank you for everything you've shared, you obviously have a lot of experience with what your doing, where you've come from and whats changed and how its changed. I even took a few notes to contemplate over in the future. However one trap that I've fell into in the past, read about from past teachers and found in people I've worked with is having "to much" of a understanding of where your at, where your not and how far away you are to that. Is this something you’ve encountered in your path? -
Mu_ replied to mandyjw's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I like what you are bringing into the picture about "grounded/ungrounded" its something I'll have to consider in future interactions. But yes "absolutely so's" provide grounding, perhaps because of the nature of the humans mind/bodys development and ease certainty provides it. This is neither a good or bad thing, just what is, grounding is a pleasant experience one needent try to reject in hopes of getting to those higher, flowy expanding, minding blowing times, nor hold onto in fear that they will lose something they've gained, finally gotten to or understood (even if these do and will happen as its "human" to greater and lesser degree's, like in death of a loved one or loss of ones useful capacities in contributing in ways they no longer could due to a brain injury or loss of a arm). From my own experience, it seems as though through so many grounded ungrounded, grounded, ungrounded, that chaos, change, stability chaos change stability became a "grounded" you could say, and the nature of "grounded" is perhaps less suffering, stability, ease in the same prior chaos, change, stability. But there is also infinite subtley in this to, since chaos, change, stability, and ones "absolutely so" are also/are/and more, dependent on mind/yourself/itself and how one/it/you, relates to/see's such/IS (again not negating, but are intertwined/are/and more). Hmm as I write this I see the need for a new language to communicate multiplicity at once......thats what the also/are/and more is indicating. -
Mu_ replied to mandyjw's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is my theory, its important sometimes for a student to understand something as "absolutely so" for a while, since the benefits that come with this, is that a much higher ingraining effect on the psyche can take place. Most if not all psychies to begin with are believing a "absolutely so" that is generally not fully benefiting them, and having them acclimate, change and then live from a new vantage point for a period of time can be very healing in letting them let go of their previous harming tendencies, and mind sets that are more fixed and limiting. Neti Neti is one of these and is also not false nor true, which is yet another developing and enveloping perspective that can come in "development". Which if we want to continue with the theme that I've started, "development", a word that for most minds triggers an idea of time and a taking placeness over a experiential length of some sort, is a Nowness thing that only appears to take place in a experience of time (another awaking perspective). However this "Nowness" and "Time Experience" and "Developments that take place" are both true and not reducing of the other, since again all thats being shared about here is of Source/God and Source/God is all there is, it is those things and doesn't reduce those things to "only god exists" and "those other understandings/perspectives/life experiences" aren't real. (another awakened understanding and something a lot of people on this forum are stuck in). -
Mu_ replied to SoonHei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Seriously what’s both a rabbit and duck and feeling stuck. -
Thank you for sharing, these types of things are very subtle for most, thats why when I was working with these types of practices, I would rewatch them a few times, to give it time to settle in.
Mu_ replied to ThomasT's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Awesome to hear stuff like this. Lots of People don’t understand how transformational meetings with god. Deep realizations or making a real change in ones life can have. -
A statue? Lol not the intention of the video. Can you elaborate?
Hey, So it may be spiritually related and it may not. I know this may seem heartless, but consider yourself lucky that your worse issue is fatigue. Honestly just look around the world and see your situation on the "The potential life suck that could happen to you" Scale, and let it in, your pretty ok man. Also, Keep going within, really just ask internally when its most quiet within and without, what is the best course of action, trust this for a while, and go with what it revealed. Trust yourself. Doctors don't know whats going on, forums all have their own idea's, its just you and you now. Find strength in this. Accept all the worst possibilities and all the best and continue living at peace with it all, since in the end you can't predict whats around any corner from this point on.
Mu_ replied to Anton_Pierre's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Dont just tell me, tell the whole enlightenment community, because its a huge thing to find a method for such. Its something that many teachers don't have the answer to, myself included even though it happened. Just out of curiosity how do you intend to find the most direct methods? Self testing? Interviewing all awakened masters and their students to find out what did and did not work? Really curious, I like your honesty when you say you don't want to delude or send anyone down the wrong path, but what your claiming is out there, is something I don't know if there is "one or two". By the way are you a aspiring student, or do you feel as though you've awakened to a degree that you feel ready to show the way? -
Mu_ replied to lostmedstudent's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Its something you can cultivate by deliberately remembering almost loosing your life and the importance that had on you, and deliberately praying and giving thanks for a few minutes in your meditation in the morning at night to your loved ones and things you appreciate or appreciated that day. Its something that I've done from the suggestion of Tony Robbins (he does it every morning) and it seems to work. -
Mu_ replied to Anton_Pierre's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
How does one become aware of the intelligence of God-Self from no self? -
The important distinction here that only you can be honest and truthful about with yourself is, do you believe your consciousness as an idea, or do you know deeply. Its when you know deeply that you can just allow/surrender let all the ego stories, bodily tendencies, traumas/karma's still present to continue to exist, and allow for a transformation/transcendence to unfold that will take time, but is rooted in the deep realization of your true face. Does any of this resonate? If not, keep with a practice of looking into the stories of what you believe you are, and the stories that continue to keep you in fear or cause suffering to you or others and see them for what they are. Maybe this video will help...
Mu_ replied to lostmedstudent's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Crazy story, thanks for sharing. Ya death right in front of you really brings out the desire to live and can switch a lot of things on in you you never knew you had, like appreciation, yearning to live, desire to go for some goals you were putting off, closeness to loved ones. Glad your still here, now its time to live life with a greater appreciation of the time -
Mu_ replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When a everything revelation happens you will have no doubt what it’s pointing to. Hahaha. You can get very intellectual after but the embodied directness of that moment is such that all is oneself experientially. Not a belief. No confusion about it. Remember before your recognition of nothingness. Prior it may of seemed impossible unfathomable, or just a fantasy. Then boom void/nothing/undefinable yet happening. Same thing here boom, everything, historical laughter probably. Your point 2. Is interesting. I’d have to ponder that one some more. -
Mu_ replied to Druid420's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Really that’s fascinating. Do you have any articles links or what not about this. I want to read about it.