Noone Here
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And a little help from your "friends"? It reminds me of large group created by the government to trap x-christians who still have Jesus in their hearts called A Course In Miracles or ACIM that channeled J (Jesus calls himself J now) by 2 people led by a CIA operative. hahhaaa! All this spiritual stuff isn't just big business, it's BIG MIND CONTROL. I'm sure Leo will delete this. It's not good for profit, but THINK people. Do your own thinking.
I trust Jed and what he says makes more sense than anything I've read in 64 years. The fact that he's not known and not in it for the money is a big reason why I trust him. He's not after a cult following. The fancy forum using his name is a disgusting imposter. It's sickening that people think that's him. He's vile. I'm outta here. Kill the Buddha. You already know everything. You just gave your power away to lots of buddhas. Sad.
Yes, I found it in Leo's list of people. Leo, how did you get such a sophisticated forum and following so fast?
Are you making fun of Jed? I noticed Leo never mentions Jed and I haven't seen anyone quote him. It all seems so milque·toast in here. Very boring stuff really. hmmmm
"Sadhguru, Shunyamurti, Thomas Campbell, Yoda, David Hawkins, Ken Wilber, Shinzen Young, Deepak Chopra, Stan Grof, Osho, Mooji, Ramaji, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, Yogananda, Martin Ball, Terence McKenna, Carl Jung, Sri Aurobindo, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Ervin Laszlo, David Loy, Alan Watts, Wim Hof, Matt Kahn, Dalai Lama, Sasha Shulgin..." I'm new here so I haven't seen everything, but I noticed Leo and most of his followers in here don't mention Jed's books on enlightenment. Is that so, and why not?
hahahaa!!! (where's the laughing face?) I like liking. It's so easy. Doing all this copying quotes and writing hahahha just to say hahhahaa is a pain.
I don't understand your sarcasm here. Is this you talking... "Thanks for the crazy death rant, Jed, but I want my life enhancing spirituality, not all this whacked out death and war business." ? I'm confused because from your comments it sounds like you do want the death rant and parts of the dreamworld, like "spirituality" and the gurus, but none of the "conspiracy theories" aliens, duality (truth) and everything imaginable going on here in the dreamworld. You think we can skip over the lies we're programed to believe as truth here in the dreamworld and go right to "enlightenment"? Do you believe you're a human on earth?
I can't figure out how to get to comments people make on my comments. Can you explain where that is in here in this forum?
I wouldn't call it vanity, I'd call it naivete or ignorance due to censored programing since birth. We come from many generations of brainwashed people to where this false sense of reality is in our DNA. It's all lies and it's all belief. We need to suspend our core beliefs that we're humans on earth to get to the truth. It starts at the very basic level and most people refuse to go there.
"What's love but a second hand emotion?" To me, at best it's just a fun attachment available here in the dreamworld that means NOTHING like it's true meaning in the true world, and at worst it's why this dreamworld is such a nightmare. First, obviously, it's a fun emotion, maybe the best feeling we can have here, but in this dreamworld of duality it's always only one side of the coin. The other side is always some kind of pain due to attachment. And worse than that, love is what psychopaths/aliens have used forever to con us into not killing them. It's how they've ultimately taken over this world by making us believe we need to be loving people and loving people don't kill. End of story. End of humanity. They get away with this by making us believe we're all human here. We're not. Psychopaths are NOT human. If you refuse to even think about aliens they got you. So, it seems very complicated but it's really very simple. I just explained love in a few sentences. The thing is, after you wake up and SEE how hopeless it is here for humanity (without OUTSIDE intervention- yes aliens are our only hope) because "they" (the bad aliens/reptilians/psychopaths ruling) own and control EVERYTHING and everyone in power to keep humanity their slaves, you stop trying to wake up the sleepers. Why wake them up to see that we're being experimented on, farmed, exterminated, and there's no hope? Let them sleep and believe in love. Out of all the places to be in this worldwide genocide/dream turned nightmare "in love" is the best place to be. If you don't believe we're being farmed and genocided by aliens you're not even awake in the dream. Before you wake up from the dream you need to wake up in it. Everything we're told is