Santiago Ram

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Everything posted by Santiago Ram

  1. I think Kindness is one of the fundamentals to living The Good Life. But what is Kindness? What is Service? I think it is understanding and attending the Anger that the Other has against you and solving it, as illustrated by the above verse from The Sermon of The Mount. you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you "CLEAN THE FLOOR, you made an awful mess." Yes Ma'am. "Do 100 Push Ups NOW" Okay, Godfather. "Do the laundry CORRECTLY" Yes. "Do it again, YOU MESSED UP". Okay. "AGAIN!" Okay. I think it is not about solving my own anger, but other people's. I think that is the essence of service and abnegation and a route to enlightenment. After doing that, others will smile and you will sow Peace. In a clinic where people have commited suicide, this attitude can save their lives, and your own. I think this is part of Christ's message.
  2. @Leo Gura Thank you
  3. @shree Yup I think I need to work on that as I am somewhat meek. But that is a very wrong interpretation. God rewards you now (you are God), Heaven and Hell are just metaphors. @shree Many are fundamentalists and can be very damaging, but there can also be Stage Turquoise Christianity
  4. @Aaron p @Leo Gura A drug rehab center in Mexico can be a place with A LOT of anger. Ive seen two commit suicide because of this, many relapse and many simply go crazy. I've observed my anger and I can see it come and go. But working with other addicts can be very challenging. One day a 50 year old woman asked: Why, after working with dolphins, art, group therapy, psychiatrists, many clinics, why has nothing improved? Because of RESENTMENT, I yelled and her eyes opened a bit, the owner of the clinic noticed this. So, I think there is something profound about Hate, Resentment and, Anger that creates a Duality between Self and Other and that somehow must be resolved. When I saw the Kingdom, I found a word - Conflict, which I have not yet resolved. What is Conflict? I will research and practice Sedona Method, thank you
  5. I do work with addicts, like myself, btw. And I want this to be accurate.
  6. This too shall pass. I was witnessing the anniversary of a AA godfather when it all began. The hypocrisy of his speech was evident and a wave of anxiety began to rise in my arms. I’m going to lose control, I thought. I better call an Uber to take me to the hospital. Anxiety rose more and more. I’m going to lose my mind. I started to freak out in the Uber. My hands were wet from excessive sweat and I started to move front and back, front and back. God, God, God, God. I repeated. The Uber driver freaked out as well and called a cop to guard us to the hospital entrance. When the car moved to the entrance of the Urgencies section, I opened the door while it was still moving and tumbled into the floor. I arrived, better run. I ran into the entrance and pleaded to be taken care of. They assigned me a bed called my parents. TIE ME. I yelled. TIE ME OR I WILL BLASPHEME. It was a scary moment. A metaphysical terror began. My parents arrived and saw me in the hospital bed. Every possible medicine and injection was applied. I DO NOT WANT TO BLASPHEME, I yelled. Then I said some terrible words. What will people think? I asked my Dad. What will God think? They will laugh, he said in a serious tone. They will all laugh. None of the medical staff laughed. After 4 hours in the Hospital and many medications with no effect, my dad almost lost his patience. I will leave you on the streets, he threatened. I yelled once again and woke up all the patients. My dad took care of me that night. He drove me to the other side of town while I was still in psychosis. We were searching for a rare medication. TIE ME PLEASE to the car seat, I screeched, or else I might become violent. He complied, careful not to be seen by police who might misinterpret the situation. When we arrived at his apartment, I was delirious and horrified. Please, I don’t want to blaspheme. He tied me to the bed and I started to say horrible things. Sexual things. Offensive things. About my family. But I didn’t want to speak bad about my dad. What if I say something awful and he leaves me on the streets? I yelled with all my might. I pulled all the bondages that tied me to his bed and I broke free. Then I ran towards the pit. 5 floors of precipice. I almost made it. But my father caught me and threw me to the ground. He slapped me twice. After that they called an ambulance and headed me towards a (thank God) nice psychiatric clinic were they stabilized me for two weeks. But in the ambulance I remembered hallucinating monsters and crying in pain: “Will this pass? Please tell me this will come to an end.” The driver, a bit annoyed, replied: “Yes, this will pass” I would only come to know later that this has been the wisest thing anyone has ever said. After that, I arrived at another Rehab clinic where I later helped and had visions of God and Love. My life is much better now and I can enjoy having sporadic awakenings without losing control. Always one day at a time. But in knowledge that just waiting, this too shall pass.
