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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. Maybe this well help. Meaningless as a lot of minds react to such a phrase =/= Meaning-less The substance of living/life itself/totality that arises of its own accord you could say, and has nothing to do with arbitrary/subjective application of meaning. This does not mean either that one should strive to stop themselves from finding meaning in the things they already do or may do in the future.
  2. How much weed did you smoke? Sounds pretty out there. Although I've had some pretty unexplanable things happen in my life as well.
  3. If netflix all day is the worst of your backslide, you've got nothing to worry about. Enjoy the show, get back to your practice incrementally. Don't shame, blame and worry you messed something up. Its all done at this moment. No need to repeat worries in your head or make meaning out of why or what happened.
  4. Its so funny you bring this up. I never heard of this until last night when my wife talked about and we watched some videos on it. She seems interested and I'm curious. When did Leo talk about this?
  5. Blind-men tell tales of Color Fond memories of wind, god, silence pass Each now stand as One
  6. When your looping through your next day when is this happening other then the "now"?
  7. Its an open exploration into a subject most of us don't even notice or consider.... Let me know your thoughts. And before you say the traditional its a man made construct, leave it open because it may not be.... Some things to consider.... Did man make the experience of “taking place”, “something” passing or going on, “moments to moments”, these taking place faster or slower? Man made that? And if he did, how? And if not, what is the "Time" in experience....
  8. This is a nightmare of a possibility that some people on psychedelics fear would happen if one is stuck in no time (and even people who don't take psychedelics, the idea of being trapped in constant of their own suffering). Its not the full picture of what no time is and can be like.
  9. and this your CERTAIN of? I’m not here to force anything on anyone but I do encourage you to leave it open if truth is your interest. Another way to put this is the realization referenced in Buddhist text as seeing for yourself that Form IS Emptiness AND Emptiness IS Form. I’m certainly not the first to point to this. If what you’ve written IS your experience and realization, congrats it’s deep but it’s not the whole picture (nothing really is), and there’s more subtly I’m hoping to point you towards. If what your quoting is not your experience and just your read knowledge then never-mind me. Hell, if you trust Leo, ask him, he’ll say the same thing in his unique phrasing.
  10. Hmm, there's nothing "wrong", but there are observations, which I do hold myself to the same standard of. Leo at this current point is learning about Love (he admits so himself) still on many levels, and this includes the sense or a sense of Community or shared contentedness (again this critique holds true for me to) and this seems to come through in the way he holds himself and speaks, although he seems more humble and embracing as time goes on in his video's. There's also a underlying importance put on getting "something" or spiritual experiences that I feel sometimes comes across in his video's, which isn't a fault per say because it has value or motivational direction perhaps for watchers to strive towards, but it can also feed into the human mindset of looking to "get" "understand" "know" "take away" "grasp for safety purposes". Although his second to last video showed a completely different side to Leo that changed many of my thoughts on him in this regard. And to be fair I don't watch all of Leo's video's, so maybe there's many other videos like this. Leo's a great addition to the world of consciousness inquiry, god realizationing, life inspection and mind opening material. He's got a unique way of communicating, humor, outward appearance, appeal, history, and set of knowledge that brings in just the right people that are attracted to him and what he can offer to hopeful broaden and improve their lives.
  11. Yes, often. Its one of the inspirations and qualities that shifted that seemed to spur more interest into the subject matter of consciousness and What Isness....
  12. I agree on many levels with all these, they are deep incites or facets of The Absolute as Leo I think now puts it. However something more to maybe consider (if you haven't already) if those insights have sunk in and become your reality is...... are concepts "happening" in a/the Now, like no time without I's, or no I's without time? Are they just separate phantom entity's? Or are they not also un-separate and As this Now Absolute. And if so, are there such things as things and phenomenon called phantom entity's?
  13. Oh my god that is so good on so many levels. Thanks for sharing.
  14. I did read your comment. And it sounds like your responding to my title, rather than what the subject of what I was pointing to in the video. I never said you said any of those things, I was asking you those questions, since they were some of the possible implications of what I was pointing to with the label called "time". What are you saying exactly then, maybe it went over my head.
  15. What exactly do you mean by existential terror? I could better answer if you clarify that.
  16. What exactly is that something going on slowly or more fastly? @Anna1
  17. Man made the experience of “taking place”, “something” passing or going on, “moments to moments”, these taking place faster or slower? Man made that? just out of curiosity did you watch the video or are you replying to my title? @Angelite
  18. When I get scared and a lot of people I know get scared, we say Jesus. And none of us are religious. I've found this type of thing very curious as well.
  19. Ya the plunge can be SUPER scary, but like Leo was saying in his most recent video, you shouldn't feel like you have to or that if you don't your doing something wrong. When your ready your ready. Sometimes when you've just had enough of this life you look at that no coming back and your like, what the hell do I really have to lose, I've done it all, seen it all, fucked it all, spent and pleasured through it all, suffered, loved.... So why not.... Its also really not what your expecting when you look back or what you feared and maybe not even what you believed would happened....What does your heart tell you....If you deeply feel your not ready for what ever that mysterious pull is, then just respect that, but if you feel like letting go a little more, then do it without hesitation or what mind trick crys out once you've seen your answer.
  20. Ok try this thought experiment. Really dig into what you believe is "real" and really dig into what you believe is "illusion" and why. Then ask yourself under what guidelines or definitions what makes them that way and if thats actually true, or just true based upon your own beliefs. Write it down. And maybe share. Like is a apple "real"? Well is it? It can be held, seen, tasted, thought about, smelled and so on, but does that make it something called "real"? Most humans would agree its real, but some may not, or an alien may not, or other dimensional beings, so does that mean it is or isnt? Theres surely "something" there or called or believed to be "apple", right? Also, "Apple" is 80% water, parital protien, partial carbohydrate and yet we don't call it that, even though its just as much all that, and its also electrons and photons and neutrons and its that as well, but we don't call "apple" that generally... So is "apple" a word, various degree's of perspective dependent on magnification level, all of them (including perspectives and experiences we can't even imagine)? Also is "Apple" sensation, and touch and smell, taste and thoughts that arise in relation to it since they are connected to the "Apple" experience.... Which part of these "Apple" descriptions is the real one, or is there even a "real" one, or are they all "real".....? And what makes something illusion? Say a belief that life is bad. Well, you can't touch it, smell, it taste, hold it, but it is "seen", can be pointed to in some degree in experience, but most people would say its not "real", but imagination or just thought. Its felt and experienced. And that can be considered a definition by some to be considered "real". But to others again like before, there might be disagreance to this definition. So again, what defines something? Real, unreal, illusion, Absolute....... Don't get to confused or distraught though, lifes still happening despite being unable to pinpoint an answer that is absolute to the above questions...