lies. I can't think of one truth here. Jesus never existed. The Romans created him. Look up Caesar's Messiah. Christianity's how they create the best NAZIS. Convert or die. MAYBE before they burned down the Library of Alexandria there was some truth here but there's none here now. History's all lies because current events are all lies. Most people know politics is all lies but they vote anyway! WTF? People are afraid of everything, even themselves because they listen to MSM, ALL of it owned by the ROTHSCHILDS. They think they need government or "professionals" to tell them what to think and do. If you're awake you can SEE that ALL the terrorist attacks were false flags done by our government. ALL of the bombings, shootings, trucks killing people, etc... all completely fake (didn't happen) or done by government patsies. Look up retired CIA Robert David Steele. He actually said it's ALL false flags, meaning the government did it all to keep us in FEAR and dependent on them. Classical science is all lies but quantum physics is saying some truth. They're proving "there is no out there out there". It's all dreamstuff that we believe is solid, so what is classical science but lies we're supposed to believe as truth? The physical world doesn't exist. What difference does it make what shape the earth is if it's a hologram? The sun is a transformer from another dimension. There's no fusion on the sun, no heat in space or the astronauts would burn up. You can't see the stars from space. It's all bullshit. Look up Eric Dollard for that info. We have no idea what the truth is because it's been carefully kept from us and we're pumped full of lies. Have a nice day! Fall in love and stay there.
Has anyone read The Plant Paradox or follow Dr Gundry's diet? I'm 64 and have been so sick for so long I felt 80, but now I feel healthy for the first time since I was young. It's the LECTINS in plants that cause inflammation that cause most of our "old age" problems like arthritis, clogged arteries, autoimmune diseases and every other non-diagnosable complaint. http://drgundry.com/philosophy/ Nightshades are poison but they make up most of our diets. They knew nightshades are poison hundreds of years ago. It's the skin and seeds that contain the lectins. http://noarthritis.com/research.htm I've only been on the diet a few months and feel AMAZING. I lost 20 pounds and gained tons of energy, and no more arthritis pain. You don't even need the book, he has everything online and there are people showing you how to make the recipes on youtube. There are great substitutions to nightshades and grains with lectins like yams, yuca, sorghum, arrowroot and nut flours, and it's fun to create new recipes. If you're having any health issues that you haven't been able to diagnose or cure check this out. You'll know if lectins are causing your problem in only 2 weeks. Be well. XO
Noone Here started following MarkusSweden
Noone Here replied to MarkusSweden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Have you thought of calling yourself a philosopher and telling them that you're going on a sabbatical? In the old OLD days people had great respect for philosophers. I'd like to hear some of your strategies to change their perspective. -
hmmm There's no like button in here? I love this topic, death. I have no direct experience with death but I have a few beliefs I've picked up from hospice workers, EKR, Jed, Buddhism, and the CIA's "voice of god weapons" but first I want to ask you what you mean by your quote from Jed's book. You want life enhancing spirituality and not all this whacked out death and war business? If so, I can't help you. Did you wake up to the nightmare going on here where they're spraying us with chemicals, microwaving us, poisoning and killing us thousands of different ways and blaming it all on brown people, so humanity's killing itself? There's a war going on and we're losing because we're so brainwashed. Yes, it's just a dream but it our dream has turned into a nightmare and what is enlightenment but awareness of the dream? All we can know for sure is this dream experience. Beyond the dream is another frequency that we can't reach. We don't know the moment after death because that's another frequency we can't tune into. We don't even know this one we're in, we're so brainwashed/indoctrinated. There may be some people/aliens controlling this nightmare that know what's going on. They're aware but they're not what we'd call enlightened. How important is what's going on here? Do we need to know what's going on here to be enlightened? How can we know anything when we've been indoctrinated from birth, all our words, beliefs, laws, etc. were created by the controllers of humanity. Can they control your thoughts? Yes. From cradle to grave. What is