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Everything posted by Freakyboo

  1. Adeptus Psychonautica has released videos since he released that one showing his disbelief and horror at Rettig's abusive practises, despite hearing this explanation. I agree with him. I can not find any way to justify forcing someone to stand up while on a heavy dose of 5meo then just allowing them to fall flat on the ground with no support, forcing water down their nose and mouth constantly (any medical expert would be horrified), kicking them, shouting abuse at them and then forcing them to take more high doses without their consent. 5meo is already the most intense experience a person will ever have. Why do they need to be waterboarded or abused physically and verbally on top of that?
  2. Communism is not even a thing in modern Western society. It's a boogeyman put up by the right wing propaganda machine to make people fear "the left," but when challenged, they have nothing but strawmen to offer.
  3. Re the Libertarian Cringe Video: "The old 'who will build roads.' We don't need Government to build roads." I'm sure the kind-hearted corporations will build them for us.
  4. Weed seems to effect everyone differently. For some it is a great spiritual tool, for others, it just relaxes them. Personally I use it around once per week for consciousness expansion. I could never become addicted as some do, because it is never a pleasant experience in the beginning - it brings out shadow material. If I just sit with that, experiencing what is happening in the body/mind I sometimes purge blocked energy out of myself and always experience expanded states which help to remind me of the larger picture. It can definitely be a plant medicine if used properly.
  6. Hi DrewNows. I agree, we don't know anything for certain which is why we need to both keep ourselves open, but remain healthily skeptical, or we are putting ourselves, on all levels, at risk of being taken advantage of. Spiritual abuse is one of the most harmful forms of abuse and happens only when trusting people put their faith completely in a guru who drops incredible truth bombs and has likely awoken his kundalini, but still has a large shadow he cannot see. The same can be said for putting your belief wholesale in a political ideology, a religious leader, a channeller who charges astronomical sums of money for "truth" from ""a multi-dimensional extra-terrestrial being" (with a PayPal account)," As soon as you believe fully, you become closed to other possibilities and this can be very harmful in myriad ways, especially if you are vulnerable.
  7. I agree with this AlwaysBeNice. Darryl Anka comes from a family of entertainers, which should be telling in itself. Any channeller, guru or spriritual teacher worth his salt will mix 'truth bombs' in with their teachings or they would not get any followers. We hear them speak truth and it resonates, so we put our trust in them wholesale. It is the same with non-spiritual propaganda as well. If there was no truth, no one would listen. So once their audience puts their trust in the speaker, they can begin manipulating that audience in any way they see fit - for money, power, sexual gratification or whatever. I see on this forum sometimes people who blindly follow a belief system, teacher or political entity they have put their trust in wholesale, who can do no wrong. So if a truth resonates, you can take that truth on board without giving your trust wholesale to the deliverer - this is the path of discernment.
  8. Carl-Richard, yes that is the theory Rick is trying to reinforce in these interviews. What I'm trying to say is that Rick has a belief already and he is always looking for ways to bolster that belief through his guests, which they inevitably do. Reincarnation and the soul's evolution itself is a belief system which can hinder real awakening in favour of the "spiritual ego' that clings to such beliefs.
  9. Here's an anomaly episode where Rick took a break from the usual suspects and interviewed some psychadelic experts :D. Regarding the fact that so many "awakened ones" on Rick's show say they had mystical experiences in childhood, Rick has now made this a running theory about awakening that he brings up in almost every interview, which bolsters his reincarnation/soul evolution narrative. I'm not convinced that is the case at all and could become another "belief" rather than being truly awake to what is. This could definitely be a hindrance to true awakening (as opposed to intellectual awakening).
  10. I remember that interview in a satsang-type setting. It was a bit bizarre how triggered Iain was getting and would have been awkward af to be sitting there watching.
  11. Exactly Leo. All the people screaming about "muh freedom" are less concerned about how their "free speech" causes harm in the world, particularly towards those without the ability to fight back. The free speech warriors tend to be the most privileged class of people who are unable to see the bigger picture, and real suffering and problems going on in the world.
