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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. I can understand through my own awakening what you mean, there's just a different language expressed on subtleties. Like Yes the moment of you happening (feelings, thoughts, sensations) is what you are, and your the infinite interpretations, infinite view points, infinite births and deaths, the labeling, the naming, everything!!! theres nothing thats not "You", the falling away of distinctions and the distinctions, which is just you. The beautiful smell or breaking out in hives reaction to smelling a rose, the stinky or pleasant odor of baby shit, the perspective of no-mind, the happening of void/nothingness, the falling away of all distinctions, the forgetting of that and the feeling of being human and the infinite ways that can feel.
  2. So if you ate a piece of shit in between two pieces of bread, it would be no different then eating salami? There would be no color, no texture, no smell, no taste arising as whats happening?
  3. @VeganAwake Sure the individual story can cease, but that doesn't mean its not a one tone happening so to say, or the senses stop functioning and there's no quality of anything.
  4. Haha, this is going deep, ok, so are you saying that if an animal bit off leg of the body your talking as or typing right now as, there would be no indication of change? I mean no feelings to indicate alteration of body..... Is that what your saying and if so, I'm not sure what to call that, lol. Is color not evident, is sound not evident, is taste not occur, ever notice the stench of a poop vrs the fragrance of a rose? I think you equate feeling with needing a mind (which doesn't really exist, and I agree), but I'm saying the "taking place/non-event" after distinctions dissolve still has quality/flavor/substance that doesn't require or fall within the general jargon of form or emptiness. The experience of Being/changing/adventure is no more or no less real/illusion of "You".
  5. There's no scientific concrete one size fits all method that works for everyone. But that said, try as many methods as you can and see what draws you in energetically. Maybe you will feel your heart open, maybe an intuitive sense will awaken that feels "just right", or you'll feel your mind start to ease or expand. If you find anything like that when you try a new method, stay with it for a months-years, until you find yourself pulled somewhere else. See how Ram Dass works with you. Put on some head phones with the lights off and just relax, listen and watch this guided thing. Report back if something shifts
  6. Just out of curiosity is this something your citing or know through awakening or experience? I mostly agree either way. I'll just add a few things to the topic as well and then clarify my original post. The happening of "You" can be phrased in many different ways and metaphors none of which are fully able to encompass the totality of "Itself". Words like "everything" and "nothing" aren't real things so to say in and of themselves, but within our communication now, are metaphors pointing to ".......", which isn't a something, everything or a nothing (again just words pointing). Some call the way of pointing I'm pointing to, lol, as "nothing can really be said", or "silence is the answer". Now back to my original post and using the word "experience". To translate it in the metaphors you use above, I'd say this. Yes all "experience" is "You" and while you can say there for it doesn't happen since its just a Now, none the less I'd argue that the "Now of taking a ice bath, feels slightly different then the Now of eating a sandwich". I mean if you doubt me, test it out, and I'd honestly be curious if you didn't feel anything different within the Now experiment".
  7. Really interesting stuff you've shared, some parallels of information and experience I've found in my own experience. I'm not sure how much answers you'll find here, not many people that I'm aware of on the forum have shared much in these realms, but I could be wrong. Maybe people will share their experience here. I will say though, "evil spirit", demons, black magic, is not something I'd play around with, even if there is so to say lessons that can be learned, I'd just heavily warn against it.
  8. Yes we are the experience, and you ever notice that experience isn't one shade of experience? It has a multitude of dimension and quality? Call it what you want, thought, universe, life, god, no-me, its got a quality of experiencing..... like different VR helmets.
  9. I wouldn't be so sure they are the same. Sure in the Totality of ALL, everything is the same, but the experience of each of those, its very very different, and thats part of the fun and beauty of those and all experiences. "on-duality - surrender - enlightenment - presence - being - god - nothingness - love - no-self - zen - tao - no-mind" Sure there is and will be similarity and overlap, but some can be so radically different, you will question deeply in your soul if you were mistaken about what you thought you knew or if you were deluding yourself, or just what the fuck.... and then again perhaps not
  10. Is god a separate entity detached from creation doing something to you particularly? Or is this an idea within? If you do not know the answer then don't believe anything about what god is, just be open. And who say's your stuck with "this" specific perspective? Has your perspective never changed in any way in your life? And can you say it can't change profoundly in any moment? Again if you don't know the answer, assume nothing and leave it open. I believe Leo points to this same matter of what I'm pointing to now in this video......
