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Everything posted by Mu_

  1. Ya, interesting isn't, all these "awakened" interpretations and subtle differences. Some say they are all saying the same thing, and others appearing to claim whats being said is different. Random enlightened guy 0: Your not awake, because Buddha said this, blah blah blah. Random enlightened guy 01: No your not awake because you haven't merged the emptiness and the everything. Random enlightened guy 010: But wait you didn't notice infinity or God. So its not complete. Whats a guy like you to do. Right? From your perspective, are the perspectives you shared true, possible, or neither? How would you actually be able to validate it? Is the source of your perspective, true, possible or neither? Is the fact that there is a perspective happening wether it matches your perspective or not, proof that "something" is in fact going on? Like could there be illusion/not real stuff if there wasn't at least "something" to be the source of such illusion/not real stuff? And if there is in fact "something" is it possible that it is separate from anything? Put more complicatedly, where would anything come from to begin with, 1. Wouldn't there need to be something always eternally so, like a basic ground in which stuff manifests from and as? Like you can make clay into many shapes and functions like a house or a chair, or a table or a car, but its still clay. Some may say this eternal is projecting illusion/imagination/dreams, but still these are from and as Eternal. 2. Some may say it arises from an actual No-thing or is a projection of, but still this would mean everything comes/connected to No-thingness, ie; an illusionary projection of/from No-thingnes is still No-thingness itself. This may take time to let in and understand, but once you do, you may notice, that essentially these metaphors are the same in practical purposes so to say. You see, as a questioner, which you appear to be, with a perception, in either case, are connected to Source/Sourcelessness. If that doesn't make sense, perhaps this video may help bridge some assumptions or lack of insights...
  2. Ya hope @BipolarGrowth recovers. Are you in touch with him? Is he physically ok?
  3. I have no idea if this will help you, but it may deal with some nervous system stuff and help you get back into feeling somewhat normal, although it sounds like you have some other body issues that may need to be address separately. It really is pretty miraculous, it seems to influence mood/thoughts/inner sense of being. My mom and even I have had some wacked out nervous system stuff and this device we bought and use daily has helped my mom sleep at night from night terrors and waking up in panic (nothing worked for her until this) and other hightened nervous system stuff. Seems to have helped me as well on a certain level thats hard to describe. Its a real mood shifter. It works with the vagus nerve through vibration. Its not cheap but you can find a discount code online for like 10-20% off. They also have a return policy if its not effective. Read up on it, its next generation stuff.
  4. I'd imagine there is a difference in intending bad thoughts and feelings vrs them genuinely arising in a moment. So the effect of just intending vrs them coming from a place immediatly without trying would influence if the experiment was working, or at least it would need to be considered.......
  5. What are "wrong" directions and "correct" directions?
  6. ya everything you say is reasonable. Perhaps in time you will see that some of your judgements and predictions and estimations are not as accurate as you thought. This may in turn allow you to go in a little more naked so to say and just feel and be with what is and comes up. Here you may find more time reveals more evidence to make a more broad judgment, and again you may find out it wasn't exactly as you saw, thought or felt. This may make you even more open and less judgemental and open to just be in the unknown immediacy and perhaps intimacy of the moment. This may also start a dark night of the soul which causes some self doubt and deep shifting of your world. Don't beat yourself up during this phase, just feel, accept and don't be so harsh in judgment of "you". You also may start to find out what you judge in others, you yourself do just as much or maybe a little less in same or similar ways. This may in turn create a empathy or openness of likeness and a letting go of judgement since you both are the same in a sense.... Perhaps even now, as you read this, your future approach will change and the interaction of a moment with a stranger will create a new change or possibility.... Cheers.
  7. And asldkfjasdlfj is as much of a sdfsdf as alksdfjsldkfjaslfkj, or alskfjsldkfjasdlfksjdflkasjdflk is zx,vmzxvzxkvjkl, or xzkjvoxuvzioxuvo, or .................... hahahaha
  8. @Natasha At first it seems like a process done by choice, or perhaps it starts to happen on its own like a epiphany while sober or high from time to time. This deconstruction can continue as a "it feels like choice" or spontaneous epiphanies until perhaps its seen in a new way that it all lead to "something" or "nothing" or some notion of both sides of the same coin. This idea to can be deconstructed, leaving a ".....". Guys like Veganawake and Tony Parsons, and similar messages seem to land on a No one there to begin with message/realization that happens to no one with verbal symbols and metaphors for why that is, and symbols and metaphors for whats left over or has always been the case, which to is a construct of its own sort. Even this message is a construct of its own you could say...... Whats perhaps silly, funny, or scary, is if you inquire into what a construct is or a deconstruction is (or any word or idea you think means something to you or objectively so), you may find first hand that the meanings and the idea's around the words itself fall apart and lose any objectivity of substance or inherency of their own. You may find its just experience happening, or sounds and sensations of various tones and temperatures, and pressures, which again are just idea's that if deconstructed, lose a certain explainability......
