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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. @WhatAWondefulWorld Liberation is not about this life ending, you could say one element of its potential is seeing that the already shitty life your convinced is shitty, is and never was how you were believing it to be. You see it could be said that the beliefs systems that you don't see you are believing is what your experiencing, your not actually experiencing a shitty life, its just the beliefs and wrapped up reactions that create shitty, is whats playing itself out. Now what good does me telling you this do for you in this shitty belief, perhaps not much, but perhaps its opened up a potential that may start a possible seeing into life differently. But right, who am I, why should you believe me, how do I know, what are my qualifications? Well, are you fed up enough to try something new? Have you anything to lose? So again, I'd say a good practical place to start, is REALLY let in the possibility that life is not shitty and you were mistaken. Its unlikely that until you see and accept this possibility you will continue to be convinced by your current and constant assumption life is shitty and needs to be left to be happy.
  2. After 20+ years of spiritual inquiry and work, one of the few big things I've taken away is if you want to feel good more often than not (and this is not a selfish thing) is to just be kind for the most part and don't lose your temper if you can. It will save you a lot of hearthache, frustration, regret, and agitation. If your having a bad day, just let others know in a kind way and ask for the space you want or not (if able).
  3. Its really easy sometimes on this forum to feel like it should be so easy to just change or dont feel this or that or don't think that way....just do it, its easy. Not always, and sometimes never, but this isn't a problem. Instead of trying to have these things change or trying to remove them or apply a technique to remove them, just accept them as they are, as a part of your current expression. Live this way for a while and still do the things you want to such as speak in front of others or in front of a camera despite the feelings and thoughts and judgements that come up from within or from outwards sources. And let those be as well. Every once in a while just smile within and outwardly just feeling the sweetness of your own warmth. Sometimes just not solving anything and keeping a smile or positive attitude can make all the difference in the world ( this is super simple, and easily dismissed as to average or no-spiritual by some minds).
  4. I'd be curious in hearing your results, since its something I started doing spontaneously on my own a few years ago and found some interesting consciousness expanding results.
  5. Good stuff man, sounds like it has something to offer you with where your at. Just do a little a less it sounds like or see if the headaches pass in time. Thanks for sharing.
  6. I wouldn't worry about trying to become brutally honest, for the most part it will come off as being an asshole unless you have a lot of compassion, love, kindness and humility behind it. You'll feel better just being kinda and others will appreciate it more in the long run.
  7. @James123 Well if your foot keeps getting numb while experimenting with this, I'd try doing it less intensely and less time. Thats pretty cool you could feel the center conscious space, its partly what I'm hoping to point to. Next time you do this and feel/see that center seeing/feeling space, focus your attention into that space (cross eyed or not and for as little or as long as feels good) and see what happens. Let me know.
  8. Glad you like it. Ya sometimes it can make the eyes a little worked/sore, but as long as you dont strain to much, you should be fine. What was the effect of doing it, if you dont mind me asking.
  9. @Stretch I feel ya man, went through the same thing in life. However there is growth in accepting part of the human life is trying and failing or not getting to where you wanted. Happens all the time and thats just that. You can sulk on it, understand it and be fair and honest about what you learned and didn't or you can just forget about and move on and never look back, and hopefully without malice or a knotted grudge in your heart... And you never know what will happen once you've moved on. Maybe a new interest will take you somewhere, maybe you'll do outwardly nothing for a while, or who knows, maybe like me, once I dropped looking for this enlightenment stuff, awaking started to happen on its own revealing everything I was trying to pursue before but wasn't really getting anywhere. Cheers mate, keep on trucking and do your best to keep a smile, it will make a difference in this chaotic and adventurous world.
  10. Hi Pouya, Sounds like your going through some profound matters, a shift and cascading awakening that you've been thrust into and its getting a bit hectic. Its part of the course with this type of stuff from my own experience. Are you looking for some advice, acknowledgement, people who have gone through similar things to find a bit of sanity in knowing your not crazy or something else?
  11. How could we remember or forget or even know about something called hypnosis or placebo if we are all supposedly under it? Let that in for a moment.
  12. I thought some of you who've never done a retreat or looked into the matters of Self Realization seriously might find this opportunity useful. I'm in no way affiliated with Bentinho, but little I have studied and watched of him I do feel he's got some useful things to learn in this mysterious realm. Check it out if you've got Saturdays and Wednesdays free (first one is this sunday, then the rest are sat.wednesday)
  13. I see. But to "get" what he is saying there may be a need to "get" there to understand. It may not be easy, it may not be hard at all. But the introspection I pointed you towards may yield some interesting results if you try and are interested.
  14. Really enjoyed it, thanks for sharing. I felt wonder and some sadness.
  15. Where does this idea, "cry like a women have their period" come from? Whats wrong with men having emotions? We are in tough times and the unknow future is hard on the mind and heart sometimes. Relax, enjoy some games, take care of your physical health, watch some comedy and laugh, life is only going to become more unknown, so let go and enjoy the ride. P,S, Be simple and practical as well. Reach out for help financially with family or friends if you must, or file for unemployment if you can, or find a part time income if needed.
