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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. Ya they seem like completely different messages and not similar in any way, but the one that believes it can become aware of infinite consciousness is no more less real than anything else, in fact is everything else because there is nothing that is not everything...... There is no higher states and there is no Maya.
  2. I mean if I believed the assumptions inherent in the position, yes I could see it may be convincing. However, the position takes a few things as proven givens to begin with. 1. The first one is there is a external and an internal to begin with. Sure if there is a division made and agreed on, you could maybe agree that said area is internal in relational to a external other area. But even my explanation has some givens unquestioned and they will be stated next. 2. Its assumed there are individuals making distinctions to begin with in this theory/position. For example An unfolding of something, doesn't have to have a cause, reason or choice made in its start. Example, if said happening/unfolding unfolds into more in more phenomenon eventually reaching a point of say a big bang in which creates a space/time happening that births scientific principles and rules, galaxies, planets and eventually you and I's which walk talk and speak and believe self inherentnace, but are still being orchestrated from/as the original uncaused first happening....well then the theory of solipsism is mute. If whats said above is true, then the idea that there are men who have dreams and ask questions of their own volition is mute and to hold onto such notions as though they are real is just holding on to a belief system, which is totally fine.
  3. I believe you and enlightened1 both sharing facets within the same coin, but arguing the coin is only one of those facets. Thats my take on your dialogues over time anyways. It can be REALLY interesting when you see this. Especially when you see that each facet includes and is all the other coin/facets simultaneously.
  4. @Someone here "No lol it is actually impossible. Either your POV or no POV. No such thing as other's POV from your POV unless you access their POV in which case it's gonna become your POV. Tada! Lol " Well whats a POV? And once you've defined it, prove that its objectively true, like actually prove it...... I'm curious how you prove it. "It is YOU who is doing or not doing that. Notice this! " What is this YOU? And why do you assume there is a doing or a not doing of this supposed YOU, what about the unfolding of something? Like when wind happens, branches and leaves rustle, the branch nor the leaves did anything but happen to move from wind. Perhaps better said or in combination with previously said is, unfolding without a cause or a doing. Or and this is a mindfucker, both doing and not doing, what I just said above, neither, and other stuf..... none of which conflict with eachother even though to the normal mind they seem like opposites or can't exist simultaneously. "No don't project any psychological issues on me lol." what I'm about to say may be triggering and offensive, but for the sake of knowledge and investigation, I'll shoot. If you want out, just say so, and leave it be.... What is a psychological issue and What is being projected on "who"? What's taking offense? "Solipsism is actually a very strong epistemological position. Actually it is impossible to refute it." Really? How so, perhaps its good for you to define what you mean by solipsism and prove why this definition is irrefutable. I fully admit that everything I share is refutable, even if I believe it isn't..... and there isn't a provable why to why I believe this or why this was typed.....
  5. @Someone here I kinda agree with what your saying, no view happens outside of the view itself, although its not provable and I'm ok with that, maybe there is, even if it doesn't make sense to me through experience, its not shutdown as impossible. Some views you could say may encompass other views simulatneously, and sure you could argue or not argue that it still means its 1 POV since its happening in a defined space that you put the boundaries on, but again those boundaries may need to be set to make that statement, but again it doesn't mean its absolute and that defined statement falls apart when the boundaries are stretched. Also I'm not certain theres only two possibilities, Your/my/any POV or no POV. There is whats called, just happening, and it doesn't mean there's point of view or not. You could say point of view is a intrinsic nature of whats happening as a universal unfolding able to be defined and articulated in any way possible and doesn't have a inherit meaning or actuality thats objectively defined, it just is and sure any point could made about whats happening, like the statement you made, but as it may become obvious or not, thats just whats happening. Questions happening, why's happen, whats happen, thoughts happen, emotions happen, expression happens, POV happens or doesn't and everything in between. LOL Also, Imprisoned? This may be something interesting to inquire about, since it may reveal some deeper impacts on how you see/believe/understand life/yourself/being. And ya I'll message you if you want.