  9. Another simple and easy one as well is just to make some friends or do stuff with others who have similar interests.
  10. You could start a simple meditation practice as a test to see what it does. I've found it to be relaxing, and a good tool to train the body/mind to be able to drop loops of thought/emotion that get us worked up. Start off small, like something 10-20 minutes a day 3-4 days a week. Just close your eyes and let every thought about the past and future arise, and then pass when it does, same with emotion, same with focusing on sounds, or bodily sensations or tastes or heat or cold (of course don't freeze to death). While doing this, just pay attention to your breath entering and leaving your mouth and nose. If you notice yourself distracted or sucked into any of the listed above, come back to you breath. This may be vary challenging at times, but stick with it. If you start to experience a lot of resistance to this after a while, just stop for a few days to a week and come back to a regular practice. Do this until you can remain with your breath consistently without much or any distraction of the other stuff. Then maybe increase your meditation to 30-40 mins. When you get good at this do the above, but drop paying attention to the breath as well. Feel free to come back and ask any questions during your process.
  11. Thanks for sharing all the content, I'll check it out, I'm always interested in hearing how "others" communicate about this mystery we all share. I hope to at some point maybe hold a meditation class of some sort which may or may not open to other sharings of various sorts. In the mean time I make video's sharing a perspective that hopefully at least helps a couple of people hearing it at the right time, and work 1-1 with those interested. There doesn't seem to be a exact recipe for this kinda stuff, nor does there need to be one, and thats one of the rather interesting aspects in and of itself.
  12. Well the funny thing is, "the spiritual realm begins" is actually whats happening now. So do you want more happiness, more peace, more often?
  13. If your lifes pretty good, and you don't suffer much, consider yourself lucky. What more do you want?
  14. How bad is the pain they felt? Do you know? Honestly? Or is it just estimated in your mind. This is really important to look at. Your likely putting yourself in suffering just thinking you know how bad they had it. This is negative empathy.
  15. Right so why hold onto an idea that your alone in something called perception and will always be. Nobody being able to enter your own god hood, is another concept. To me it sounds like you have some ideas and beliefs of God and separation and loneliness, which are causing suffering. Inquire into your own beliefs on these ideas.
  16. Sounds like a thought is telling you how to feel and think. Idea's of alone or not alone, are just that. Nobody entering own godhood, again more thoughts and feelings about some concept and what it means, not actual Reality.
  17. Before you watch this video, grab a piece of food you can eat. At some point I'll ask you to try an experiment out. Would be curious what you experience, learn or object to. Honestly learning from your learning.
  18. Take a step back and focus on your basics for a while. Like supporting yourself eventually. Explore other interests and see if any of them are interesting enough to learn more about, maybe it will turn into a way to make money. Explore relationships and intimate and sexual connection. This Truth stuff ain’t going anywhere if you walk away. And your not missing out if you want to do something else.
  19. By this same logic, there is no evidence “you/your” bubble is conscious, since I can just say I’m dreaming you. Lol. What evidence shows this ain’t truE now im not saying this is true but don’t assume your original logic is true just because you think so.
  20. It is for a lot of experiences for sure. But not always. I imagine it’s a lot easier and less scary if you didn’t have a family that was worried and freaked out about you and what was going on. I’d imagine if the doctors didn’t think you were going crazy would help. I’d imagine if people didn’t see trauma and emotions that are icky so judgementally or awkwardly inside themselves and in others, the journey would be easier less painful and not so lonely.
  21. Your right it is so far away from normal human axioms. But hey so are many things that we are not aware of, that doesn’t make it not true because we can’t experience it because we lack a sense or an organ. This desire to find out is not always easy, in fact it’s one of the hardest most uncomfortable ventures for a lot of people, really letting go of what you think you know is not easy, it’s like trusting if you walk through a cave with no light and trusting you’ll find the other side, at times you may believe your going crazy or are going to die. But just when it’s to much a magical something that defies reason and your old beliefs gives you a nudge and a sign and it changes your life. Of course this is metaphor but it’s not far off in my experience. All this said you will at times or largely use all your current faculties and capacities to discover and evolve towards what Leo is pointing towards.
  22. So essentially, it comes down to how you see war, torture, and rape? Why would a "good" god create such things if it were really good? What if someone else didn't see those things the same way you did, perhaps in a more broad way that wasn't attributing such things to mean the universe was bad and as such they saw life as a overall good place, would it make the universe ok then, or would you opinion still trump that?
  23. @Mh1781 You bring up a lot of good and logical deductions, they make sense to the human heart and mind it the unique way they do to you. Out of curiosity, do you feel for the deaths and pains that bugs and aliens you haven't met go through, or does it Really bother you? And does the fact that things grow and fall apart bother you? Is it the fact that uncomfortable and really uncomfortable experience is possible that you see God or Life in a none good way (be aware this is just one point of view). Some people love pain and thrive off of it and do all sorts of body mutilation as a way of art and being, to them they don't see this pain as a reason that life is bad, they in fact find pleasure in pain, some even find this their favorite part of life. Depending on how you honestly answer, I'll answer more of your question.
  24. So to me it sounds like your using the word ego to describe aspects of experience. But did you ever see any of these stories of what you say ego is, or is this just a "belief experience" that happened when answering the question? Did you ever see something called ego in experience? Is your mother and you ego? Or are you perhaps experiencing an event of relationship?