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Everything posted by bejapuskas

  1. @Tanster Vietnam has some very smart people from what I've seen, I wish the best for you!
  2. Imagine you and your dudes go sit around a table and one of them is like: You know guys, I am Love and you are Love. The other guys reply: Yes, yes, I approve, I have had a blasting mystical realization about the truthfulness of your statement yesterday. The person sitting next to you starts laughing and so you ask him: What is going on? He replies: Nothing at all - the whole table starts laughing, patting each other on their backs for how Enlightened they all are. And this just repeats every freaking evening. Don't you think there are more fun things to do? x)
  3. @Tanster I see, that can suck for some people. This seems like a really complicated situation, and I don't know whether I am not biased to judge it, since in my country, this movement away from communism happened with little violence compared to other countries and also before I was even born. But you know, not everyone has the strength and need to grow, you gotta understand that, because otherwise this thinking about others is just keeping you away from being in touch with yourself. Glad that Vietnam handled corona well.
  4. @Don Wei Thanks for your kind advice. Might be the case that we had similar problems on our life paths, hopefully the other guys on this forums won't have to go through that. I am sorry for what has happened to you.
  5. @Tanster I think at the UWC school in Tanzania and Singapore, there are some programmes for younger kids too. But I guess it's questionable how much value do these kids get from it, I mean, it might be nice, but honestly, how many things do you remember from your primary school? Do you think it has significantly formed your world view? I might be biased here, but I heard from some people, that the pre-college programmes are more valuable. Also the age requirement varies in different countries, there will be people from the ages of 15 all the way to 20 in one class. One argument might be that people who apply and are accepted already are highly spirally evolved, but as far as I've seen, the committees are doing a good job at selecting a variety of different personalities. From my experience, it is a pain in the ass if a person who does not fit a certain educational programme is chosen and attends it, maybe because of bribe or some error in the selection process. It just becomes harder for everyone.
  6. @Dario1995 You can live well independently of Rupert Spira even
  7. @Dario1995 The true mystic is not a mystic.
  8. @Parththakkar12 @Rasheed Guys I still don't get what you mean by conscious parenting backfiring on parents, could you elaborate more?
  9. Guys, imagine you were the girl you like and you had to live with your current self - do you think it would be interesting or boring? Are you easy to be happy around or do you just feel like you have nothing to do in life and just radiate boredom? Can you take care of yourself? Are you self-sufficient? Engaging in some sort of tricks and misleading perspectives on relationships will only get you rejected and sad, even if you get the girl to date you. She will quickly recognize what kind of person you are. Don't even bother trying to go the easy way, it doesn't work, plus being challenged by girls is one of the best ways to do consciousness work.
  10. Check out my thread about UWC schooling and the UWC website, I think it is a good example of what a stage green school looks like
  11. @Dario1995 If you are trying to get into a different state than into the now, or if you watch yourself from a remote point, it might seem as if (not be) stillness is indeed somewhere different than here, in the background. The here-now lasts always and you are in it every time, not just while playing cards with friends and being joyful x)
  12. @Dario1995 Maybe letting go of ideas will do the job. You can say that truth is an experience, a peaceful or loving experience, or maybe it is not, I don't know Or that it is for everyone or that you, as an ego that exists, are experiencing it as some sort of reality. But by adding these perspectives and thoughts, all you are doing is dividing.
  13. @Sandy6 I think the problem is kind of hidden in all places, including Europe, where I live. But it's great that you are trying to put some light on it and aren't giving up on loving yourself. From my experience, people are generally understanding of this issue, but I don't know what your environment is like, never been there, although it would be nice. So just don't do anything crazy, choose the people you seek help from wisely, you will be good <3
  14. @Member Most people are not young, maybe about half of them are. I see you are very eager to help, but please, save yourself the time and energy wasted on thinking about and trying to fix people who don't want to change. Change must happen from within, you cannot change someone by talking a certain way. It's much easier to stick to the people who ask for help themselves, then you aren't fighting for change, but cooperating.
  15. @Member Yeh that's true, some people just whine where they could actually do the practices, like yoga and meditation, and improve their lives, or they just preach their nonsense to others. But some people just have a lower tolerance for psychological pain, especially older people, whose minds aren't as flexible and fluid. They would literally collapse if they tried to be more conscious of some traumas.
  16. @Member For some people it can be extremely challenging to change, you really cannot judge them for staying the way they are.
  17. @Nadosa It seems like you are realizing many things, good job on spotting those. Change is harder than realization though, take your time, it's ok I think you don't want to invest in people because you might need some time for yourself, to heal your wounds, don't skip this, because otherwise you are just postponing the work. Reality is indeed complex, there are infinite possibilities and you cannot try out all of them, you cannot understand all perspectives - therefore believing anything others say you should be doing doesn't actually get you closer to understanding yourself. Spend some time alone, clear up your mind, do something you like. By doing this, you can unattach from the programmings of others and just focus on what your values and beliefs about what makes you feel good are. Then focus on those, it's about direct experience with reality, not about beliefs about it. You have it in you, just stop believing nonsense anyone tells you This present moment without beliefs is very clear, not confusing.
  18. Many of my friends find her very attractive, she is not exactly my type tho x) Hah, I was mostly refering to your definition of crazy xDD
  19. Sounds like you are very responsible. So overall you feel happy about your relationship, you feel it's evolving in a good direction, you are also evolving in a good, more authentic direction, but you still feel insecure and maybe confused sometimes? Is this correct? What do you want to improve, what are you doing for that?
  20. Even things beyond nutrition, like yoga, less screen time? Maybe it's stupid to ask but I really want to make sure you've done it all. Yes, it is very different and it is alright to feel both, really. And I really like your mindset, I remember also having this kind of safety net ready for myself, it came in handy a couple times. I don't know whether you have people who support you along the way, but feel free to pm me. How does your day look like, what do you like to do?
  21. I am sorry to hear that. What have you tried to fix those already? Do you feel like you want to kill yourself? True x) You can use imagination. It's certainly interesting to think about what kind of flaws do birds/cheetahs have in their lives, thinking about how they go around doing things. Are there a lot of traffic jams where you live?
  22. @Nadosa Do you agree with the statement that you / your girlfriend / any other part of your self-concept are not as you would like them to be? Do you want to be somewhere else in life? That you are trying to accomplish someone else's goals or that you don't know what you want/value? Do you have some insecurities or things that bother you about your relationship with your girlfriend?
  23. @tatsumaru Do you actually want that? Does your heart burn when you think about it? Actually imagine what that would mean. Perhaps you haven't asked yourself what you truly want/value, so your thoughts are hectic. Then it might seem like there is no goal or that you are doomed or that you are going in circles, but actually, if you do not know what you want, it means you aren't going where you want to go, because that direction isn't a part of your existence.
  24. @zeroISinfinity Awwww :)) Thank you bro.