Santiago Ram

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Everything posted by Santiago Ram

  1. I have not relapsed. For a year i'm living in a halflway house. Should I return just to do service? It takes a long time, like a year, to start having enlightenment experiences, but I cannot achieve hyper-sobriety in 'society'. Also, corruption and violence. But then again, inst that what society does at a MASSIVE scale? So, should I return and study there?
  2. Kindness. How can I repair my relationship with X? "I understood that they, just like us, were wounded. That's why every time they hurt me, I will repair the damages. Because you also wanted healing, this is your answer. 42."
  3. To make senses of the Bible's weird stories and absurd commandments…use this Word: Conflict. It is a Conflict Resolution manual written 2000 years ago. Think about it. Lord's Prayer. The Gospels (turn the other cheek…give your cloak as well, do not desire the neighbors wife, do not throw your pearls before swines) The 10 commandments Proverbs If You see it through this lense, it Will make more sense. Harmony = The Kingdom. Specially read the Gospels and remember it is just a Conflict Resolution manual. An extreme one. Christianity is the religión of Conflict Resolution. May Peace be with You.
  4. @Leo Gura as God's infinite imagination, why did you dream up Donald Trump?
  5. @Leo Gura You made a video titled "Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause of Every Addiction" in 2017. Your teachings and understanding since then have grown. Recently you made a post about Intelligence where you encompassed many things to be unintelligent like consuming junk food, watching poor content, chasing after clicks and views, chasing after sex and money, etc. It seems to me like all those are addictions. So I will drop (most of) the BS I've learnt about addiction for the past 5 years and I would like to know your Tier 2 understanding of Addiction. What is the essence of addiction? What is the essence of sobriety? I live in a with addicts and serving them is basically my Life Purpose. Your insight will be very useful for many people.
  6. ( @Leo Gura posted this video on an old blog post.) The word that popped up when I saw The Kingdom of Heaven, what could disrupt the whole tapestry. Conflict. What is Conflict?
  7. Read between the lines. The Gospels are all about Conflict Resolution. Heaven on Earth. May Peace be with You.
  8. Although, remember, at first you will have to follow a lot of orders (be warned)
  9. I want to live inside an addiction clinic without WiFi or contact with the outside world (except one day a week). I want some pay as well. I have lived in a clinic for more than a year, and if you are really commited, the ascetic life is really worth it. good luck
  10. When I saw the Kingdom, the word Conflict, El Conflicto, popped up into my mind. That is what made one shape fight with the other and Samsara returned. What is Conflict? I believe it is my Life Purpose to find that out. I want to be a mediator and start working in Drug Rehab Clinics with addicts and their families, seeking Harmony where there is Conflict. For now, studying Social Mediation is my Life Purpose and sowing Harmony in my daily relationships. Just wanted to share
  11. This monday, I saw the devil. It was a maze of Infinite Lies, EVIL. It was like a video game maze, imaginary but inescapable. You turned this way and there was a wall. There, another. Faster. There. Walls everywhere but INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED to keep you trapped. Cunning. Smart. I saw a trickster, a moment later, manipulating a web of infinite LIES, intelligence again to deceive you. But there was a chief to this trap. He was proud. He had demons, like claws or tentacles. But they were infinite and I KNEW they were Lies. Sex, money, power - TRICKS. If this trick doesn’t work, this other. But I saw Christ. He had solved the Maze. He had resisted all tricks. But this web of lies is so intricate, so perverse, it is FUCKING EVERYWHERE. That is the devil, a big proud Liar. Just thinking about it gives me chills.
  12. I turned my vision of Heaven into a Generative AI video: Hope you like it.
  13. @Breakingthewall Yup. Service
  14. @SchahinIt took a year of service. But the experience was spontaneous.
  15. @Leo Gura pointed out two main things: 1. Awareness of suffering (conscioussness to see the need for a Sober Life) 2. Trauma healing. What resources do you guys have on these?
  16. For me, Solipsism has been the best way to realize God or the Dream-like nature of life. I've had two experiences of Solipsism. Once I was repeating mentally I am the One, the Only Mind there is, There is No other, while walking on a crowded supermarket and I got the realization that I was on a dream. All others were simply characters. I was literally consciouss this was nothing but a dream. Another day, I was repeating Im the Only Mind, Other Minds Dont Exist. And I, I saw myself walking through the woods. I was God, the ONLY MIND in existence. Deeply intelligent, I had designed all life. It was a happy moment. All was my dream. Please share which methods have worked for you to achieve a direct experience of solipsism.
  17. Not everything I´ve learnt about addiction is BS. I've seen these two things help: Amends Social service
  18. @Schahin Thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did service in a NA Drug addiction clinic, teaching kindness in a place of violence. And one tired day, laying in my bed I saw It.
  19. Reminds me of the Friday afternoons in the clinic when the therapist Nance came and taught us about The 5 Wounds of the Soul. Happy times. I like Leo's video on How Survival Shapes Who You Are.
  20. @Yimpa How much suffering has whining brought into your life? How much suffering can it bring? Become aware of it. Feel it in your bones.
  21. @Princess Arabia of course I'm talking about abuse. The people I talk to do not drink only One glass of wine.
  22. @Leo Gura Wow. Thank you, that is a great insight. I'll be working on awareness of suffering. When I put up my own clinic, I'll administer 5 meo DMT (along with spiritual coaching). I still have a shit ton to learn but that's my dream.
  23. @Leo Gura Well maybe the simple realization that with every relapse, things will get harder is enough. Like the next time you eat junk food know it makes you even more dependent. Just realizing it gets harder helps. Next time you use social media, it gets harder. Next time you chase after prestige and fame, it gets harder. Simply stop. Now that you still can. Also, some clinics in Mexico use 5 meo DMT for recovery as it has proven quite effective.
  24. @Leo Gura Yup. Helping someone in their 2nd or 3rd nugget is quite easy. How can you recover when you are in your 200th nugget? Edit: tbh sometimes I think I, and the Sponsors are just lucky to be Sober and full of shit, that's why I'm asking you