Yes, don't expect miracles in your first retreat. I have done 7 Vipassana 10 day retreats and the absolute best thing is the inner silence that comes towards the end, which is then ruined when you have to go back into the outside world. But just experiencing that for a while is marvelous .
Another awesome benefit is the experiential lesson that suffering is completely and utterly in the mind. Because you are tuning in more and more to subtle energies, you begin to see all, including pain in your body (as you sometimes have to sit for one hour without moving a muscle) as merely sensation. Pain is a heavy sensation, other sensations are lighter and lighter - and you realise that 'pain' is merely a label we put on what feels like a heavy sensation.
I have never seen lights/colours or had an 'awakening' while on Vipassana, though I have seen people's auras. And the benefits do not last unless you continue the practice at home, for which is proscribed 2 hours of meditation per day - too much for most.
Good luck and I hope the retreat is beneficial for you.