  7. I worked as a Staff in a Narcotics Anonymous drug rehab center. There, I followed the Gospels almost literally. There I saw God completely sober. In a place filled with yells, slaps and discipline, anger in all its forms - I used to start the morning meetings with the following statement: God, whenever I become angry, allow me to be Kind. And whenever I get angrier, allow me to be Kinder. So be it. One tired day, I laid in my bed and I saw the Kingdom of Heaven. It was an infinite white and blue geometrical tapestry filled with figures I knew where angels. Peace was everywhere. It was Perfect. Every piece fit together with every other. But above all, it was white, and it was Infinite. God was there, a hierchichy stood up as some figures were above all others. But this white tapestry explored itself. It was breath taking. ‘El Cielo’, I knew. Heaven. This I understood. It was the happiest day of my life. But then one word, this enigmatic word popped into my field of consciousness: “El Conflicto.” The Conflict. Something that could disrupt this tapestry in its entirety. It could make one shape fight with other and then other and then reality would confuse itself and violence would rise. But peace stood up, and I can’t make sense of this word yet - conflict. What is conflict? One day, I was hanging up the patients laundry clothes in the upper cieling. I saw the whole town and the cross of the main church, I saw the horizon and then… GOD. Consciousness. Everywhere. It is ME. It was like when you look into a wall and you concentrate on the space between you and the wall. Pure empty space, extending to Infinity. This I am. Honesty. God is INFINITE HONESTY. There is not one lie in God. Absolutely congruent. ONE. This was amazing. I understood immediately that death was not the end. That I was Dead then, but I was God, and I was Glad. This lasted about 10 minutes. INFINITE HONESTY. Hmmm. This, appeared as the main attribute of God. This was all without psychedelics. --------- So Leo, it IS possible to achieve enlightenment with the Gospels. All the shit you say about Christianity is simply not true.
  8. @HojoAlso, there are some key points that made this possible: The clinic was an extreme place of anger where I taught self-denial and service. The clinic was like a monastery: no outside communication. I had previous understanding of non-duality. I was in a position of authority and responsibility for saving the lives of others. (I saw three people die there). I read the Gospel daily and tried to follow it the best I could. I only share this because Christs story and example can help you become God-realized (or at least see God, as in my case). But Leo doesn't say this
  9. @Hojo well, I preached the Gospel daily during the morning meetings. Not your ordinary preacher but non-dual interpretations of how to treat each other. Then I started to have these experiences and visions.
  10. @The Crocodile @The Crocodile @The Crocodile @Santiago Ramsorry for the tags, something happened idk Well, I'm aiming for God-realization, I'm quite far from that. But thank you you're very nice and probably enlightened as well.
  11. And I know I'm an anomaly. I followed Leo's work for years before even reading the Gospels or helping in the NA clinic.
  12. @The Crocodile No, I'm only sharing my experience. Of which I had more in the clinic, which I might later share. I'm not enlightened nor do I pretend to be. I only followed the Gospels and after a certain time I got those two significant experiences (the most significant of my life). This is what I lived. I'm not interested in lying. But, why would it impress you that a Holy Book could have such power? What makes the Gospels different from the Vedas or the Gita? Again, I'm only sharing my experience.
  13. @The CrocodileI actually saw the Geometry like if I was on a psychedelic, but sober.
  14. No, no, no. It was not a daydream, I've had enough of those and I know how to differentiate them from enlightenment experiences. Also, you're right, should've said the Gospels. But Leo on a Blog post specifically mentioned the Bible.
  15. @The Crocodile I'm talking about the Gospels not about the Church or Christianity's tradition.
  16. I know that because I validated through direct experience God's existence by following the Gospels.
  17. That is why Christ is the original Scapegoat, as He unveils the evil of the power externalization mechanism. When consiousness becomes aware of its Absolute Authority, it gets tired of all power games and instead becomes interested in serving the marginalized at all costs.
  18. @OBEler I repeated the mantra in normal speed. My attention was in my field of vision and the movement of what I saw (specially other people). And besides that, yes, my whole life for the past 5 years has been dedicated to spirituality with many ups and downs, but this technique might help others.
  19. @LethoThank you Very much for taking the time to write such a nuanced and accurate feedback of my experience. I can see you have a gifted mind and I'll read you multiple times to fully grasp what you've said. However, there are a few remarks I would like to point out. Evil is exactly like a satanic Casino and I've seen that before. All mimetic systems of worldly authority fail because when consciousness delegates its own authority to others it gets trapped in external deception which it then internalizes. The same system of projecting authority into others creates the ambition of power and prestige which is responsible for evil. When Christ solved the maze, it is because he resisted the greatest trick: external validation of authority and power. Those are some key points my mind took away from your brilliant description. I will read you multiple times and let you know which other takeaways I can grasp.
  20. @Inliytened1 Yes, I experienced no self, God and the Kingdom of Heaven without psychedelics, while being at and working as Staff on a Spiritual NA drug rehab center. I will DM you, for you seem conscious. But that is apart from the question: what are practical methods to achieve solipsism (apart from what has been already said)? Meditation, do nothing, concentration, Self inquiry and mantras in crowded places, thus far...
  21. @Inliytened1 I've had direct experiences of No self, God and Heaven. But Solipsism has been the one most profound to direcly see All as a Dream.
  22. @OBEler Share if you've had Solipsistic breakthroughs with or without psychedelics.
  23. Yes, not solipsistic though. And what worked for me was the following exercise: A crowded place with strangers helps because their minds are unknown. Somehow it has worked for me, but not always.
  24. @Leo Gura what is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and why is it the Unforgivable Sin? Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Therefore I tell you, people will be forgiven for every sin and blasphemy, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come
  25. So I recently converted to Christianity in a drug rehab and had a few God realizations without consuming anything. Then I read this quote from the book of Matthew: Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Therefore I tell you, people will be forgiven for every sin and blasphemy, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. I said some terrible things and now I feel paralyzed by guilt. What is this sin and why would someone as wise as Christ mention it?