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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. @Aakash What you want for others is what I would like to see as well, but theres more to the Whole then this happening, or happening as fast as we like and project onto it. God is experience itself through this process to remember, so don't think you have to rush god into realizing itself. Theres many ways and styles to go about it. Some say let the student come to you, and don't push anything, let it unfold as it will. Others are more out there and voices and much more hard edge in their delivery and work with the symbols of mind, others emotion, others trauma, others just forgeting everything, and everything in between. I'm seeing the beauty of the middle way so to say, with little to no forcing, but I acknowledge and see that some need more in your face, rules, flashy, myths, only kindness (which Im learning more and more about).
  2. Also something your also pointing about theres bigger forms of god and how you can reach a 100%. Andrew Cohen (whos got a mixed history as a spiritual teacher) talked with ken wilber a lot about this idea. He phrased it as evolutionary enlightenment and both ken and spiral dynamics/Don Beck were behind the whole thing. Basically the idea is that God/Ground of Being/Non-Duality itself is evolving and changing and that no one ever reaches full enlightenment because ISness itself is always changing and evolving, so a human life is always going to be playing a game of catch up so to say or constantly opening up to the potentials and newness that is born every second (im adding in a few of my own interpretations as well). Although if your a avid reader you'll find quotes from Zen and perhaps Hinduism (my memory for this kinda stuff isn't great) and probably many others that elude to this evernewness idea along with a never changing idea (like a always ITSELF of which is CHANGNESS). Buddha speaks of nothing is permanent, but I'm not completely sure he was referring to this in this context we are using it in. So remain open, its not something you have to figure out all the way or know for a exact fact, since its probably changing
  3. You think you can do it without living what you preach? Maybe..... But most traditions have a saying about such things and none of them say yes that I know of, but I'm not going to say its not possible.
  4. Thanks for the feedback, your right, it probably would, however at the time I didn't really know what these would be labeled as within human terminology.
  5. Ive given some thought to this idea I think your sharing about bigger gods then you. The way I see it is. Every level of ITSELF can potentially awaken to what it is, but this does not mean the embodiment of you or I waking up to Truth does not have a higher order of manifest embodiment that we are a appendage of. Like I realize We/I are God, however like a bone in a body, there are beings that encompass US on the embodiement level, that effect me, my reality. This is a whole nutshell of stuff rarely gone into in some spiritual circles, that I understand on such a small level, but it is there.
  6. I'll see if I can put some perspective on this from a different angle, not necessarily the absolute with no paradoxes explanation, but one that may open up what your looking for. As a human you have idea's already of concepts called truth, perspectives, differences, good/evil, God/Not god. you can experience a phenomenon you refer to as big, as you stand next to a large tree, or small as you hold a microscope to see something. These are SOOOOOOO CLOSE that you don't even see them as creations being lived, but as inherent realities. Again, thinking, feeling, tasting, smelling, concepting, wondering, are all creationary capacities, along with dimensions in which you can experience boundaries called a earths ground, or a inside of a room, talking to another, generally all felt from the vantage point of a body/head *atleast for humans*. Now pause for a moment and ask yourself, what do you mean by "One Absolute" truth? Now what ever your answer, ask yourself, is this an actual something, or just your idea of something you wonder about? One absolute truth means something to You, its not something that has a inherent meaning or answer or object that you can look at to verify, its just a question asked, believed and wondered and perhaps searched for as your life. This does not mean one can not wake up to what one IS, but this IS does not necessarily refer to itself as One Absolute, or God, or Infinity (these are labels).
  7. This may be my most out there video yet, however don't let its strangeness turn you away. I go something perhaps treading philosophy and spirituality in hopes of drawing you into the unknown.
  8. Again thank you for your kind attention and nudging. I feel its important to maybe give a little more context to my statements here. These questions were my life, something that I yearned for and spent a great deal of my energy and time with. I surrendered more and more of myself until an answer you could say answered them fundamentally. It wasn't a why so to say, but a what, and that what as you are aware of is what you, I and all is. God/Mystery/Infinity/Love/Change, hell even science and the decency of humanity and the possibility at life and the uniqueness and specialness of this particular embodiment all have been enough of a understanding to quench the longing for a why or knowledge itself. Now id say life is a creative unfolding of sorts that is and isn't a personal event and with it more and more understanding and a deeping of previous understandings continue, but I don't yearn for any particular quality of information or subject life before. So while those questions are great questions and I encourage those that burn for them to find answers, I am not thirsty, and do not need a drink, but if I some how come to this stream down he road and it sparkles and smells good, I may take a sip of this alcohol and enjoy its particular quality.