  13. I don't think you understand how the system works. Before Trump, lobbyists were just lobbyists - they have too much power yes, but that is due to changes in laws which enabled Politicians to take money from lobby groups. Trump has filled his actual cabinet with Lobbyists - which means they are now THE GOVERNMENT and they will make all Governmental decisions based on how they can make the most money for themselves and their interests. This is the definition of absolute corruption - we have truly reached the bottom of the barrel.
  14. Would you find him funny if you were an immigrant being taken in the night back to the border by the Trump administration's goons, while your child was left behind? Or if you were Transgender or some other minority fearing being beaten to death by White Nationalists who have been emboldened by Trump's rhetoric?
  15. Yes, the pendulum has swung far far away from Obama (into crazy-town), but that is nothing to do with Obama's actual politics. He was painted as a "socialist" and "communist" by the hysterical RW propaganda machine and people were brainwashed into questioning Michelle Obama's gender, which is utterly ridiculous but shows just how effective that propaganda machine has become. Obama was actually a capitalist who tried to bring in some more moderate laws, such as changes to gun ownership laws so that mentally ill people can't aquire them and shoot up a school. But no, the gun lobby can't allow that so Obama was demonised.
  16. The format for requesting guests is, that once someone has been requested they can't be requested again. I tried to request Leo a long while back but couldn't, as he'd already been requested on the site. I then made a request for Isira to appear which wen through, and she was on the show a couple of months ago :). I get the feeling that Rick likes a particular type of guest - usually one who's views/teachings align with his own. I don't think Leo is someone Rick would have on his show, as he's too "out there" for Rick, and if he hasn't been invited on yet, he won't be invited.
  17. The therapist who "uncovered" Teal's "memories"of ritual abuse has been exposed as a fraud who used false memory syndrome to make her clients believe they were ritually abused by a Satanic cult. This is a very interesting podcast from someone who spent time with Teal and her 'cult' in Costa Rica. "The Gateway is a six-part series about Teal Swan, a new brand of spiritual guru, who draws in followers with her hypnotic self-help YouTube videos aimed at people who are struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. Some followers move to Teal’s healing center, a spiritual startup where they produce content and manage social media accounts. Teal insists her therapy saves lives, but her critics say Teal’s death-focused dogma is dangerous. Gizmodo reporter Jennings Brown traveled to rural Utah and to the forests of Costa Rica, with extensive access to Teal and her inner circle, to understand Teal's teachings and investigate the deaths of some of her followers." The fact that there are so many ex-followers who claimed to have been hurt and damaged by Teal and her 'tribe' is also cause for concern, but the fact that she endorses her followers to go after her critics, in very nasty ways in comments sections is the biggest red flag for me. She also uses her videos very defensively to attack those who have criticised her. This is not the hallmark of a true spiritual teacher.
  18. I watched BatGap religiously for a long time before realising that Rick basically says the same things in every interview. He has some really interesting guests on but he talks way too much, and repeats the same things over and over, which got old and I had to unsubscribe. Which is a pity because it's a great format. I just wish he was a better interviewer.
  19. Thanks for posting that. It was a totally fair and loving critique and I agree with the dangers they spoke about.
  20. I concur with everything you said enderx7. My feeling about the Doughty dude is that he is more about $$$ and becoming a popular youtube influencer, whereas Aaron Abke has incredible wisdom and integrity. I'm amazed sometimes at the depth of his understanding on certain topics and have learnt to see things, such as biblical teachings from a deeper perspective.
  21. Wow, your story really touched my heart. You have been through so much and come out the other side strong and beautiful - a source of light to the world. Thank you.
  22. Hi Ivankiss. I think microdosing is one of those things that works for some and not others. I did plenty of research into the wonders of microdosing before trying it myself, and did NOT have a good experience at work. I made stupid errors and became very dreamy and unable to concentrate. Maybe it will work for you though
  23. The more I'm hearing about guru's, shamans, spiritual teachers the less I want anything to do with any of them.
  24. Started watching this last night and found it brilliant, insightful and hilarious. Will need a rewatch when I'm done.