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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. Pretty cool man. It’s all one from the most mudane to the highest concieveable. It’s the meta and the body and difference in appearance is ‘that’ to ‘oneness’. Let that sink in for a while, even the apparent differences is oneness itself.
  2. @Shin (thought you may want to hear this one shin) This may be not completely related to this particular video but made me think of it when you mentioned focus. Something I realized a 4-5 years ago about focus is it magnifies what your experiencing. So if you have discomfort in the body and you focus on it with attention, talking about it, complaining in your own head, try to shift away from it or push it away (sure stretching may feel nice with muscle tightness), it just brings it more to light which can increase it. This is also true with pleasant feelings/stuff, in which you can bring it more into focus and experience. I played around with this for a few years and its really amazing how you can shift comfort/experience/situations internally just by where you focus your attention inwardly and outwardly. I know for myself one dogma I adopted years before this was that one must rest in all their experience, sometimes even just focusing on it and letting it melt. However due to mind conditionings such as focusing on our dislikes, discomforts, whats wrong, we often are making what seems to be going on more then it is and in this we are actually creating more of the suffering we think "just is". And when I was adopting this just sit in the experience and focus on it so it melts, I was actually just sitting in my dogshit creation of my own mind, letting it just stink up my own body and mind, when in fact I should of been cleaning house (putting my attention else where and not creating shitty beliefs). This is kinda a flipside and paradox on suffering that my video didn't address because they are almost opposite commits you have to explore, but thought maybe you could relate or benifit (I may make a video on it).
  3. Hey man first of all great job so with the efforts and discipline you’ve put in so far. Don’t beat yourself up over not meeting your expectations just yet. These things take time. I read that your doing psychoanalysis, how long you been putting time into this. Tackling the intimacy issue sounds important but also let in it may or may not be the time for this to resolve, so don’t force it or get frustrated it remains. just surrender some of the belief and control you have that it’s ALL in your control, this is really important in my experience. Put effort in to some degree with what you do but leave room for the unknown/god/the mystery of life and growth to help. Your putting seeds in the garden and not letting nature rain on you ? allowing it’s grace to nurture the seed/you. The fact that your feeling stale may also be a sign that it’s time to explore and experiment with some new areas of life or spiritual practices. Maybe volunteer some of your time to those less fortunate then you if you have the means or look into new spiritual teachers wisdom. Youve got s good heart and yearning, I can feel it. Keep your head up and let in the love that’s out there for you.
  4. Your question presumes a lot of things that may be false to begin with. Is all fear terror and worry linked to the ego? does fear only arise in relation to a someone? What is the ego even and where is it if it is actually there. Whats your main desire in wanting to know the answer to your questions? are you looking for confirmation about how much you’ve let go of the ego or not?
  5. Like discovering new life forms under a rock simply because you were curious to explore nature, I hope you find this video to spark a curiosity to see with freshly inspired eyes a new possibility of living. The subject matter is meaning and purpose, but the answer may not found in them. Enjoy. Feel free to ask me any questions on the subject or feedback you may have.
  6. Hey man, thanks for the feedback. Yah, I think I generally do a combination in my previous videos without attempting to, but I think its important to keep in my mind that I'm talking to someone on the other end and its part of human conversation to have general eye contact. Video making is kinda a strange thing, because no ones there but a little camera haha.....
  7. Thanks for the feedback. Yah I’m a little soft spoken and the recording mic is something I’m working with but I think my stuff will always need to be turned up a little and I’m fine with that. My gaze is easy to change it just didn’t feel natural to just stare into peoples eyes (at least from the viewers perspective). Theres definitely micro pauses in my sentences and maybe some hums. I’ll have to pay more attention to that. Although I’m not sure if the micro pauses will change its kinda how I communicate as words surface from inside. Not sure what you mean about the sentences not connecting. Mom working in giving more examples in my personal experience. It honestly was my most easy trait at one point but something’s shifted with some consciousness changes and relating to the past personal is almost like remembering something that was another life time ago. Again thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.
  8. Hey shugendora long time no see. I’d say you may need to create the time you want by making some plans and executing them. Like Nahm said perhaps you need a new job. Just write down how much time you want to free up and how you would need to go about making that happen and do it.
  9. I’d say you have a good addiction with the forum if it’s your only connections to others who are in similar wave lengths. This is natural who wouldn’t want to have peers that understand them and create positive connections and experiences. In regards to being crazy. Your right there is no such thing and your dad may be right to in what he means. He may be pointing to someone who doesn’t resemble human in behavior. But again this is all in comparison to something. You may less and less resemble ‘human’ in his eyes and others but this may just be a natural part of a metamorphosis that happens. Maybe it’s best for now to share less outside the forum. But also make sure you keep your child and your survival in the picture ?
  10. Thanks for sharing. I get where your coming from and what your saying, I’ve said the same things myself before as well. however it’s sometimes strange for me to put a label on something that has no definitions even if it’s in the vicinity of truth. Also the video wasn’t exactly trying to give a purpose for anything in particular including life but more pointing to the mystery itself. So you’d say you’ve seen this process of meaning and purpose seeking in yourself in past reflection? How was it to let it go if I may ask.
