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Everything posted by bejapuskas

  1. @Leo Gura Ok Maybe my question was unclear, I'll try to be more direct - what does the word authentic mean to you? (I've already tried contemplating it, but maybe I need to go through some paradigm shift?)
  2. Can you apply this rule to ANY habbit? Like lying for example?
  3. @Shaun You have so many limiting beliefs, drop them!
  4. @Shaun That's a bad excuse. 40 hours is not all that much.
  5. @Shaun Interesting, I only had this for like 2 weeks... Do you meditate and stuff?
  6. @Alex bAlex Start from the mandatory things, that you have to do. (sleep, school/work, food maybe, if you organize that) For example, I know, that I sleep everyday from 10 pm to 6 am. So I need to stop doing everything at 9 pm and go practice zazen and yoga. I also practice from 6 to 7 in the morning. Then I go to school. After school, I have some hobbies like art, scouting, English... so I do that and after I do all that, I go to the gym every second day. I am managing to do all this without a diary, where I would write all the important terms and stuff, but I highly recommend it Also you need to do the practices, seriously, because they clean you up and you cannot really fake high-consciousness behavior.
  7. @John Iverson Just notice, that you are enslaving yourself by thinking and acting like this, you aren't free and you feel like you fail.
  8. @Shaun Hey, I also used to have nightmares. How long have you been having them? If you are doing inner work, it might be your mind playing tricks on you, or your brain, which is going through a lot of physical changes. But you would have to give me more detail.
  9. @studentofthegame Oh yes, high energy levels are absolutely essential Everybody needs to have good basics to be able to build up.
  10. @studentofthegame I also have this problem, but I am ok with going to bed at like 10 pm and waking up at 6 am. (8 hours of sleep) What I noticed is, that when I go to sleep late, I usually end up doing stupid things, and also, when I oversleep, I end up doing stupid things It might take some effort to realize that and find your balance, but I think it is ultimately worth it.
  11. @billiesimon That depends entirely on your approach
  12. I haven't met anyone with these powers, but my parents visited an old man, who could describe my life with a lot of detail, without ever seeing me, so I think some people, who claim to have these abilities, might actually be legit. (this was before I had any social media accounts and also my family doesn't really post much information about me, so that's why I think it was real, maybe I am wrong, who knows)
  13. @lnfinite A zen master would hit you with his stick ?
  14. I see, you have a good memory haha. I was looking out of the window for you for a while though
  15. It's nice that you have this realization, but I think you are still in duality. Also I think you should continue do deepen your understanding, while working on your LP. God is Infinite, there is no end to it, you can always work on the integration.
  16. @Salvijus Oh I see Thanks for explanation, this really helped. PS: I am all for pranking teachers when it had a creative idea behind it and it isn't too bad...
  17. If you think like this, you will be deceived.
  18. @lnfinite Stop deluding yourself, you don't need to become anything special, just enjoy life as it is and learn from every opportunity, not just Leo, that would be some hardcore self-deception. If you just understand things, nobody is gonna pay you or love you just because of that, do you understand this? Even if you would attain Satori, people could still walk all over you and stuff... And nobody can help you on this path, you need to work.
  19. @Anirban657 To be a high-quality life-coach, you need to be incredibly developed yourself.