  6. @Someone here Alright, all good stuff. I've been in your shoes before and it can be a great place to be in. And its a place you can live the rest of life in so to say with out really missing anything so to say, its totally fine and equal to anywhere else However, there's always more to explore and happen for ever and ever, but its not a you must or your missing out kinda thing So is it seems safe to say, you believe that you believe in stuff in certain ways, and do so as a result of external facts brought to you or observed by you internally? While I'm not sure if I can prove to you what Leo, Inliytened1, justfortoday is trying to point to, perhaps I can help open up the possibility. And maybe this analogy will help. Its important if this is something you truely want to understand to be really honestly open. Some how you know what you know now and believe what you know somehow, its pretty self evident to you as you've said. so in this same way, something has shifted in Leo/Inliytened1/justfortoday that has made it pretty self evident that what they are sharing is true and its just known in a way that can't really be said why they know, just like you, but its just evident. Now you may say well I know that I don't know and that it can't be known or only certain things could be possibly be know, but carefully look at how this to is just a thought, just an idea that can't be known either, the belief/statement itself actually cancels itself out. I lived a long time in that same belief as well, always denying what I thought was impossible to know or understand. But upon seeing that this statement I believed was fundamentally true, actually wasn't, a new window opened up that let in some new direct knowing.... Perhaps that window is ready to be opened for you..... Let me know if this makes sense or if you have an questions or opposition to what was shared..... Also if you are interested in looking into this deeper, send me a private message and perhaps we can chat, its honestly easier then long hand typing all this stuff....
  7. Great answers thanks for sharing. Ok lets dig a little deeper if you don't mind.... So there is a unquestionable fact that you are aware and I almost agree to... But What is the "you" part of the awareness, and not just awareness happening? When you say there is one me obviously what do you mean.... A sense of experiencing something, or a "you" that is experiencing something and this you was born at particular date, knows that it makes choices and thinks what it wants to and feels what it wants to? If not, how would you describe this. And why is this "you" you? And not the universe arising? Or a planet birthing people? Is perhaps some of it because you feel like your in a body on the planet and this planet is in the universe? I mean those reasons are very convincing, I agree. (I'm not trying to lead you in a particular way of seeing, just want to know how you see these things, even if its not how I phrased my questions). Also I dont know if you believe in the big bang or not, but if you do, what seperates "you" from the big bang still happening creating the universe moment to moment?
  8. @Kross Seems like you got some good info, but I'll add another thing to open your mind if its helpful. What is 1 of something? An apple lets say. But you know an apple is not just an apple, but made of many many parts, perhaps infinite? Just look into a microscope and wala, theres fibers, various organic matter, space, electrons, protons, and the more you look around and zoom in the more you find and the more is unknown and explainable at this point by humans and perhaps forever. And to be clear this happens with any supposed 1 thing, the more you look into it the more its not 1 thing....... So ask yourself again what are you talking about when you say there is 1 apple, is it an apple or is "something" called a apple that is really just a combination of other stuff that you really can't nail down where or what it is, since it seems from the science view that theres always more to a supposed something. Oh and to make it even more interesting, all the "stuff that is made of other stuff" is moving around all the time..... And yet I imagine while all this is going on right now, there is something in you that thinks its a solid thing that is moving around solid no-moving terrain.
  9. It's not a easy thing to answer honestly, but I don't want to leave you with a cope out feel or avoiding proof. Let me ask you a few things first if you don't mind sharing, perhaps it will get you closer to the answer your asking. You say you don't have a problem with the perspective, but a problem with how do I or anyone know that? 1. Why is that? 2. How do you know anything for that matter and/or what is it to know anything? 3. Why do you assume there is a small you and not a God you?
  10. If I may chime in here and just shed some light on the solipsism thing. From what I've vaguely understood from a limited number of solipsism believers and from the definition in philosophy books to begin with is, solipsism is a position that believes that there are individuals and individual minds (which may argue have choice or autonomy) to begin with. What I think Inliytened1, and it seems the quote you just sited from@justfortoday is saying, is that Oneness is having/dreaming/happening a multitude of perspectives simultaneously, one being whats talking/thinking/sharing/arguing from your end, and one thats doing the same from my end and Inliytened1 end and @justfortoday end.
