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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. So I just made this for you and thought I may share it since it has useful wisdom for others
  2. I get you, however how come you need more if your grateful and know yourself to be lucky? WHY isnt this enough, really ask yourself. Look deeply at this, really set aside 20-30 mins of inner asking in silence a few times a week till you get down into it. Maybe you'll find a genuine heart felt yearning for something when doing this. Follow this, make time for it and put energy towards that. Leave open what it may be, even if its more money. Nahm brings up some good points as well to consider.
  3. Good video and worth anyone's time whos interested in a more positive and fulfilling life. However I want to bring into question something that confused me in the past and still is strange in speaking to others about which you kinda bring to light in your last two video's (and I've had difficulty at times communicating at times as well). Your first video leaves the impression there is no one there, you didn't say choice, but I feel like you've made reference to no choosing, no self before in your dialect choices (maybe this has been my misinterpretation) in the past, as well as Ramana Maharshi doing the same and many Hindu/Buddhists/Nondualists. And then in this video it appears your talking to someone whos to make a choice to go try therapy for the benefit of removing illusion and suffering (which again I think is a important aspect of waking up). So how do you rectify or accept this apparent paradox within yourself and when others ask you. Just curious.
  4. Taking on a practice of gratitude and appreciation can really shift your attention from being trapped (which is a projection) to being lucky and thankful. It may sound silly, but just look at whats there instead of whats not or not yet.
  5. Ya, I like the holograph metaphor you shared, just like that. And yes deepening is always the case, its never ending glad the words could bring you deeper.
  6. This one is so good, but its not direct giving you anything obviously spiritual at first, but its worth it, get to at least 15 mins before you dismiss it.
  7. Thankfully there is no devil and thankfully what you've written is just your own interpretation/view layered over the beauty of it all. What you've written is just that, a layer on/in the totality, not solid or concrete, not definitive of it. Put down the glasses friend and relax a while, sit down and enjoy the splendors of what you are with me. Then look back and appreciate were you've been this whole time and where people are at, and help them to see more then the pain of it all.
  8. Imagine for a moment a "something" that is all "somethings". Its hard for most minds because, generally the mind see's in cause and effect (chicken then the egg), this or that, right wrong, true/false. Then some minds can see in a creator that creates all other things like a snap of a finger, this universe is created. But its subtler, odder then this and Im not going to claim to understand it all, but stick with me for a moment longer to express this oddness. This something which is not a solid/energy/thing is ALL, so right away everything is included, now whats odd is the mind may go oh, so its a something, then from there it creates the next thing which may be a atom, and then thats the building block to the next thing and then next (cause and effect) which is apparent to our senses, however its also not happening since happenings require starts and ends, and its happening prior to time since its always the case (never having been started or ending), but again its both happening in and out of time and linearity. Its in or "as" what we call creation/material and also "out" having created/the substance that allows for creation AND its all of it, including you and your story and beliefs and everyone elses, its you right now. I like the metaphor or image of a octopus or better yet the T-1000 from terminator. Imagine what god is is like what a octopus or what the T-1000 does, at any moment can morph almost its entireness into anything else, but now expand this to include every system, law, reason, how to, possibility, sense, perception, material, EVERYTHING. In a blink of an eye everything that is everything we would call visible and invisible to us, all universes and current workings of how things work, could just morph into "newness" new galaxies, new life forms, new laws of how things work and the systems they include. This would be what god is/does/works. So coming back to your original question, did "nothing ever happened".........? Mu, quack, isn't the sky beautiful......
  9. Start with the things that are coming with a good intention on your part. Take each one step by step until they are in action, learn and observe along the way. You honestly sound like myself and my intentions and wants and needing rules to know how to live, before living. Dont be afraid to make mistakes, keep learning and being open to knowledge, but really look deeply at it and find your own understanding through experience, practice, and masters who've come before you. Your it man, so its up to you what you want to do. Stop trying to solve yourself out of the equation because of some idea of No-Self being the correct rule that has to happen in order to be in line with Truth, and then once thats in order you can then safely and correctly live. Its a trap.
  10. I hear ya, no suffering or lashing out going here, honestly just seeing people’s thoughts but if I learn it does more harm then good I’ll for surely stop.
  11. Thank you for sharing that. What is it you want to change and who’s permission do you need to do it? Your free to make a difference where you see fit. Listen to your heart. Stop waiting and looking for the rules in life (enlightenment/absolute) in order to live your life and go with your heart or desire. That’s like waiting on Jesus to resurrect or god to descend and hand you the Ten Commandments before you learn and observe about life and wait on getting a job. Don’t be afraid gods not going to hunt you down if your not living every word out of the Bible or Buddha’s or Leo’s mouth. ? you
  12. What he said was deep and great and I’m still letting it in. It was the assumption that was made on his part that the reason I asked my question was because I was lost in the dualism he was speaking about and when I said that he kept saying it was true. That is pushing his beliefs instead of going oh maybe I was incorrect, you were just curios. Anyways this was a lot of fun no need to continue this play.
  13. But I do have beliefs and I was hesitant to go into this with soul since it looks like an argument from the outside or that I’m deeply invested in this (which if I were I’d probably keep at the point especially if it was a student/person looking to grow and change and they were blatantly being a zen devil or destructive in some form. Souls not my student and I don’t know if he’s into growing and changing (I’d guess he is but I don’t know him enough). I honestly wanted to see his responses in relation to ideas and notions I was putting forth, which has left me with perception that soul can’t see he’s making assumptions in my intentions to a question I asked, he simply seems to see it as a obvious fact in his eyes. you can learn a lot sometimes if you look deeply into conversations attitudes and reasoning and sometimes you can make the wrong conclusions. Even now you could instead of making a joke of the situation (even though I do find a truth and funny side to what your saying) you could find some interesting subtleties in the conversation then a over generalization of what was taking place But your right there are a lot of arguments on here measuring dick size and who’s more right or wrong.
  14. That’s ok no judgement from me. I hope you enjoy yourself.
  15. Correct me if I’m wrong but wouldn’t a simple reply be just to say no that’s not what I meant, instead of no it’s not what I meant and the reason is because your seeing through this particular belief system that I know is the case even though I’ve never met you. I mean I could just say the reason your doing this is because you have a belief system that your wise because you’ve gained a ton of spiritual knowledge in your years that’s led you to lots of truth and awakenings and has dissolved a lot of your ego and you now believe that how you see and feel about someone’s text is 100% correct because you see things how they are. But these would Just be my beliefs if I had them and I really don’t know you so I would just keep it to myself. I’m pointing to your assumption of me on why I had asked you about your vid. It seemed that you saw something within the video that confirmed a suspicion or observation you had about the general forum on how people are lost and then you referenced your true false wisdom. Which I then asked about.
  16. The way I read your quote was you want to eliminate going to war as in approaching things with a attitude of aggressiveness and or a belief that theres a negative/problem/enemy/no-self at the other end. And yes almost 100%. I like to leave a little possibility for what I don’t know or understand.
  17. I’m ready to fight a war that is necessary or invades my home. It’s general because it’s generally true. Sorry no exact recipe for what you want to know.
  18. There’s no separation between you and I. Can you feel that
  19. Just sink into it. Let the mind go. Go go go go go go go go go
  20. Everyone will tell you something a little different. First of all are you feeling unsatisfied with your life. If not just keep doing what your doing. If not Ask yourself what would fulfill you. Go with that. If you don’t know what would then start trying new things and seeifanyrhing sparks your interest and go with thAt
  21. Yeah I would agree with the generL gist of this.