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Everything posted by bejapuskas

  1. @FredFred The greater the suffering, the bigger the potential to grow
  2. Guys, do you think that nofap can cause headache? I'm day 20 currently.
  3. Do you guys actually take these personality types seriously?
  4. @Truth Addict He is definitely not green-yellow. @George Fil With such little discipline, you would've died living in a cave. @Zizzero has a point here, you look down on people. Just because a PUA says something doesn't mean, it is bullshit / you cannot interpret it in your own way, perspective makes a big difference. If there's something keeping you away from spiritual growth, it's your selfishness and lack of compassion. Connecting with other people isn't false, you are literally them Without a family, especially parents, nobody can live a completely sane life. You are just flat out lying to yourself. Try some pranayama, breath and be at peace. Then read this:
  5. @George Fil Don't you see the love, beauty and intelligence in everything around? Maybe you are just too worried about yourself.
  6. @F A B I wouldn't assume, that everything is gonna be ok, you rather be honest to yourself about everything
  7. The title is self-explanatory, you are talking about this episode for a long time now I think and it sounds extremely juicy
  8. @Emerald Of course, that's another problem, I don't really like overthinking the inner stuff like that, because it only makes things worse for me, but you've got a point there, now it seems as if we are looking at the thing from different perspectives. It's not about being superior to business gurus, it's about not falling into that trap of following money, fame and pussy. These are too deadly and @F A B doesn't seem to recognize that. I know where you're coming from, been there. Actually, I cured many of my addictions this way. My point is, that you have to draw a line somewhere, you cannot just keep following your ego without questioning it, that's just another delusion. The goal of this approach is to become conscious of the motivations. I actually fell into it short time ago and it was literally like saying to yourself: „Yeh, even though I already ate too much of this chocolate, I should probably eat more, because the amount wasn't enough for me to recognize, that it's the ego telling me, that this thing is bad for my health...“ do you see the problem?
  9. @F A B You only hear what you want to hear, don't you see it? Your argument that Leo Gura is popular doesn't make sense. It's not that he isn't, but he actually says in many of his videos that trying to look cool is just a waste of time: @Emerald By your logic, all the fake business gurus, who cannot admit to themselves that they have enough money already, would be absolutely sane. You can literally spend your whole life following egoic needs without noticing it, that's what 99 % of people do, still you promote it.
  10. @AceTrainerGreen Isn't business necessary these days?
  11. @F A B Sounds to me as though you're only interested in not being single and sex, that is very basic, you can go further for sure.
  12. @Emerald At some point, you have to become conscious about what you actually want. The mind can create all sorts of labels for egoic goals, such as „challenge“. If you actually wouldn't question these thoughts at some point in your life, you would go insane.
  13. If you keep whining, there will eventually be someone, who will kick you hard enough for you to realize, that you have to move on.
  14. @Epsilon_The_Imperial Do you want Leo to worship your achievement?
  15. @Emerald Don't you think that there is better things you can do with your ego, like disciplining yourself, working on your health, having meaningful conversations with amazing people? This becoming popular is bullshit in my opinion, it's just a waste of time. If you rather find one person, who is further developed on this path than you, it will be more valuable than 1000 people that „like“ you.
  16. @Ampresus If an Enlightened being told you, that you should eat fish twice a day, would you listen?
  17. @Worldclassbullshit no, like when you do yoga
  18. @iGhost When your coach points out your mistake as you're doing sport, is that him, who did it? Critique is important.
  19. @Shin I want that, even though I'm probably not gonna have sex in the near future
  20. Gosh, I'm kind of terrified, just as Key Elements, but also I wanna do psychedelics to elevate my consciousness... It's fucking hard to get rid of this assumption that „drugs are bad“ (sorry for saying this Leo, I know you love your baby )
  21. @peanutspathtotruth Maybe it's just a tool, that may make your practice better. There are masters, who have sex