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About aklacor727

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  • Birthday 07/27/1987

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  1. @Buck Edwards a few weeks for me. I noticed a difference right away!
  2. I wanted to share, because I assume most of us here have similar world views. For anyone who is not familiar or studied internal family systems, I am blown away by it! I am going to explain it from a spiritual perspective. The paradigm is that the mind consists of multiple parts rather than being unitary . The idea is to access “Self” (witness conscious) to get to know, understand, and accept all parts, integrating the internal system. The creator of it said in an interview once, he started realizing the parts actually have their own parts. This made me think of @Leo Gura’s episode on holons. So, even though the idea of parts conflicts with non-duality, I loved that he said that, and realized that. It’s paradoxical but makes perfect sense that in order to integrate, feel whole, and balanced, the more we’re able to separate out of these parts, and have awareness and acceptance around them, the more they all become one, allowing every day consciousness to be more Self led rather than from these different parts that are led the by limiting beliefs and emotions that they carry. I am in a time period In my life where parts in me have been very triggered and upset, I’ve only been working on getting to know my parts for a couple weeks but the difference I feel in my peace already is insane to me. I’m sure it helps that the feelings were already so surfaced Either way, I’ve been so excited to find this model, and feel as though I found a very practical way to guide spiritual and psychological healing. Obviously there’s much more to it. But I hope for anyone else interested in both psychology and spirituality, and systemic thinking, this intrigues you enough to look into it more! And regardless of the spiritual aspect to it, it’s extremely helpful anyway, because the brings the separation needed no longer identify and feel so merged with all these parts. We know feelings and actions follow from how we identify ourselves. :)
  3. @M A J I ❤️❤️❤️ in case anyone was wondering, Michael singer has the best talks I’ve found about letting go.. and his book The Surrender Experiment is my favorite ever. I read it before I knew him or listened to anything a long while ago. Then listened to the book on audible that he reads himself again just recently after listening to most of his talks. I highly recommend the audible version!!! I was in tears at several points, just because of realizing the beauty of how life can bring things together and the love of the universe if I would just allow it… I’m the one that’s been in my own way!
  4. @WelcometoReality thanks for asking. It’s so freeing! I feel like I can finally be happy, truly happy for the first time in ages. Why resist reality.. and if I notice I am, I’ll just remember that I can if I want but it wouldn’t be of any benefit. 🙂
  5. Gotten to the point where I am definitely realizing the limits of learning, intellect, concepts…. I’ve been sabotaging my happiness by having ideas on how things should be or look. And now realizing in retrospect, probably a subconscious motive to start learning all this stuff was to know more, to protect myself. Definitely been having to let go of a lot lately! The only content I’ve been trying to bring into my consciousness lately has been things around letting go. And I’m actually realizing how much nicer and easier it is to live life this way. Trusting and respecting the flow of life and surrendering to it. That’s my focus from here on out
  6. @Keryo Koffa by letting go, I mean being willing to feel it, not suppress it… I’m trying to encourage him to let it out so it can be let go. And of course here for him as he does that. I guess I wasn’t clear enough with what I meant by that. I’ve always known he tends to hold onto things but I brought it up after he mentioned that he wants to cry a lot but pushes it away and gets down on himself about it, things like that. Can’t remember exactly what it was he said. But I don’t think advice always has to be a negative or intrusive thing anyway..There is a way you can bring things up to people to help inspire them, influence, etc….But yes, my main concern is being a loving, emotionally supportive friend. ❤️
  7. I have a friend that suffers immensely.. and I’ve come to realize he very much tends to hold on to his past. So i’ve been bringing up lately that him working on letting go of those things would help him feel so much better.. while I was trying to understand what’s been making him hold on for so long he made a comment, “what if I don’t want to let go”. I asked, why would you want to hold onto something that makes you sad? And it’s sounding like him letting go in his mind means he doesn’t care. So basically, certain things from his past that make him very sad, he also holds dear to him. I didn’t really know what to say to that because it does kind of makes sense. But also, it doesn’t, because you can still care and hold certain things dear to you while letting go of the attachment? What would you say to someone you very much care for that is has this mindset? He’s such a good person and deserves to be happy so I very much appreciate any advice! 🙏
  8. @Davino this is the most encouraging thing ever ❤️
  9. @Davino so I just did it, and meditated for a little after, and I still feel the contraction but it’s already so much less intense!!! ❤️ I’m so happy
  10. @Davino OMG this is so helpful and makes so much sense now. I am definitely going to start doing the kundalini in addition to the meditation.. and I’m so excited that I know what to expect and that it will help so much with releasing. I can’t wait to feel lighter and happier within myself. Thank you!
  11. Has anyone else experienced this? it’s very intense every time I am present in myself….
  12. When I meditate, the emotional pain I had been distracting myself from arises… I just try to stay present with it n allow and breathe. But if there’s something else I could be doing to help release whatever energy this is within me… I would love to hear suggestions and thoughts. Thank you
  13. @Carl-Richard ahh, I see where you’re coming from. Completely agreed!
  14. @Ulax I am super curious about this!
  15. @Carl-Richard how would you reframe that thought then? Of course being aware without any thought would be ideal And yesss, love musical instruments. I need to start playing my guitar again