  11. Yes they are intertwined but one is not necessarily a prerequisite for the other. You could say everyones path is a little different, and with that ones language, interpretation, description, connections made, sequences of events that seemed to happen, all are a little different and some the same. In the end, one hopefully realizes that its ALL always been perfectly in order, perfectly whole, and not a bit of negative intention behind it all.
  12. @Seed I'd just find a new therapist, don't worry what it means about you or him. If its not connecting in the first 3 sessions just find a new one even if it feels inconvenient and is something you desperately want to happen. If you rush this process or just want to find someone so it can be done, your selling yourself and the process of what can come out short.
  13. Why not to live this specific perspective?
  14. Thanks for sharing, thats a pretty profound retreat. Wise of the teacher to have you take a break, sometimes people get in the mind set that thoughts, feeling and mental states don't matter and they need to push push push through everything because its not Absolute truth, when in fact our experience is not separate.
  15. Sounds like you had a first hand experience of all experiences being made of the same stuff. That stuff being "You". Not the you memory of being born from a particular mom or dad, but the Never Born, Never Dying you that is All. Is this still causing panic, anxiety or severe disorientation at level 10 for extended periods? If so, I'd practice compassion and gratitude work or meditation and heavily cut back your current practice, it can help develop other aspects of your being until you may be ready to embody what your peeking into through your current practices. Feel free to ask me any questions about this stuff.
  16. Congrats, ya shadow work is the shit. But man it can really be hard to, but it seems once you understand that there's nothing ultimately to fear in yourself/the shadow and its all you and love in disguise, life becomes that much easier and less scary.
  17. You don't have to relate with everyone you meet on the level of speaking about oneness acting a particular holy way, sometimes just general human shoot the shit connection with respect of some boundaries is enough. Some people you can just have as hilarious none spiritual buds relationship and at the same time have connections that are the wave length of what your awakening to. I wish I understood this 15 year ago on some level, would of saved some pain on my part.
  18. Ya sounds like you had a taste, to me thats a good sign to keep practicing the meditation if what your interested in is consciousness. Enjoy the ride, but also be aware that most face some challenges when waking up, like ego back lash and looking at ideas about ourselves and the world that cause us and others pain. Feel free to reach out on the forum or PM me if you start to deal with some of this stuff. It really helps to talk about this stuff with others who've gone through it, otherwise you may think your going crazy, since a lot of society will tell you you are if you tried and described some of this stuff.
  19. There are plenty of great musician that raise consciousness or share views that help people move through pain and suffering. If thats your passion, I'd stick with it. And since you've been learning and doing developmental video's, I see no reason why the two couldn't overlap if you wanted to do both.
  20. Just some words of wisdom, but be careful with that line of thinking. It can easily lead one to a super ego ruling over those who are lower then it because you are now more spiritually enlightened than them.
  21. I like this theory, first time hearing about it. ya life can feel SOOOOOO hard, like seemingly so insurmountably hard, make you want to leave and never come back hard, and sometimes you just gotta accept and face it at that level 100%, even if momentarily it crushes you, but then before it crushes the soul out of ya, you just lovingly say fuck it, i'm going to make the most of the situation in front of me, putting your best foot forward, not taking your frustrations out on yourself or others, just committing to making happiness your priority and finding a way to the best of your ability to do so, even if it doesn't always work out. And when suffering and problems and troubles happen again, you lovingly say "ya life, is that all you got, I've suffered worse for 15 years, and I'm not gonna let this momentary new or old challenge hold me down". Sometimes you just gotta make something new happen within, even if it sounds hokey what I'm sharing. Flip the script, through away old ways of thinking, believing and operating......
  22. What are you talking about when you say "But since all of you want to perceive only this 3D world and die like pathetic human beings, I guess I will be the only one drinking from the Holy Grail. Oh well, no regrets whatsoever... haters gonna hate nevertheless ??