  9. Interesting point of view on how to bring one into silence. Here I’m breaking down beliefs of the mind to let what’s underneath so to speak reveal itself naturally. Words and symbols like you may already be aware can be used to unwrap at the level of confusion itself since the confusion is in words sometimes. Also you can look at words and symbols as Self itself being used on Self to reveal itsSelf. again and I think this is something you can learn is Self is always Self from the start to the end of the Spiral and as all ‘stuff’ that doesn’t fall within the realm of the spiral. When you truely get this you understand that perfection is always the case and all spiral consciousness stages are no higher or lower. Yiu start to see the love that’s always been there in all of those so called stages and an appreciation for each and everything.
  10. Basically what you wrote is what I was trying to get across experientally in this video. Still something I gotta work at. I think your really seeing into some real stuff man, and what your expressing is what I would call and I believe what has been referred to in some hindu and Buddhist texts as the ineffability of Being itself.
  11. @Aakash Ok let me get this straight, your not a embodiment or even a walker of this place you know exists but you know how it exists and what it is. You say its something called a stage coral thingy, a stage in which the creators of this spiral paradigm work don't even know about, nor ken wilber. The creators of this or finders rather, admit there is so little to go off of to even talk about coral or even go off of that at best they can only speculate what it may be based off of paterns in the spiral. And yet you, somehow know all about it without even living it..... You have a theory of a theory called spiral dynamics. Is this accurate..... because if so.....
  12. your telling me as one goes up this spiral they start saying things like I’m more right than you. They start putting words in other people’s mouths on topics they didn’t say. They assume to know everyone’s inner experience and how it’s not what they know because they somehow know people through the internet without much relationship or interaction between them If so, have a good time down that spiral. Careful aakash and I mean this sincerely you could find yourself making a muck of yourself and life in the belief your the bestest god realizer there ever was.
  13. Thanks for sharing. These are great. I feel right at home and in sync with this channel.
  14. Hahaha I don’t know man. What exactly are you saying then. Man you throw around this stage turquoise stuff as though it’s a second class citizen to you and your supposed stage coralness. Get off your arrogant high horse. All this I’m right shit is just way off target to love and the basis of much of what the spiral thing you hold as the grail is teaching or showing is going on as consciousness. It’s like a Jesus fanatic is screaming at me to understand the true god, even though the god he claims is true doesn’t encourage such things.
  15. For the most part I’m saying the same thing you are just in different symbols and metaphors. I’m also trying to expand on what you seem to think is absolutely the case, perhaps just as much as you think you are doing the same. Also yes if your speaking about spiral dynamics as real in that way, yes it’s as real as anything is. As real as me as real as you, as real as the Bible, as real as thought, as real as poop, as real as real can be since all is real. But again there is no hierarchy in this with a event called enlightenment at the top or bottom or a greater realization over another. So to me this statement statement that your just ‘more’ aware of a supposed ‘how or what to do’ to reach a self imposed idea referred to you as not only enlightenment (which you oddly say doesn’t exist) but total enlightenment. Thats like saying no, this or that is not god. Or better yet, that over there is only partial god, but what I know or see is Total god. There are no partials or totals of god. Full stop. Nothing is excluded from god and there for all IS. In the same way there are no greater or lesser awakenings or non awakenings. Turn your spiral 90 degrees to the right, let go off it’s start and end or infinity in a diriction. And see each of these so called stages as 100 percent fullnesses not incomplete or lacking of a so called prior or latter stage.
