Santiago Ram

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Everything posted by Santiago Ram

  1. @VeganAwake You are not contributing anything to the conversation, but just being a Jerk. Ad Hominem is a fallacy. Why do you attack me and not what I say?
  2. @VeganAwake Evil is a Lie, a Trick, a Deception. It Lies about its own falshood, convincing you it is True and therefore doesnt exist. But Evil is a true Lie which makes it a Lie and therefore it does Exist. It is not big words, it is logic.
  3. @Hojo has said in another forum entry:
  4. @ExploringRealityThank you, I just did a few minutes of contemplation on What Truth Is and I get a bit of it. I realize I've been in so much Therapy that these BS have just made noise in my mind. Contemplate what is True? Thank you
  5. Or just contemplate What is Truth?
  6. @Leo GuraIve watched your Solipsism video and What is Truth video, but how do I permanently awaken to Solipsism'?
  7. @ExploringRealityThank you Did you do a meditation? Guided or watch one of Leo's videos?
  8. @Leo Gura@ExploringReality How do I realize Solipsism Permanently?
  9. @ExploringRealityIf you had a permanent solipsistic awakening, that is something I have been desperately searching for. Can you tell us a bit more on how you achieved it?
  10. @ExploringReality That is amazing. Can you tell us how it happened? Was it sporadic? What happened that led to your awakening?
  11. @ExploringRealityCry, but if you had a permanent awakening, know it will get better and that you are very fortunate. Otherwise, know that this will pass and others will seem real to you in a moment. Either way you win.
  12. You can DM me, although Im just a dream character of yours.
  13. How did you acheive it?
  14. Me too. It is scary. At the begining, but I later had more solipsistic awakenings and it became cooler as I saw more aspects of the Dream: Sovereignty, Freedom. Intelligence, Design. Love.
  15. Amends. Kindness is amends. AA Step 8:
  16. I think jumping into the abyss is Faith. I really apreciate Faith, not as an irrational idea for Stage Blue Fundamentalists, but something more subtle, a dive into the Unknown, which later leads to a greater sense of Insight and Awakening.
  17. That is amazing. Once I had a dream of Jesus, The Holy Spirit and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar saying: The deepest dream in my life.
  18. At one point in my life I became psychotic. It is the happiest thing that has ever happened to me.
  19. I think this is more accurate:
  20. "You are going to tolerate the newcomers LOUD volume at night and you WILL NOT COMPLAIN. Okay?" Yes sir. "You are going to take care of the alcoholic newcomer for the next three nights, if you don't sleep, suck it up, their lives are at stake" Okay, Godfather. "You will not eat salt."I will not eat salt. "Stay in the Temazcal (prehispanic hot sauna) NO MATTER HOW HOT it gets, you cannot leave until the ceremony is over." Understood. "You are anxious AGAIN *Slap*" But. "SHUT UP *Slap thrice*" Okay." "You will NOT CRY OUT LOUD in front of everyone again, OKAY?" Yes. HOWEVER. When the Truth is at stake, do not be meek. "I suddenly became crazy and believed in Christ? Isn't that silly. I come here to indoctrinate everyone with fear about Hell, etc. (Godfather, or Sponsor in the US, was talking about me in first person, a common tactic in AA)" I am resented since childhood, but when Christ taught Forgiveness he was talking about Peace. And Peace is not a Place in the Afterlife, it is this Moment, an Instant, an attribute of God itself. "You will not have the Bible" Godfather, what happens when THE WILL OF GOD contradicts the WILL OF MAN? When Truth is at stake, defend Truth, don't be Kind. But when Kindness is Truth, be Kind. Respond to other's Anger by complying.