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Everything posted by bejapuskas

  1. @Leo Gura Yeh, but we couldn't live here if there was no stable ground under our feet that is made out of rocks from a big part, isn't it so... It all kinds of revolves around our survival from one perspective If one thing was different than it is, we might have not been born.
  2. @Ibn Sina Ok, you are right, but your muscles would be useless without bones and you couldn't live as you live now. Also you could deconstrust the bone further and further and you could do this with everything. Also you aren't conscious about most things in your body, your head would explode.
  3. Do you realize that your body is built from bones, flesh, organs, neurons, bacteria etc... And all these things have different functions, like a bone is completely different from a heart, but also they work together you know. Also could you say that a bone is not alive, but heart is? (for whatever reason) Where is the boundary between life and not-life, between individuality and collective?
  4. @Martin123 Actually to be a smart mathematician, you need to be highly creative and counter-intuitive. You can do all the counting on computer these days
  5. I always wondered how they do a valid research in psychology, if you ask someone about their feelings or motivations, there is a pretty high chance that they will tell you a lie, not even because they are liars, but because they just aren't conscious (low-consciousness and lying go hand in hand though, maybe they are almost the same thing), they don't even think about stuff deep like that. Same problem with philosophy. I could be wrong though, the problem is, they don't really tell us about cutting edge psychology research in Czech schools, we learn about behaviorism and stuff like that. Of course Some people are doing it with psychedelic and meditation research, but still I am always impressed when I hear Sadhguru saying like I feel it in my system, that there were 84 Big Bangs or some crazy shit like that Maybe I will choose it as my career path.
  6. @Natasha What is your motivation for having only 1 partner? I have my own ideas, but I like asking people and exploring more you know hahahaha
  7. @Leo Gura What is your opinion on studying arts? Do you have like a specific idea of how to make them more practical? For example psychology could be so interesting, but people are making it too scientific, I mean, as long as their goal is to make money, they will not contribute to the goal of psychology (imo to feel happy and explore human nature) Do you think it's a good idea to like take for granted what some wise yogi says and then try to find a way to prove it scientifically? It would take a lot of effort and unbiased work, but I feel like it could be really nice if someone could do that. I could probably think of more examples, but I feel like I don't have enough understanding of universities and career paths
  8. @Tiny Nietzsche You can surround yourself with any people you want if you aren't like an annoying person That's what I do everytime I want to learn something, I go to a speech of a professor maybe and then chat up the people and make friends, you can even become friends with the professor... You don't have to go to that school and you can read everything at home.
  9. @LucyKid Maths is God studying itself using itself as a tool
  10. @AlldayLoop I have a question - what do you want other people to know about your situation?
  11. @Lubomir Dude it sounds like you are hiding something, like you always laugh, say that you are happy for more POVs, but then you start to argue and stuff, I might be wrong, but it stinks to me at least. Are you really being honest with us about what you want?
  12. Are you planning to do an episode about all the universal principles? I know you've covered some of them already, but as you said, your understanding has skyrocketed and there are more of them for sure. It's nice to kind of see the principles that work across all the different field, because as you said, you cannot just chill in a no-mind state all the time, even though it can contribute to growth as well.
  13. It has done a prettty good job of moving me from blue to orange
  14. I've felt this a couple of times and my friends have also, where does this feeling of „everything is unreal“ come from? It was certainly dualistic in my experience though, I wonder if there is any deeper version of this.
  15. All thinking is just relative imagination, if you stop thinking (questioning is also thinking), silence appears. You cannot go anywhere inside silence you see
  16. @traveler Dude this happens to me too everytime I go to the orthodontics/dentist Dentists shouldn't be so thicc
  17. Check out this guy's channel and read the titles of the videos. He is living in an illusion of being a winner, a successful person, a happy person, while he is actually incomplete inside. Lesson of stage green being learnt on camera.
  18. @Leo Gura I saw the map of corruption/unconsciousness you posted on your blog a while ago. I looked at Japan and I was kind of surprised. It's not like I think, that Japan is an undeveloped country, but it is indeed a very tricky one. I've spoken to many Japanese people and I have the feeling that they are trying to make everything look perfect, but their picture of perfection is very blue/orange. I think that their collective ego is much stronger than in other countries, they are hiding so many things, they have issues with thinking independently. You can see how this causes them to have one of the highest suicide rates in the world. What do you think about this?
  19. Also what you call a logical answer or logic might change a lot. Try contemplating what logic is.
  20. @LoveandPurpose Attachment creates dependance, addiction, suffering. It is just one big web of lies. It is centered around your self. Love is oriented towards the other person, wanting the best for them.
  21. @JustThinkingAloud In my experience, masturbation makes me less satisfied actually...
  22. I liked the movie About Time, because it triggered all kinds of different emotions in me and it also had a serious spiritual depth.