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Everything posted by bejapuskas

  1. @tashawoodfall You will be ok for sure! Just dont stop growing after that!
  2. Shin is a legit advice giver, I would trust him if I was in your shoes! Just avoid doing the same mistakes, watch Leo, grow. My dad was also getting cheated on and he doesnt seem like hes having any depressions lately, so it might be a similar case for you
  3. I dont know how is it in your countries, but where I live, eating in the way I think is healthy takes soooo much time, I mean too much, you have to prepare the food for at least an hour and you have to prepare tons of it. How do you guys overcome this problem?
  4. @DK092 You dont have to retransform your whole body, as Michael is saying, do the inner work, it has so many benefits! Being interested in what you eat and how you exercise can also help a lot! When it comes to emotions, like this urge to be attractive, you dont always have to go to the roots of that problem, you can just delete the urge, thats always an option, if you are open to it! Watch more videos from Leo, they can help you with your problems if you take them seriously.
  5. @Mikael89 @MM1988 You guys are jumping from post to post to whine about your „unlucky“ situation. You are in a great situation, you just dont see it!!! Why are you even on a self-help forum? It is called self-help, because you help yourself. Just admit that what we are saying actually works, you have almost all the answers already, there is no magic woo woo pill to swallow that will get you 10 girlfriends and a freaking million dollar house or I dont know what else you want. But nothing I mentioned will bring you long-term happiness, only non-victim mentality and high consciousness will. Watch the videos from Leo, they actually do help!
  6. @F A B Victim mindset is a big problem, probably more at boys than girls, but it is not an excuse I think. It is very hard to see if you are in the paradigm of being a victim, its almost invisible. Once you take responsibility, you can laugh about it seriously Another solution could just be gettin rid of the urge to have sex... Nobody said that its not a viable option. I feel that being a girl must be hard as hell... I dont know anything about you, so I would just suggest improving yourself, watch Leo and make notes, apply them, it can really do a lot! At least for me it worked to get out of the same kind of depression. I wish you the best of luck.
  7. @5thPablo No problem brother! I had an awesome relationship too, but as I grew up, I stopped experiencing the breakup as something bad. It might just be a mattter of perspective. Dont let your intelligence get hijacked by hormones!
  8. Exactly, you have to first understand it, trust the power of the II. tier. If you are stuck in green/orange/blue beliefs, that a huge problem there.
  9. @5thPablo Watch the video: How you lie. I dont know your exact situation, but this might open your eyes, it can help you develop some radical honesty to yourself.
  10. @kieranperez This is a shift between some stages of spiral dynamics. They call it the beta stage. You can either be depressed more or evolve, the choice is yours
  11. @Toby In my opinion its mostly orange, but it could vary from person to person... Perspective is the key.
  12. Thanks everyone! I really have so much more motivation to meditate now... Just imagine if this was your permanent state
  13. Today I went to school, it was quite cold outside, but I was fine with just wearing a T-shirt. Then I realized I only have a T-shirt (and trousers) on and everyone else is wearing jackets and jumpers. I found out that I could control my bodys approach to the feeling of cold by my own consciousness, it was great. I could go from full shaking mode to a peaceful state any time I wanted. When I started going deeper, I began to feel like love. It wasnt like love towards something, but rather I was the love. It felt GREAT. I went to school with a smile on my face, all of my classmates around were looking at me in a weird way as I was laughing my ass off. Then I started being less and less conscious, began to complain and have some weird low-consciousness thoughts and the feeling vanished. Did you have any similar experience happening to you? I am not writing this because I want to impress someone, but I feel like its an ego trap... could ego make up something like this to trap me in it? Was this actually some higher consciousness and my ego wants me to get off the track? I dont feel like fighting the ego, I rather want to unify with it, its not even the way that I entered this state, but I want to know if this is actually a good sign? Its also surprised me that I havent been meditating for some time actually, so this was like out of nowhere thing... It all felt too similar to what Leo and other teachers are saying, its almost crystal-clear illusion... But I am still not sure, is anyone further than me in investigating this?
  14. @How to be wise Isnt this a classic example of things going in circles? The caveman might actually be more lost than the scientist, reality shouldnt be something you can articulate.
  15. @PsiloPutty This forum is one of the only places, where a sentence like this doesnt start a war
  16. @How to be wise Maybe there is a hole in that the cavemans perspective is sooo thin he cannot actually get further.
  17. @NoSelfSelf Of course, I am just not familiar with your level of ignorance, so I wanted to tell you that.
  18. @NoSelfSelf Did you hear about the Japanese marathon monks who meditate for approximately 170 hours straight?
  19. @Serotoninluv This is partially right for some people. Is it just an evolution to unhealthy orange?
  20. Maybe if AI will do most of the manual work in the near future, is there gonna be any excuse not to contribute the evolution of society? Just imagine that a robot does work for someone who is deeply stuck in orange/blue, like most people probably. This person now has like double the time to improve. (or he can just do all the unhealthy things, but I think this will also be unscrambled sooner or later by the bankrupting hospitals) This person can now, instead of going to school, become a stage yellow individual, who will have yellow kids, isnt that awesome? There might be some plotholes in my story, but yeah... just a boring day at school
  21. @7thLetter You must understand that ego will never be satisfied. For ego, every age is a problem - Medieval age, Iron age, Stone age - huge stage red problems, teenage - hormonal problems, relationship problems, young age - adults are too superior, cant do everything I want etc... Try to become more conscious!
  22. I think that gradually, you will become aware of how destructive it is.
  23. @Mikael89 You can definitely get out, but it wont be done for you, you have to do the ACTUAL WORK
  24. @Girzo What is Kriya-Yoga like? I hear so many people talking about it, but there is no specific information on the internet, or very little... How do you practise is?