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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. Agreed. I think its more then concept, in fact I think he's had radical insights that are considered very deep, insights that seem to go beyond other insights that are themselves considered deep and fall within a map model of some sort (spiral dynamics in this case). However maybe because this model is written in a stage way, with hierarchies going one above another (generally implying better or greater to the human mind) he thinks that these are superseding. But and this is a big but, reality does and never could supersede itself.... In my opinion when one understands this, the question of enlightened, awake, or not awake, living with knowledge of Self or not, go out the window.
  2. Understand what? That god experiences BOTH waking up to itself AND dreams and experiences adventures of being a individual doing something that doesnt include its true face like raising a family, fight a war, laughing in a tree. or does include these things while knowing what it really is beyond the appearance of these things. You still live in a world or belief that there is something called enlightenment or that this thing called enlightenement is the point of reality, or that the point of reality is god to wake up to itself. You dont see that "not awake", sleeping, experiencing individiuality with no knowledge of godself is somehow not god, not equal, or out of alignment with reality/god itself. This is not the case. Both "SO CALLED" opposites are just on a appearance level and I say so called, because again both of these are just appearances and what you are includes both and more and eats up this explanation in the beyond and changingness of what one is..... Get out of linear story ideas of human existance and meaning. The point of life is....blank God is....blank The meaning of god is....blank Enlightenement is....blank The point of life is....blank Stage Turquise is....blank Stage Coral is...blank These are just meaning constructions that you follow prior to even seeing you are doing so, that you believe have a inherentness. You think they are pointing to an actual something out there that is going on along one of those questions frameworks.
  3. is this a joke? I can't tell if you seriously think your number 1 in history at understanding oneself? Lol.
  4. I'm only saying this because I don't know that absolute truth is everything? I think you should reread what i've said multiple times already in this thread. Or go back through my post history and read everything I've said. This is what i've shared, for the most part.....
  5. I think you have some ideas still that are not in alignment with what your refering to, or I could be wrong. there is no pinnacle, god IS and IS is Change while still remaining IS. There is no peak at the top (Coral and beyond), or valley (beige, purple, red), all understanding and experience is IS. No one awakens and no one is asleep, this is just human paradigm. Sleep, non-awakening, awakening are just categories of human spheres of experience, all of them are IS and equal. Theres no making one more or less of anything, since its always IS. I get the sense that you have no let in surrender or presence of sameness.
  6. lol, or what? Gods going to be upset? Hahahahahahaha......ok good night.
  7. You talk about this as though its a controlled step by step thing. I like what your pointing to and I think you have a grasp of the terrain and even experience as we all do, but I believe there is a uknown unclear, uknowable, surrender, happening of its own accord element that is paradoxical to what your sharing but equally true. Thank you for sharking what you said, it woke me again into what your saying, however if your interested in growing as well, look into what I wrote in the last couple replies.
  8. I'm really not interested in knowing the whys of creation itself or happening, although this could change in time of its own accord. For now I'm fine with living out a human life pointing people in the direction of who one is. Its like asking why blue sky instead of red, I'm fine with either.
  9. Im not seeing the paradox. God is the expression of each "what appears to be a person and all things that appear". Me, my individuality/view is a aspect of this. In our way of language and categorizing things (although not everyone thinks this way)), one could call it my intent since it arose as something felt in my subjective side/experience, but this intent was not planned or willed from what I can tell. generally I think people believe that when you have an idea or feeling and desire towards something that is acted on, is a deliberate intent or planned somehow by a supposed controler or causer (again this is not believed 100% the case with all people). But again these are just idea's, approximations and communications about experience on what you call your end and say is my end, and what is experienced as a my end of sorts as well..... To go deeper one may say well it is your intent, or your doing that you felt or wanted this, but this would mean I or something called a dooer or controler would have to want to want a particular intent or feeling, but in order to want to want, one needs to even want that and want that and want that, as though its possible to plan on planning what you plan to plan, plan to think, plan to feel, but again, where does that plan come from, and that plan and that plan of a plan of a plan...... Being is a mystery, one in which could be endlessly "why" questioned, never reaching a proof or the actual why experience happens, feelings arise, thoughts form, desires form, actions feel important..... however, a paradox exists here as well and that whats shared is tempory and not to be held as absolute either, since change is a constant....
  10. @Aakash "how do we map conscious levels higher than enlightenment as a society moving forward? if everbody sat back and thought it's not my job to do, someone will do it.. nobody will do it " Really, who told you its someone job to do this and push consciousness somewhere.... Spiral dynamics is INTENT? Isn't it just as much firewood for some who are cold and need the paper to burn, or a cat urine sponge for another who needs to rip the pages out of the book and soak it up, or a bunch of words and concepts that some beings with the capacity to read what its trying to say, or a garble to a squid who can't relate on that level of experience. Spiral dynamics is what it is to you and who ever else relates with it.....other than that, I don't know. "you creating your videos on non-duality for example is a typical stage turquoise thing to do. even if you are enlightened. enlightenment itself contains distinctions because enlightenment doesn't exist and you don't exist and therefore you end up right back where you started. what happens next? " Do you end up back where you started? Where was this started to begin with? Do you end up just chopping wood as you started and back full circle as they say? Or do you perhaps see that this chopping of wood was never actually wood or chopping to begin with? And if so how could one come back to doing something that never was the case to begin with, even though it seems that way to those looking in at you.