  11. @Nak Khid Are you asking questions or making statements? I'm not clear in your OP. Do you want to know if you meditate that you will get some wisdom that is not just fabricated afterward? Do you feel like maybe you should meditate, have tried and got no results and are looking for reasons or an answer that perhaps will make you feel less guilty for not meditating? What's the root behind your question?
  12. @lmfao Would you say up until this point, you may of "thought" you knew what "nothing but now, you are god, everything is a dream, everything is imaginary." really was pointing to, but after this happening your going through you realize you had no idea and that perhaps it was just all intellectual so to say? Give it some time, don't making any rash distinctions or conclusions or choices. There's still a lot of idea's it seems around this period and what your seeing that is in flux and you don't want to get into a place where you think you now know what it is. Lots of people get frightened in this phase and get stuck in a frame of seeing that believes its negatively empty and meaningless, just let these thoughts be or pass, there's more to the picture so to say....
  13. As much as your hoping for some objectiveness on this matter, I dont think you'll find it. Some people are very moved by Leo and find just what they need, others perhaps like yourself are not resonating. "the path" may involve you branching out and finding what your heart resonates now with. Perhaps in time you'll find yourself drawn to leo again, perhaps not.
  14. While a little vague or I'm uniformed about the material your referring to, I'd say fairness. Since both "as it is" and "fairness" are not determined ultimately, I'd go with the world that I think would be most enjoyable for most. My sense if you asked the most amount of people just to live by their determined view of fairness, we'd have a more pleasant world vs if you asked everyone to act effectively.
  15. @krockerman I still dont really know what is being said by your term logic. It sounds like, if it makes sense to you, its logical and things that make sense to you are what defines how Reality itself works. Again what is logical and how do you know your answer lines up with Totality? Also what point are you trying to get across with this thread?
  16. I didn't look into all of the links, but I'd see no reason at least 2-3 were not true in some way. As a healer myself having worked with energy, intention, prayer and many other forms, I've seen and experienced some interesting things. Science admits that 25-50% of all people getting better from medicine is up to placebo which you could say is belief in the person telling you the medicine is good or you telling yourself its going to work. Athletes of all types say competition is 90% mental 10% physical. once you have the basics of physical needs in place, the area that separates the top is mental. You could say "mental" is will, belief in oneself, a bond to family and willingness or ability to harness energy to do what needs to be done with your body. First hand as a martial artists I've experienced the mental game in fights, where you face off against a bigger man and all the sudden its much more difficult to do use your body free in fear of the danger thats at hand (this is mental, its not happening anywhere else). Now your linkes are "spiritual" but in the least spiritual and mental go hand in hand. Your belief in your God/Spirit can take you very far in healing, sports, emotional ability to keep yourself going when the going gets tough, your belief in what would jesus do can influence your attitude and willingness to challenge yourself to be the better man or turn you cheek and not strike back. Then there is just raw spiritual healing energy that can come from forces bigger then us that can cure what would seem impossible or seem like magic to us. But if your not open to any of the other stuff such energies would have a harder time of working if your mind and willingness was closed or against such happenings.
  17. 1. What do you mean by logic? 2. And is this your definition or does it line up with Reality itself?
  18. next time you try to do this, just notice that there is awareness of the whole process of going into the "head" that happens without trying to do it. let in that there is a part of you that is aware, even when your not trying to be aware, thats aware of hearing before trying to hear, smell before trying to sniff and smell, seeing without having to questioning into what your seeing.... isn't that interesting, let it hit you, dont solve it, but its there.......
  19. Not gonna lie, the "mind" experience of not knowing and not searching can feel pretty lame and uncomfortable. But a pattern I noticed, is that sometimes it will be intense for a period 1-2 weeks, then there would come a big opening revealing stuff spontaneously. But still if you don't have a deep sense of trust in this process or "something greater", I imagine you will likely doubt or think your going crazy, and that will be the distraction the mind grabs onto. Just keep open and noticing, but let go of the need to know a particular solution or fact about reality.