  16. Ultimate model on this planet? In this incarnation of reality bloomed out of God itself? Also I don't know why you keep saying I dont understand what your talking about, and that my so called realization is not complete or doesn't include what you think you know that I don't. I enjoy this back and forth, to help grow understanding, but if you are enlightened and understand it all, then I'm happy for you, no need to have this conversation
  17. If you’ve found a answer to a why that has answered and fulfilled you profoundly then I am happy for you and I hope you share your joy and let it guide you which you are doing. I genuinely feel there’s something behind your sharing, a love of sorts and it’s reaching people. And to clarify I’m not saying there isn’t or I’m more right or correct in my words. This is just where I stand atm and could change. Again, “the entire mystery of the universe” is not a statement or a question I see happening Or in alignment with Reality, however I love the unknown and all that is in its apparent multiplicity and science and depth and possibility of love and relationship and even it’s so called negatives. Don’t get me wrong I believe I understand what you mean by a ‘why’, however my being just doesn’t entertain the notion anymore. You may say this will leave me lacking of something profound, and I do appreciate your concern but like a blind man can be happy without knowing sight, I or anyone can find happiness without knowing all possibilities and experience. Again maybe what lit up your heart with this profound answer may cross my path, it’s just not something I wonder or crave to know at this time.
  18. I say this with the utmost respect and acceptance of life. The notion of a why and the idea's this conjures up use to fascinate me, but as I've gone down the road of Self understanding, I'm reaching a point that more is just cherries on top and I'll never see all things from all points of view, I'm sure its a great understanding if and when it emerges but I'm okay with the life I've had with or without this knowledge if its there or not. Where I stand, atleast currently, is that "why's" are just questions that ultimately come back to Self. So to ask Why Self and for what reason Self, is the same as asking why Self create blue sky instead of gold sky, or why mating dances with certain birds instead of just making sounds.... God creates as god creates and whys are just a form of this Creation not intrinsic things that are happening. Also if one comes to an answer, wouldn't you say there's always a why that can arise in relation to that? I feel at some point, the why needs to be dropped.
  19. Agreed. I think its more then concept, in fact I think he's had radical insights that are considered very deep, insights that seem to go beyond other insights that are themselves considered deep and fall within a map model of some sort (spiral dynamics in this case). However maybe because this model is written in a stage way, with hierarchies going one above another (generally implying better or greater to the human mind) he thinks that these are superseding. But and this is a big but, reality does and never could supersede itself.... In my opinion when one understands this, the question of enlightened, awake, or not awake, living with knowledge of Self or not, go out the window.
  20. Understand what? That god experiences BOTH waking up to itself AND dreams and experiences adventures of being a individual doing something that doesnt include its true face like raising a family, fight a war, laughing in a tree. or does include these things while knowing what it really is beyond the appearance of these things. You still live in a world or belief that there is something called enlightenment or that this thing called enlightenement is the point of reality, or that the point of reality is god to wake up to itself. You dont see that "not awake", sleeping, experiencing individiuality with no knowledge of godself is somehow not god, not equal, or out of alignment with reality/god itself. This is not the case. Both "SO CALLED" opposites are just on a appearance level and I say so called, because again both of these are just appearances and what you are includes both and more and eats up this explanation in the beyond and changingness of what one is..... Get out of linear story ideas of human existance and meaning. The point of life is....blank God is....blank The meaning of god is....blank Enlightenement is....blank The point of life is....blank Stage Turquise is....blank Stage Coral is...blank These are just meaning constructions that you follow prior to even seeing you are doing so, that you believe have a inherentness. You think they are pointing to an actual something out there that is going on along one of those questions frameworks.
  21. is this a joke? I can't tell if you seriously think your number 1 in history at understanding oneself? Lol.
  22. I'm only saying this because I don't know that absolute truth is everything? I think you should reread what i've said multiple times already in this thread. Or go back through my post history and read everything I've said. This is what i've shared, for the most part.....
  23. I think you have some ideas still that are not in alignment with what your refering to, or I could be wrong. there is no pinnacle, god IS and IS is Change while still remaining IS. There is no peak at the top (Coral and beyond), or valley (beige, purple, red), all understanding and experience is IS. No one awakens and no one is asleep, this is just human paradigm. Sleep, non-awakening, awakening are just categories of human spheres of experience, all of them are IS and equal. Theres no making one more or less of anything, since its always IS. I get the sense that you have no let in surrender or presence of sameness.