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Everything posted by bejapuskas

  1. @yellowschnee Whoa I did something very similar here, but fortunately I wasn't hospitalized, sounds awful man.
  2. @Knock Yeh right, it's pretty insane... I hope the world will evolve soon It would be great to see the African culture develop. I once lived with 3 African kids in a small flat in London as an exchange programme, really enjoyed it, they were totally different. But I don't think you should be regretful for what you did, my family sent some money to a boy in Africa who lost his parents and sister and he sent us a letter, where he said that he is grateful, so it probably helped him in some way
  3. Sharing this, because it shows you the importance of understanding, groundedness, openness, love, creativity and commitment.
  4. @Charlotte Idk, probably to make the person who gets the coin cheer up a bit when they bite it
  5. Just a small note - sometimes the win or loose outcome might not be so obvious, sometimes it might give you benefits in the long term, that you or the other person might not see now
  6. I've seen people put coins into their pies, that was on purpose though
  7. omg I never realized minecraft has this poem on the end screen, thanks! good one!
  8. Wow this sounds like a good exercise, thanks for sharing your inner genius Shin My 2 cents: don't go to the toilet when you are dreaming in bed. Just came to my mind randomly.
  9. @themovement The Truth doesn't need someone like you to create evidence for it Keep living in la la land (hell)
  10. @themovement We accept the love we think we deserve
  11. @BreadbuterknifeNinja Your suffering is a fuel for growth Watch this:
  12. @Daz Romance I think your line of thought makes sense You cannot be „the master of mastery“ - that's another word for hypocrisy. But mastering your values, activities that you do, health etc. is a very good idea, go ahead
  13. @yellowschnee Teaching sport might be different from teaching maths and languages, but being strict is probably good, I have some of my best memories about training with strict coaches hahahaha. It was tough, but worth it, they really contribute your life by putting you down, just as zen masters do. I think you are doing great if the kid is interested and wants to persevere I am not sure if I understand you, I think you should definitely let him ask questions, but keep challenging him I guess. I agree with you that it is good to have different teaching styles. I have many good teachers, each of them has a different approach, but you could probably find some similarities - not letting the kids to literally what they want is one of them. They give us meaningful exercises and homework, they are relatable, compassionate and very smart. I guess you can enjoy any subject, if you are interested in it. For example I started enjoying history and civics much more, because there are many similarities and connections with the things Leo talks about in his videos. I am working on being interested in all the subjects now I believe it is possible.
  14. @Surfingthewave Of course you have a clear role, but just allowing the kids to do whatever they want? Really?
  15. @Natasha You better eat the toy from happy meal
  16. @Leo Gura Ok, I will watch it again. @Brenzo2 I thought that maybe the duality between you and suffering makes it impossible to realize God.
  17. @Leo Gura But as you say, even a God-realized person can act stupidly and be a devil, which results in suffering, isn't it all just to enjoy life in the end?
  18. @Leo Gura So then what is the point in living in duality, why grow? Isn't it all just to enjoy yourself?
  19. @Aakash Isn't that what suffering means?
  20. @Aakash Do you still think you are beyond human mind? ?? ❤
  21. This is simply amazing, Remember, when @Leo Gura said, that different survival strategies are adjusted to different climates?
  22. @MuddyBoots Of course that is the case, but I still don't understand, how can you describe the thing, that is beyond words... Is it only useful, because I am identified with something, that needs to be questioned, in order to be unlearned, which is possible through language? And then I just throw away the anchor and realize the Truth?
  23. @Surfingthewave If you actually look at what @How to be wise is describing, that's far from conscious teaching that comes from a place of groundedness. He/she probably hasn't yet understood the limits of what he/she is doing, because of laziness to experiment and explore.
  24. @Leo Gura I mean, I get why you cannot give any authority to anyone in terms of self-realization, I understand that. But how can you then go and argue for that with dualistic arguments?
  25. @Leo Gura What if I wanna take 5-MeO, but I don't know absolutely anything about psychedelics, shouldn't I do research? (in order to survive? ) What's the use of this body surviving then? Aren't all the experts God, therefore I can just look into their knowledge (different aspects of my own knowledge) in order to gain the best possible health in order to be able to realize God more deeply?