  11. You had expectations of my hair as you went into the video. Did you find the content interesting?
  12. But your swinging around a zen Keisaku without even saying hello or developing an understanding of their ego. Your also making the assumption again that she was coming from a place of superiority (again could be right, but she seemed anything but to me). Based upon this you just swooshed zen around like a ogre trying to hit a hobbit, lol. Sorry man, but keep the sword sheathed for a little bit and just chill with the person and pleasantly and generally help them, let the warm up to you, gain some trust, we are all nobodies at first to eachother, I'm learning this bit by bit as well. Honestly if anything she seemed more genuine and honest with where she was at and what was going on then I'd say 90% of this forum. She'll be fine, but her experience here definitely could of been more welcoming.
  13. It’s good to see a non reactive response to what I said to you and it seems that you may use more discretion in the future from your last reply to ivory. I think it’s important to let in that where you think she is coming may be incorrect and it’s important to consider this. I don’t think she was coming from a place of superiority (maybe she was). But without knowing a little bit more your trying to teach a lesson that may just come across as just putting words in her mouth or at the worst just coming across as kinda a dick. I’ve done the same and have learned and am learning that it’s generally better to err on the side of not knowing and as such just get to know the other and be kind till a more certain clear picture of the person arises She seems genuine and stable enough to not crumble from an approach like that but I do question if she will see anything more then someone who couldn’t connect with what she was saying and hoping to get answers insight and likeness of experience. Sometimes people just need a friend, validation and acknowledgement about the confusing nature of ‘real’ challenges and dilemmas that are hard on the human heart AND are part of the journey. I highlight AND because it’s what happens to and as ‘god/Self’ and understanding such can open a compassion that is ‘unconditionally positive’ where you can care for another like a child. And yes children need sternness sometimes but you do it when the child trusts and knows you and maybe even loves you. Otherwise the other is just going to see you as another human stranger that is just being edgy or Dickish. I honestly think you will get further in helping people which I can feel you want to, with a more heartfelt approach to strangers.
  14. @ajasatya pretty much the most assholish series of responses I may of seen on here to a new authentic human looking to genuinely understand her current dilemma. I get that you believe your helping her with your beyond ego wisdom but I feel you totally didn’t see how none of what you said may of been useful to her from where she is at. The whole exchange was just devoid of inquiry and interest in getting to know her more and see what she’s about and what may be useful to her. Her feelings of being hurt were met with a superiority by you and a few others that she’s just a flawed ego and some sternness in your part is going to show her how it’s her lack of development and understanding is the issue. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen you act this way either and while I’m not your teacher I do hope you reflect on it if your really interested in this ‘enlightenment’ thing.
  15. @ShinYa I agree with you on Aja’s comment
  16. I have similar findings, then dropping it all and realizing there is no moment that could be in.
  17. Sounds like you need to go out have some sex, enjoy a relationship, have your partner confuse the hell out of you, get your heart broke, then maybe maybe maybe you can look at your mind for what it is and go huh this motherfucker is still yappen even though I did all those societal relationship guy yearning things. Or perhaps your heart just wants to experience those and it will be deeply healing. Let me me tell you a little story I use to meditate for 2 hrs a day and 5 on Sunday I learned a lot but there were still lots of things going on inside that I tried and tried and tried to let be, like relationship desires, beliefs that relationships were just mostly negative and a drag of artificial love and deceit I also thought I had a small dick well fast forward a few years and after dating for a few years having good relationships in between I learned a ton I found a lot of heart growth as well women said that I had a above average penis size and all this mind stuff surrounding all my previous issues I tried to meditate away/through resolved themselves Life is bigger then spiritual work man and spiritual work is important to but sometimes without some life experiences you only have your beliefs about such things and experience can be a really good teacher ?‍?
  18. That’s really stuff, puts into words much of my own awakening process. Almost to the T. I’ll have to give the book a read. My only hesitation is that this type of organic testing and finding what works best requires a degree awareness trust and openness already to I imagine use it effectively but maybe I’m wrong. Kinda hope I am. Gonna have to mull this over more but the more I feel my own experience and see what he’s saying there is a simple method that I can see building trust in oneself from the get go.
  19. You make a good case for the advantages of a map vrs no map, particular a map that burns itself at one point. I believe a lot of what you said is pretty accurate. What are your thoughts and understandings of why certain systems say for instance, focus on the heart, or focus on the breath or focus on the tip of the nose as the point of focus and if there is a benefit of one vs the other and what are those benefits in your experience?
  20. @ardacigin Thank you for everything you've shared, you obviously have a lot of experience with what your doing, where you've come from and whats changed and how its changed. I even took a few notes to contemplate over in the future. However one trap that I've fell into in the past, read about from past teachers and found in people I've worked with is having "to much" of a understanding of where your at, where your not and how far away you are to that. Is this something you’ve encountered in your path? I thought I replied this to you earlier but it was the wrong guy....hehehe...
  21. Haha that was actually meant for Ardacigin. But good on you to reflect and get something out of it. I would agree though doing both is good.
  22. There may be correlations with third eye and no self realizations and crown chakra and god realizations, much like there are correlations with brain and areas and certain emotional capacities or memory capacities, but neither are the cause.