  16. Your in a highly sophisticated (if you will) conviction, a conviction based by layers that feel so intrinsically so, you can't see the floor that your arguing from isn't resting on what you think it is (its actually not a floor to begin with). Body, brain, subjective, objective, conscious states, logical states, are a house of cards you may need to penetrate really into to find out if any of those are actual and real to begin with, LIKE REALLY DIG. You may come to a final burial site in which you realize you just can't dig any further and know anything about anything. In this tomb, you may feel like you've gone insane and that you can never know anything in any confidence. Its here that it may become more clear what nahm is pointing to (even though it contradicts in thought that you know 100% you can't KNOW anything). Most likely we've all been in this same place you have. To help with a little more direction what I talking about is, Can you see that you hold some idea's in which you argue another point of view from?? Like you started this thread with a notion of a Brain and what it does and doesn't do.... are you 100% sure of all these ideas? And if there is a .00000000000000000000000000000001% chance it may not be what it seems, let that in and accept you don't know. Is there a subjective? What exactly is a subjective? Are you 100% sure that's what a subjective is and is it what you are supposedly going through................... again ANY doubt, then just admit you don't know What is a you? What is the definition of a you or a I? Is this definition correct, is it proven? Do you's and I's exist? Any doubt? Then again REALLY admit its unknown. Do this with EVERYTHING till it can't be done anymore. Here you may find what your wondering......
  17. A good start in understanding the love, is stop bashing and hating yourself and saying things about yourself that you can't prove and no else can either. Then another loving thing to do for yourself and your parents is getting a skill to provide for your shelter and hunger. I'm sure you don't want to put pressure on your parents to provide for you for ever, and its not easy just living on the street with no food. So take it step by step and figure out what you like and don't like. Your 17, maybe things haven't gone your ideal way so far, but put some thought, heart and effort into something and see where it leads..
  18. mmm this sounds yummy, lets open up this can shall we, and explore beyond the same old same old and not just toss around the dead buddha fish... Now before reading this, give yourself the time and space to let in each if it opens up something, don't go on to the other, perhaps days apart, perhaps months....just allow for the space and time so to say....... 1. God = Love, are just words, they mean nothing on their own, yada yada blah blah, same old same old right...... but in fact up to this point of following this sentence and in this moment of reading right now your in a frame work process of extracting meaning from what appears to be out there, out there in relation to a believed "in somewhere else", a you if you will, a awareness perhaps, could be said to be in a so called container refereed to as a body. But again this to is one step removed from the factness of no outside or inside ever being true to begin with. 2. Nothing = Everything Another yada yada blah blah.... or is it.... Is there a "everything" or a "nothing", like a object, you know a object, a thing, a something, a object right, something that has innate value on its own, with no need of a mind or a observer of it, that has quality emanating its itness without a need for someone to derive what that "definition come from the object" is. Right... But, but but wait its the so called person giving rise to the definition of the so called object which determines "the object", right! Objects have no innate isness or emanating definition of their own accord.... hmmm.... perhaps its neither...... and before you wonder an alternative, resist the temptation and sit in the uknown long enough (COULD BE FOREVER, but its worth it right.....) to just maybe understand nothing=everything, love, self understanding. 3./4...5@ You are God, You are imagining everything, You are me...... You? What are you? What is the definition of a "you"? Have .... you?!?!? thought about this? Now that you've?!? thought about what the definition of what a "you" is, do you??! fit that? Did ?!you?? verify this with everyone? Did you? prove it? Did others prove it...... Ok is it true now? So, what are you???? ...666... Only one Consciousness Not two? Not 3? How about 4 or more...... Why not none? <3 <3 <3. Love is the answer! The answer to what? To a question.......? A question about Life? A question coming from a belief that already believes theres a problem that needs to be solved, thats out of order in some way, or not in a alignment with how things are supposed to be or should be?????? Look at this belief, is it true.........what says things are out of order, not right, not as good as they could be, that need to be fixed. Is it true? Or is it just a passing moment, a passing thought, a passing feeling, a passing thought/feeling/belief..... a passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing...... and when its finally passed ...............................................................................there .........................................................................................................a................................... ...............................................................issue............................................
  19. I've never given this much thought, but we are very close to certain dinosaurs existed and we have a species of reptile that can still generate flame out its nose/mouth today. So its not very far off to think that a large dinosaur thing that breathed fire did exist and burned shit with fireballs.
  20. This is kinda a part two of insights from my last video. Sometimes we can get caught in trying to Be, or be ourselfs or our bests in hope that it will prevent difficulties and make life easier. I'd like to tell you this is true, but its perhaps subtler then this. Life will BE and its not always chocolates and roses, and there doesn't have to be a problem made out of this.
  21. I can't say for certain, but it sounds like more energetic release stuff, which isn't always a needed or a useful thing. Sounds like you responded in the right way for yourself.
  22. Before asking if there is an external world first find out whats aware. What is the I or You in the experience of whats constantly happening? Focus on the sense of it, feel it, see it. Then ask as you let that in, ask yourself, if thats what "you" are or feel like in your body or somewhere, then what's aware of this. Wouldn't that be more you then the supposed you that this awareness is revealing or highlighting?
  23. Does it really matter what they say? Perhaps there's things you dont understand yet, perhaps not. Don't let it frustrate or bother you. Maybe they are lying maybe they aren't. If you want to find out, be your own experiment and follow some advice they say and see if things are true, but you gotta stick with it for a while to see. If you don't want to thats fine, just don't write it off because you think your right instead.
  24. Oh, I thought this was about elephants... What makes eternity a mess?