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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. Lol, come down from the absolute bubble, we are on the relative plan, LOL. Nope sorry, there is no relative plane. The distinctions of either are in the same plane and we are all flying in it, just some have no parachute. let go of the relative and absolute parachute for a few days, and see where you land.
  2. Ya it was pretty fun to watch and had a lot of mind expanding idea's and truths.
  3. I think I know how you feel. Kinda like, whats the point of me being here if its all perfect already? ya, I don't have a simple answer, however it may be insightful to look into this "feeling/thought/idea of self" and just be with it and love it for a while. May shift something for ya.
  4. It doesn't matter what we think about him being a spiritual teacher. If he's one for you, he is. Everyone and every life experience can and is a teacher.
  5. Ya I can relate, been there done that. By the way great videos, like your openness and humility.
  6. @Someone here why so angsty about all this awakening stuff. Fully awake as opposed to what? There some sort of map you have that showed you in a spot called fully awake as opposed to less awake?
  7. @Someone here Congrats, sounds like your waking up. Also if you haven't, recognize that this exact description your describing isn't it either. Its just ".....". Perhaps when you see this, you'll relax a little, maybe get less frustrated you seem to communicate about others not getting "it" will pass. Even your annoyance and frustration around Love and what not will pass as well. You may even have the pleasure of understand what Love is and why its such an amazing aspect of this all, because maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think you've had much of an awakening into that aspect of yourself.
  8. All this relies on an assumption that there are others or someone giving definitions to what seems to be, or assumes there are objective definitions (like a Authoritative Book of some sort, that if one finds they will now know all the actual definitions of all things out there). Also generally in most conversation on matters such as judgement, labels, thoughts, and pretty much any other topic, there again is an assumption of someone or another having such things or doing such things. Rather than say a conscious unfolding of experience. Or just happening. Not saying one or the other is ultimately the case, but if you want to let in "more" really let in the alternative stated here for a while and let it sink in for as long as tolerable, lol
  9. @Don Wei Sounds like you got your answer. Keep reminding yourself of this when "the voice" comes back. Dont yell at the voice, dont get frustrated with it, it may just be trying to protect you with taking the easiest way to survive, so just take that into consideration when feeling/hearing this voice. Good luck, and btw its natural to have insecurity, doubt and some stress in life at various times.
  10. Well, are you good enough? Both as a talent, and good enough human being?
  11. @andyjohnsonman hmmm, fun conversation. I've been on both sides of that position in my life. Can't say what either of you fully understand in the meaning of these terms, but if you see non duality as a larger container thats separate +containing duality and perhaps also containing someone called "andyjohnsonman" then you have not penetrated yet into the understanding that non of these are separate and thus dont exist as individual parts creating a whole. There's just "complete", not non-dual+duality+"andy". This doesn't then give answers to the debate your having of how to live, thats almost a mute point if you get the prior.
  12. Very well, see it how ever you like. But just notice, that all these "qualities/terms" arise in and as You so to say. Again this just appears to be a conversation of language, perhaps seemingly pointing to a topic, but in reality, its the expression and happening of the only event around "......". Its all there is......
  13. Mmmmm its both a lot more simple and a lot larger then can be comprehended. "It's" not really a "it" and there's nothing thats not "it". Its already Godhead consciousness right now and this will never change, however there's an infinite variety of experience so to say.
  14. @Yuliya Im sorry you had to go through such things. It may take time to feel through all this. Take time to mourn and send your mom love and appreciating of all you guys shared and went through. Go through all the moments you shared and say thank you to her and life. Cry all you need, but don't blame yourself or others in this process (including life). This will help in the healing process.
  15. Sorry to hear you went through this. It can have a major effect on ones emotions that may last a while. Time heals however and going through such things isn't a sign of something wrong. If things dont balance out in the weeks, months ahead perhaps seeking professional help could help, however a lot can be done on your end with just inquiring into your feelings and thoughts around the matter and allowing forgiveness and understanding. Not that its justifiable what he did, but its also something that was done and can't be undone, and how you accept and relate to this will probably have a deep impact on you.
  16. Its really beyond word explanations, but metaphorically its like the senses are a type of VR headset in which experience can happen for the sake of experiencing itself. There's other headsets out there so to say in which new experiences will be available and experienced, for the sake of experiencing itself. There's no end game to this, there's no final chapter in which you reach and its done, there's no answer waiting to be found so you solve it all or accomplish some task at hand. The whole event literally is what we are, not this single life of 5 sense we've assumed is us.
  17. @Endangered-EGO Lol, let your concerns go, no matter how small. Really, its ALL okay. You made it man, take a sigh of relief and just let the wonderings of what do go, and melt away into this moment. This is integration, relax, let go, trust into the unknown of what you are and is happening, as fully as possible without trying. No rush, no more to do, nothing ever needed to be done, nothing ever was a problem, be silent let this sink in. And if you have to go to work, go to work
  18. @Endangered-EGO Sounds like your in a good space, some teachers call this a integration phase, others claim enlightenment here, others wonder what they are supposed to do now (beliefs they are in a existence with a story that they are supposed to follow with exact rules). Love man, just love. Maybe do a final recap of your life, appreciating all thats happened, and may never happen again, saying thank you or being honest with how you felt about all instances. The futures a mystery, what will happen from this point forward may or may not occur, relax into it all.
  19. @meow_meow Did you try out the advice, and did it work?
  20. @AlwaysJoggin I gave similar advice to someone in another thread. This may sound like weird advice, and it may not work, but its worth a try. When your feeling the craving or need. Pause a moment and tune into the feeling, then once you got a good grasp and mental picture of the experience, recreate it in your minds eye and then in your body. Yes, you read that right, recreate the craving experience your already having in your minds eye and in your body exactly as your experiencing it, in the exact locations your experiencing it. This may take practice and it will feel weird, but it just may clear the craving in its tracks. If this sounds weird, or your asking how you would do it, imagine this and try it now. If your feeling say neutral now, think about something that is pleasant and notice how it slighty changes your emotions. Now while this is happening, focus your attention on the pleasant feeling. Notice how it increases the experience. Now try and feel that experience in your hand or foot or stomach, and see if you can feel that experience in those locations. So, if you can do this, its basically the same thing, but instead of thinking about something pleasant, your thinking about the exact experience your already going through (make sure its as close to exact as is actually occurring) and recreating it in your body and minds eye. When you do this it doesnt need to be sustained for more then 5-20 seconds. It should shift the experience if your doing as accurately as possible.
  21. This video is hopefully a pointer to something deeper within you that can be recognized with your own experience, much like sitting or standing where ever you are watching this is tangible and real.
  22. Did this recently happen? If so perhaps the neighborhood or places you visit arent that safe and its good that your prepared now and ready to act.
  23. The very nature of this question seems to highlight some assumptions you must be having already. Its like only being aware of a cat living for 15 years and saying can reality be any different, and of course when you get to see more than a cat, you see that things can live beyond 15 years, don't walk on 4 legs, maybe have wings and can fly, perhaps can invent cars that drive. So again, what are you assuming, and what are you asking?
  24. Kinda like different sexual toys. Each hit different spots, Until you realize the G-Spot.