  20. In addition to what Leo said, I'd add it sounds like part of your fundamental workings is looking for "proof of certainty" to your experiences. You wonder, well I had this experience, but how do I not know its perception/perspective/interpretation/accumulated knowledge/ just my mind which is in a body on this earth, and not what I was aware of in the experience. And if your 200% honest, you'll probably begin to realize you can't prove it, there's always another theoretical model that could explain anything. There's no easy remedy to this, I was in this place for years at one point, putting together and connecting possibilities that I read about as being Truth and God, science and what actually is and how its all supposed to work. I was good at it, I made very good connections and synthesized lots of religions and Truths from different cultures and it all logically connected. But it really didn't get me anywhere and a lot of it was mumbo jumbo and really wasn't as smart as I thought it was, lol. It wasn't until I got to a place of realizing I couldn't prove ANYTHING, God, Mind, Ego, Choice, "I", self, materiel reality, Nondual reality, and lived REALLY not knowing how anything works or is and getting comfortable with not having to know (because no one needs to know anything or be right about anything, Reality still chugs along all the same) that Truth began to really emerge and Self understanding unfolded spontaneously (its not a thing or particular event that happens, its not even a "It or its"). Leo and original OP is pointing to something profound. This is it, full stop. What ever is experienced, all that appears, all mundane human experience, all profound liberating moments, all mental chatter, all sensations, all theories, all models, all trying to figure it out, all failings, all beliefs, all questions, all wonderings, all confusions, all getting it, all not getting it, all rights, all wrongs, all subconscious, all conscious, all hates, all fears............just what happens, just what happened, just whats gonna happen, all disagreeing or agreeing, all no thats not it, all what ifs ands or buts.
  21. If your asking me a question I'm not sure what it is. If just making some interesting connections and saying your thoughts, I say they are interesting and may serve you in your unfolding. You make some good observations, even if they can't be proven within a scientific certainty. Some how though, it seems as though your words are signs of someone confused and still trying to solve something, what is that exactly? Are you trying to understand what IS, are you trying to figure out whats right so you can be on that side of the fence, or just curious and putting interesting connections together wether or not they line up with anything provable?
  22. It may be impossible to answer your question since what you call Buddhism and Advaita can be taught or expressed slightly differently among each teacher (and the teachers recognition and depth of understanding influences their expression), even though they are all under the same banner of the name Buddhism, or Advaita. If you ask then what the actual source of the first teacher said, then you still have yourself or the person your listening to translate the original source to you, so its still not clearly known if you got the meaning of what they meant, lol. Also the first person to reply to this thread mentioned something very interesting that I think is important to take into consideration in this question and something I've said as well before after learning more about Atheism. There are Atheists that actively deny a "god" as though they know or believe this, and then there are those, although I think they are much fewer, that don't even have a belief in Gods and are not on some deeper subconscious level proving this to themselves or others, its just they don't consider reality in the form of having Gods, so there's not a rejectionist stance (does that make sense)? Ones a belief that you could say is a active defense or action of ones ideas and the other is just a natural more relaxed way of "being" where God origination is not even considered or relatable to them inherently. The other side to this which is interesting is what is the God word in your question and in the places your asking about. Actual Origin? because I think of the top of my head, Advita and Buddhism both speak about or life/reality in such a way that they teach a student reasons/meanings/or absences of meanings to convey a "reason or Origin of happening" even if they don't phrase them with the God word. One thing I've found worth contemplating is letting in the possibility that Origin or a Origin story, or the describing of first cause is actually just a human mental concept to describe how Reality works, and Reality may not work in the way Origin or First Cause or the way in which people think God or a God would work. Like you could say all those that I listed, describe an idea that one understands as follows "Theres something happening now, so it must mean that there is Something that started or allowed for Now to exist, and thus one can seek an answer or be informed of one to answer within that paradigm of questioning" Or expressions like just Is, is always in response to the question of Origin or a why, how, what, when, where....Not sure what exactly my point is, but its interesting none the less to ponder.....
  23. What your sharing is a profound insight and its all you ever really need to know. And yet there is more, but its not really important from where you understand now, yet sometimes more will awaken in you from that place, its just the way it is, and its nothing you can or need to do about it. Just be what it is as you say...... Congrats man, thats a real sweet place to be.
  24. "Already whole and complete" and to talk about it can make it into a "something" and that something can unfortunately be seen or communicated by the teacher as a higher than something else or has greater value.
  25. no-self isn't something that would have concern for such a question, take that for what you will.