  11. I think a better way of putting it is your a product of a bigger imagination, a ground that imagines everything we call reality into being. However one can see upon introspection, experience and even just a simple thought experiment that you are this ground and could never not of been and are still presently. You may not have the power to create like your unchained groundedness, but in form you are the formless ground that is and always has been. Here's the thought experiment 1. Stuff can not infinitely come from something else, eventually there always needed to be something to be "The always there for everything to rest on so to say". One may say well what about nothing being there. Well nothing can't be a start because literal nothing means theres nothing there, period, and when nothings there, theres nothing to start or do or grow or even be into something. Or you may say why can't stuff infinitely come from something else? Well "within what" is this infinity of stuff coming from itself (like a chicken and an egg always coming from itself forever), because stuff requires containers to exist within, because stuff does not exist without its/a container. So again this container so to say is a Prime 2. Call this starting ground/prime what ever you will, god, infinity, love, life, science, quantum physics, a choas system....its always always happening and its always the Prime..... 3. Ok, so if theres ONLY a Prime "something or insert your own word", then everything that this Prime something makes, like a big bang, or space and time, its made out of this Prime. So, everything is made out of prime to make something that looks, feels, and is experienced as something unique and different, BUT its still Prime. 4. So if this Prime is always the beginning, the start, the maker, the first, and it makes something, what would it make something out of? Well wouldn't it make it out of the only thing it could, itself? Because its all there is. So if its only making stuff out of itself and you are here right now reading this, then what else is reading this but Prime itself in this unique experience you know yourself to be right now. You as you call yourself are this Prime as is Leo and your parents and Me. And you can wake up to this understanding in experience and understanding......
  12. You may be right that I have a point and it doesn't matter, but the belief that I or you will have to come back to the spiral anyways is just a overlaying concept and accepted belief you have. If everything just flatlined back to source, the spiral you think is fundamental will just be a tattooed memory on gods ass. For one we don't know if the spiral is even going on as it lays itself out. 2. the Spiral is just markers, concepts, interpretations of humans and idea's of how their beliefs are in relation to themselves and the outside world. 3. These are categorized along a process based chronological order in time space unfolding, with guesses and approximation of dates in which humans supposedly developed certain lines and stages of development. Again this is data gained through questions and observations that a group of humans took about human beings in our time period and assumptions made about human beings from 10-100,000 years ago (all limited within their own development and sensory capacity to see and understand, and all with margins of error possible with the human mind and body). Now I'm fine with accepting some accepts that make sense to me and from what I've learned about the importance of inclusiveness and how this concept in human beings can create healthier ways of working with oneself and eachother. But in no way shape or form do I believe its fundamental and a accurate description of reality itself or even a accurate description of how human development is or did take place.
  13. Really nice video outlining these concepts. I just made a video breaking down the self imposed idea's with in the umbrella of these fields through the investigation of what is a question? Very rough around the edges honestly and I think in time I'll be able to better flush out what I'm pointing to, because its still something I'm new to and trying to explain. Curious about your thoughts ardacigin, lol its definitely a party pooper.
  14. Lol this is so far off from the truth its not even funny. This is like saying if you have not smelled a dogs anus and appreciated its full aroma you have not accepted reality itself. Spiral Dynamics is a important thing for some and a huge pile of steaming distracting doo doo for others. Its not even a proven thing, even though its one that I accept has some value both in content and its ability to create a healthy concept of inclusiveness, but its no more or less god then a dogs anus or fridjonks view and experience of the spiral being usefulness for him, both have god value.
  15. I personally think this should be stickied for all to understand what non-duality is not. This is a great humorous cartoon showing what can happen when non-duality is not fully understood. I've been here before, the cartoon creator, Jeff Foster a enlightened teacher, said he was in this phase for a few years, non dual teachers Lisa Cairns and Paul Hedderman have spoken about this to. IF you find yourself always speaking like this brown bear or don't get what this video is pointing to, then maybe its time for a little self reflection, a warm hearted smile and a good old laugh at ourselves when you see
  16. @Vitamine Water Your alright. Its a process and spacing out into nothingness is great.
  17. What ever happened with the false accusation? Did you admit to this and what transpired?
  18. Brown Bears spotted lately, reminder video to not feed the bears.
  19. You say that now but you’ll come crawling back ?
  20. And then you realize there is no bottom, or top. Beginners mind till the end.
  21. I’m ok with that and I’m ok with you as you are. It’s a fun adventure trying figure it all out, keep going.
  22. @Aakash ? @zeroISinfinity wouldn’t you say the ‘me’ doesn’t even have to go either, One just needs to become self recognized or connected with. Then the ‘me’ and the stories will become less and less inherently held as Truth. And this apparent process is itself Total already. Never actually getting anywhere.
  23. Isn’t Total always Total, and always has been Total. How can a enlightenment not be Total? How can a non-enlightenment not be Total. How can anything in between not be Total? Let go off the game of not There yet. Let go of the game of I AM. Let go of the game of stages. Let go of the game of letting go.