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Everything posted by bejapuskas

  1. @FabulousKitchen You are just thinking too much Meditate every morning, be in peace with yourself. Silent eye contact is a beautiful thing. With the tongue thing... You can damage all of your body parts if you make a mistake like this, I mean like turning the music in your ear phones too loud or looking at the sun for too long...
  2. Hey everyone, I was talking about a similar topic in my previous post, but now I have contemplated it more and I still dont see through the wall of relationships between men and women. I think that after some work, I evolved myself into yellow (I still have orange and green parts though) and I see the world very differently, can spot the root causes of many problems, understand issues that seem very hard to solve at first. I think, that SD affects everything you do. I can see how it affects business, health, friendship, learning, but not intimate relationships. I admit there is still tons of work to do for me, I am just curious about your opinions and perspectives on this. To me, love at red-green consciousness seems all very needy and manipulative, more or less. When I was blue and orange, I used to fall in love almost every month. Now, when I see the big picture, is so hard, I am so detached that the kind of attraction I felt before seems impossible... I literally got friendzoned an hour ago and felt no pain at all. What the hell is happening?
  3. @Average Investor That's a good list I don't get attracted to people with emotional baggage, but rather they get attracted to me, do you think that says something about me or not?
  4. @Average Investor Hey! Thanks for sharing your experience here. Yeh it's funny how it works... But yeh, it kind of gives me this feeling of confidence, power, helps me integrate my shadow... What criteria are the most critical for you? (both, positive and negative)
  5. @kira Thanks for your feedback! ? Now I have a problem that many girls want me, even though I am not like trying, but I cannot date all of them you know... I could never imagine that it can also be a problem... Any advice on that?
  6. @FabulousKitchen What do you even mean by these questions? Be more specific.
  7. @Pouya Your fear of not being able to reach full detachment in less than 50 years is what is holding you back. Instead, get to work.
  8. @Pouya I think you can go through a phase of I don't care what happens and I really care what happens and then, when you realize the flaws of each, you become free from both and you can just do whatever you want and be detached.
  9. @capriciousduck Don't let it come into your head
  10. @flowboy @arina456 Exactly, nobody is gonna open up if you don't open up first, this doesn't mean sharing your whole life-story, but just be more open. For me it is a sensation that I feel and you can sense whether the other person feels it as well or not, the same way you can sense neediness.
  11. @Alfonsoo Don't just listen to words, but look people in the eyes and listen to their energy as well. Words can be deep, but you can go beyond just words. This requires that your mind is very still, because if you are caught up in thinking about what you want to answer etc... you won't be able to hear that. I mean, it's nice to ask a lot of questions, but if you directly ask about something that the person is trying to show you indirectly, that will probably make them close themselves to you, because you are not a good listener.
  12. @Aakash You have to focus on those words and thoughts to make up that statement.
  13. Have you guys experienced this? I feel like I really want to own my mystical experiences, identify with them as this unit, that I think I am, but it is ruining my meditation and yoga practice, so even though I meditate everyday for 90 minutes, it doesn't feel like it. It kind of like brings so many expectations of how it should be and what I am doing wrong and I just cannot see a way out... Any advice?
  14. @StopLess Thanks for making this thread alive again, after we've all grown Now when I read what I wrote back then I laugh so hard hahahaaha
  15. @tsuki Yeh, I need to get used to the fact that there doesn't have to be bejapuskasness Hard to become sobre in a world full of drunkards.
  16. Thanks everyone for support ? I came to the conclusion, that I have to step up the difficulty level of my meditation and yoga practice, maybe go on a solo retreat if I have the opportunity at least for 3 days. I think that what I am doing right now is too easy and it is hard to remain conscious and present when practicing. I will also cut out most of the time spent on social media (including this forum), so I don't get caught up in looking for approval and I won't tell anyone about this, actions > words. I will also make sure that I am in the present moment throughout the whole day, because when I meditate in the morning, but then I go straight into scrolling facebook while eating, that doesn't help so much... One thing at a time.
  17. @Yog Sure, sometimes it might be necessary to act violently. But I don't have any experience with living in dangerous areas... But your example might be a good one What do you mean by an action that has (colour) nature? What colour is breathing for example? What colour is meeting weird people? What colour is wearing a camo-jeans? I feel like certain things don't quite fit into the model and you might miss out on so much diversity of this world by trying to cathegorize them... What I meant by that is, that turquoise people aren't those who just are turquoise in some magical way, but they are turquoise, because they do certain things, it is not totally effortless.
  18. Absolutely, and it might be more valuable than people think.
  19. I don't usually follow Jordan Peterson's work, but I don't care about who he is when he says something that is of good quality. I realized this same thing when I was contemplating what it means for one's masculinity to be healthy - be truthful about your true intentions, be authentic even if it means to behave unconsciously, if you aren't the real you, if you are hiding things, you cannot move forward. Realize your devilry, then think about it, embrace it fully and let go.
  20. @CreamCat Thanks for sharing! @flowboy It's like as if I heard myself talking when I read that
  21. @Yog Even if you are high up there in the spiral, you need constant willingness to live joyfully. It is not like you get the status of a turquoise person and then you can go back to using stage orange methods to figuring stuff out.
  22. @Yog Also realize, that being purple doesn't mean jumping in fron of the train, being red doesn't mean not caring about your family, being blue doesn't mean intending to be absolutely powerless, being orange doesn't mean being immoral, being green doesn't mean being undisciplined, being yellow doesn't mean that you stop caring about the environment and being turquoise doesn't mean, that you stop acquiring empirical knowledge. It's the opposite.
  23. @Leo Gura You mean illusion is as real as it gets?
  24. @Hello from Russia Being a yoga or meditation teacher might lead to a lot of devilry and hypocrisy, since @Ampresus is not experienced enough. Don't take it personally or anything, but I just don't think you have enough knowledge for these things yet.
  25. @Yog If you are having a nihlistic crisis - is the good feeling that is there in the present moment not worth the effort?