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Everything posted by bejapuskas

  1. Who told you that? You are free to design your lifestyle, if you live in a 1st world country... It is just a lot harder than being lazy. On the other hand, there are jobs, that you can do in many ways, for example teaching - there are good teachers and bad teachers, but they have the power to work on themselves, it depends on how you do it as well - Do you interact with colleagues? Do you try to innovate? etc... Also, do you think, that „being Enlightened“ gives you some sort of no working pass? Do you think that people will tolerate, if you just simply sit on the couch, without contributing? This is an ego trap, your ego wants to be superior by „becoming Enlightened“. Working can in fact boost your morals.
  2. Are you on nofap? Also try going to social events and just talking to random people. That probably helps me the most, just joining someone at a table and asking them questions naturally. I know it's hard to find some time for that, but if you have the chance... Maybe you can even do it on the family meetings, like weddings, birthdays etc.. don't be so shy and chat up the people you've never met before, they aren't that boring What has also helped me a lot was listening to some good emotional music or watching quality movies/anime, you can just completely open up, even cry... I see... Just work on yourself I guess and then people will see, that you live a good life, that you are at peace all the time, that you are a good listener, very compassionate... They will ask for advice themselves Or just whenever someone shares their secret with you, maybe your fiancee, try to help them, question what they are saying, so that they can think about it more deeply themselves, don't build the conversation around you.
  3. @Nervtine Oh yeh, I can also relate to Chokei hahahahha. Once me and my friend challenged ourselves (mostly myself though) to not talk about any intellectual topics for a week. I broke it after 17 hours accidentally hahahaha, couldn't even pay attention to it how hard it was, it's a serious addiction... Now it's better though If I may give you some advice, talking to the opposite sex a lot really helped me, because feminine brain is not so rational and analytical and you can learn how to listen to people better etc... I also like to break social barriers with people as quickly as possible, but sometimes it is kind of rude, so I need to kind of adapt a bit... Because when I don't adapt, then I end up telling people what to do, like: „Why the hell are you so fake?“. Maybe these people need to go all the way through this stage in their lives and you can just point gently to certain areas, where they can and are willing to improve, forceful conversations are rarely mutually beneficial from my experience.
  4. @Joker_Theory Why play a video game for a year, when you can just cheat a little and finish it in one day?
  5. @Joker_Theory It is not literal, you could also say that you cease to exist, vanish, disappear or whatever... You can come back.
  6. @Nervtine The only thing that is essential is food, water, warmth and shelter. However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't be nice to the people around you, because „you don't need them for true happiness“. Also pay attention to this pushing forward, would you like someone to take you as a mere boost in their life? I found this short paragraph in the book Zen mind: beginner's mind by a zen master Shunryu Suzuki, hope you like it (btw I am translating from my mother tongue, so please don't blame me if it isn't exactly the same as in the original) Once upon a time, there were two good friends, Chokei and Hofuku. Once they were talking about the path of bodhisattva. Chokei said: „Even if arhat (Enlightened being) would have bad desires, tathagata (Buddha) still wouldn't judge. He doesn't have two kinds of words. He has words, but they aren't dualistic.“. Hofuku answered: „Even though you speak like this, your understanding is not perfect.“. Chokei asked: „Tell me, how do you understand the words od tathagata?“. But Hofuku replied: „We've said a lot of things already, let's drink some tea!“.
  7. This video really helped me to understand this topic more clearly, hope it is useful for you as well
  8. I think that if you work on interpreting and embodying your spiritual experiences and do it correctly, you will reach more empathy.
  9. If you think there is nothing more to be understood, you know shit
  10. Your mind might be trying to deceive you while you are asleep
  11. Guys do you even realize this guy is trolling? Just check his history...
  12. How is Cortex not banned yet?
  13. Exactly, when I was a beginner, I could only do no-fap for like a week and then it was unbearable My last streak is probably 10 days and now I am on like day 50
  14. Trying to be turquoise so badly is actually an unhealthy orange desire, you are deceiving yourself Examples of healthy things you can do with orange thinking: Work on your health, exercise, developed useful technical skills, compete (maybe you are learning something and there is a competition, that can really push you forward, but you say: nah, this is just ego... this is a looser mindset for you), learn to manage your time, work on your mind (learn a new language, play chess, learn to cook your own meals), have productive conversations with people, develop discipline (one of the 4 agreements is doing your best - excel in the areas of your life which you love, simply do your best, outcompete others for the sake of not being lazy, this is not unhealthy what so ever - would you like someone like Eckhart Tolle to say: well, maybe going to all these places and interviewing people like Oprah is just ego, let's stop...), read books, meditate...
  15. @NoSelfSelf I think there still are healthy values and things to do in orange...
  16. You are bending over backwards for other people too much, that's toxic behavior. Just get friends naturally, if you just want more friends for the sake of having them, none of them is gonna be a true friend. Actually, I only had like 1 quality friend, but now when we have been supporting each other and going out, we met more people and became able to converse with more developed people and have more fun, it's really not that hard at all. Maybe you are just introverted, because your friends suck and you cannot be honest around them.
  17. @Moreira You are fucking crazy dude
  18. @Ampresus I am terribly bad at skiing too man, I absolutely feel your pain. But sometimes, you have to learn things the hard way and I think it's the best way. I couldn't go down a hill without falling, until I actually let go of the fear, you are whining too hard man. Let go of this young age excuse and this „people can kiss my ass“ thing. You are gonna feel much better.
  19. Well said, beginner mindset always. If you are too pride, the Universe will find a way to fuck you up for sure
  20. @Yonkon Of course you can fuck someone up... the hug there was good in my opinion though I know what you mean by aggressive male compassion, I sometimes also overdo it... Try to listen without judging, I know you can get annoyed a bit sometimes, but in general, love and peace is a better fuel than rage. You can even point something out „aggressively“ with compassion and unconditional love and it works well, at least for me. It can happen very often, that your clients live in a totally different reality than you do, so you kind of have to grow with them in my opinion.
  21. @ExodiaGearCEO Go get an interesting life for your own sake, not for someone else's sake. Do you have any reasons for not having an interesting life? Are you against it? @Haloman Calm down dude. You only see what you want to see - it can be otherwise, if you stop assuming, that the world is all about surival of the fittest.
  22. @Bojan I meant This is the best time to be alive, but ok Love is very important.
  23. @LoveandPurpose Do you actually feel like everyone is on their journey or are you just saying it? Investigate this, it is powerful. Sure, it definitely was worth a try Toxic motivation is a lack of presence, love, compassion, honesty and transparency, like pick up for example - manipulating girls just to have sex with them. I like looking at people who are in the 10th ox-herding picture, just being there for people. I think Shinzen Young shared a nice example in his mini series about these pictures Not trying to look cool by teaching these things, just listening and flowing.