death? What do we know for sure? It's leaving this body. It's scary because everything is scary. We're raised on FEAR. It's on the 6'oclock news, schools, churches, it's the thick black smoke Jed talks about called "spiritualism". Maybe we need to agree on the meanings of the words we're using first, starting with the word enlightenment. To me it means awareness of the truth. But then, what is truth/true? Can we know what's true? Are there levels of truth? Do we need to SEE the truth here in the dream to be enlightened? Can we see/be aware of anything beyond the dream? Can we live in peace with the ambiguity of it all? Do we need to see, know, be aware of everything everywhere all the time? Isn't it all beliefs? Can anyone live with no beliefs and stay in wonder? What's that called? It's not called enlightenment. It's called braindead. hahahaa Maybe it's better to be braindead. Are we going in circles? Just have fun with it. XO
Empty started following Noone Here
Noone Here replied to MarkusSweden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm new here, so please forgive me if I'm not following proper protocol. I like you Marcus. I like reading your posts. I am one of those conspiracy nuts who believes the ROTHSCHILDS are reptilians that took over humanity (I got that from David Icke) although I didn't study Enki, I'm still going to put my 2 cents in... It's ALL part of the dreamworld we're in. There is nothing else here. It's all dreamstuff. Dreams are real but they're not true. SO, no one really gets hurt or dies. The dreams just continue, cyclically, turning into nightmares, over and over, our dreams have been hijacked by aliens that seem to get power from all this negative energy. Negative energy? Yes. Remember waking up from a nightmare full of energy? People have that negative energy from the "real world" nightmare. That may be the whole purpose of being here, and here itself. Simon Parkes says this is a prison planet. We're being recycled here to give aliens energy and light is the illusion, the trap, so don't go to the light when you die. Go to the darkness and you'll wake up at your true home. The tunnel of light is the grid/net that keeps us reincarnating here. IDK if we can post links here, but you can see it on youtube at "Death & Rebirth on Prison Planet Earth Simon Parkes". I had nightmares my whole childhood, terrible nightmares, waking up screaming. It was all so real to me. It's a long story about how the night time nightmares stopped, but then it morphed into waking up to this nightmare we call reality- all the horror you mentioned + much more that David Icke goes into detail about in his books that are over 700 pages each of facts. It's too much. Why would you want to stay in a nightmare and dissect it and become an expert in nightmares? (That's why I stopped following Icke) When we observe what's going on here we get caught up in the drama and we think it's true. It's real but it's not true. It's a living nightmare when you wake up in the dream and SEE what's going on. People are waking up to what's going on and sharing it online and "they"'re shutting it down. It's been the same cycle for millions of years and they've been successful at keeping everyone asleep in their nightmare. Mind control is their biggest weapon. It's in their best interest to keep us asleep dreaming. That's why I read Jed McKenna's trilogy on enlightenment over and over a little every night to keep me out of the drama. He cleans me up after a long day of getting dirty in the mud/drama going on here. There's nothing else going on here. It's drama or nothing. hahaha So lately, I've taken on the habit that Jed talked about having, watching old movies and re-runs on TV. I'm enjoying the "reality show" Survivor now, and luckily there are lots of episodes to keep me busy. Another way to SEE it is after you go down the rabbit hole you need to come back out. It's crazy down there! The old movie What the BLEEP Do We Know? Down The Rabbit Hole is where I first heard that. It's also my first exposure to quantum physics proving "there is no out there out there". Science, through quantum physics, is proving the physical world doesn't exist. Good stuff. -
I love your questions. Wouldn't it be great to give them to Jed? Most of my beliefs are from Jed and Buddhism, but as you know "no belief is true" so it's all babble to keep from being bored, and it's fun playing with you. "You" (me) are the witness of all of this dreamstuff, none of it permanent, none of it true, all of it attachment when we name it and claim it. There's a story about a man in India who stayed under a tree his whole life and became "enlightened". Our words are so misleading. There may be no out there out there but there is a witness somewhere. All of this is beliefs. Babble on.