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About Berk
- Birthday 01/11/1993
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Hey guys, So, here is my story I'm a 29-year-old person trying to make himself a sage. I see the most important step in achieving this long-term goal in making money from my life purpose at this stage. With the help of the ULP course, I got my life pretty straight on track. But since I am not in a position to support myself, I have to consider what my parents want for me. And they want me to go back to my university. (I just got out of a 7-year search for my life purpose. And during that time I did not do much but sit at home and think.) It seems like it will take me 2-3 years to transform my life purpose into a career that can finance myself. During this time, while I’m mastering my field (pedagogy) I planned to return to my university, which I left 7 years ago. (industrial engineering) At this point, I kind of identify myself with Leo. Namely; I remember he said that he tried to train himself as a video game designer while he was studying philosophy. I am grateful that this idea was planted in my mind in one way or another.. Here's the situation: My father says he may not be able to support me. So, I may need to earn money so I can go to my university. Or maybe you can say: don't go to college at all, work part time and educate yourself... I'm open to any form of radicalism. So my question is: With the least amount of time (so that I can do my life purpose work) how can i support myself? P.S. I stopped following Leo's materials as hardcore 7 years ago.(except with the course) So I may have missed a piece of advice he gave on this subject. Warm Regards, Berk
Berk started following Time To Ask For Help
Hi, I'm a guy who has decided to become a sage. So my problem is this: I've been walking and jogging for about two years and my intuition is telling me like "Sages don't do these kinds of things. They must be doing something different. But what do they do?" So I'm in the dark on this topic. And my second question is: How much time should I spent on doing sport? I really need an answer for this question too. Any answer or source can help. Thank you for your attention.
Berk started following Sages' Sport Routines
@Evilwave Heddy Should have written "ULPS (Ultimate Life Purpose Stuckers)". Hey @Captain Flint , my aim with this post is to show others (especially intermediates at self improvement work) the actualizers -basically anyone who practices a tecnique of some kind DAILY- who haven't found his/her life purpose exist.
Berk started following A Place For Ulps (... Stuckers)
Hey. So I m at home 7/24 for a while. And it will continue like this for about 3-4 months more. So bored, anxious about my decisions, all sorts of fears comes to mind, and I want to get use to this life-style because of my situation of lack of life purpose can cause me to distract with every pixel I see outside right now. So I wonder how can a prisoner lives that kind of live? What mindsets they might have to help their psychology to stay grounded behind the bars? Any thought on this point can help.
Hey, it s the liar guy again And I want to talk a little about something before I start to list my horse-shits. Here is the thing: I think following Leo s material is great, and I m doing that too. But I m realizing more and more that in order to do more effective and more personal 'personal development', I should do my own introspection and my own investigation. Leo gives high quality insights, granted, but I havent really taken it and processed it so that it became 'my insight' so far. Great artists are the ones who steal right? I think this is a good place to practice that. So I m gonna list my lies and when you finish reading mines I want you to come up at least 1 PERSONAL LIE which you are holding on RIGHT NOW. (or my suggestion for you is that make the habit of each clicking to this post s title, drop a lie). Can you see how much it has fucked you in the ass to this day? Because, lies hold us back, right? And they are the biggest obstacles between our dream-self and the current-self. Being aware of them and actually accept them rather than denying or ignoring them is reaaally nice, if you are gonna start to burn the shit out of em. I want to continue this post series as I go on, so I d like you to stick with me and to see which of my lies are also yours. OK, enough is this hue and cry. Let us get the real work going: *** -When I criticize the situation, it betters. -My sister should listen and act on my 'should' clauses. -I did not get that upset from failing the test. -Shit! X is calling. When will this guy get off my tail? "Hey, buddy. Whazaaa!" -I m sure she has a boyfriend or something. Look at her. She s so hot to be single. So I shouldnt approach her like a douche bag. (I can find litteraly infinite number of excuse to not approach her, like: my mouth is smelling or.. the sky is blue..or any shit can save my ass at time. But my favorite one is this: "She s so cute and definitely likes me, and I dont wanna ruin the moment.") -I am at the top of my potential. There can not be higher than this level. *** OK. That s it for now. I m really curious about the upcoming jibber-jabbers (For more goodies you can check out my previous post which I link it below.)
Some of my most favorite lies I can think of right now (And probably the most damaging ones to my life) I ll keep expanding to *** My Casual Lies I m the most honest person on the earth you can find. Yeah I miss you too, honey. I should find my life purpose. I 'm aware of %100 of what Leo's talking about. I havent miss anything so far. Right after an episode of How I Met Your Mother I will begin to work. No more masturbation, just enjoying the porn. Just one more slice of cake then I'm done. Just because I bounce on the sofa three times Barca scored. You look absolutely awesome mom, let s go. I smoked because of my girlfriend smoked. I have not got constipation problem, just having some hard time with dropping the bomb. My sister is bitching, and complaining and moaning, right? I havent got OCD, I like the repeating process of dropping the pencil on the table 10xtimes. I m on to something big, if this problem would fix, I will be on the heaven. You look gorgeous sweety, the make-up, the hair, the dress you choose, the ear-rings... Just the perfect. So you coming my place tonight, right? I didnt get late, you are the earlier one. What is the problem with my dad? He never approve me the way that I want, always finds fault in something. I dont need other s approval to feel liked right?, being validating is nice, I dont chase after it. I should read more books. Or should read once in a while. I dont expect Leo to answer my post, and certainly dont expect having this post being the most popular. -Ohh, you ve failed the test, I m sooo sorry for you. -Not a food addict. I m eating because I m in my adolescence. -Recently I made my sister cry. Because she threw a snowball right to my face. Obviously she deserved my reaction, right? -When I m in a conversation with a cool guy or a hot girl, I m like " ... you know, by the way I ve a studio in my place..." -I m not a horny pervert. I m acquirig merit. (in our culture there is a saying goes like "It s a merit that looking a beautiful.") -I have control over my post's popularity. -I m not messy, this is my tidiness. -Before my work out routine let me screw around with my sister. -Everyone must see how aware I am. -I m happy with my girlfriend. -Thats it. Beside these I m a honest person. -I need everything and everyone is to be perfect in my life all the time. -I m the only one who can face this problem. -Why me?! Why any other human being isnt? - Seriously, these are the all lies I ve got. I ve got nothing more. -Leo owes me an answer. (Sentence pattern: "Somebody owes me something", you fill those somethings as you like) P.S. to Leo: I m so damn serious, man. -I am wasting my time with these petty people. (Implying the idea: I ve got something to lose.) *** -I authenticly want that guitar, which my cool friend told me to buy. -I m shy, unatttactive and anti-social. And there is nothing I can do about it. -Ohh, common! What s wrong with these people? They should give me more PR. -Look at this @The Alchemist guy. His reply post has more PR than my post right now. How could that be? I m not jelous of him. -Even though I think my parents have shallow, meaningless life, I still should love them. -I should keep my friendships going because even the least favorite friend of mine is adding my life some sort of value. -I suddenly found myself joined in my friends lame event. I dont know how I got here. They drag me into it. *** -I m not giving her freebees just because for her approval. I m a kind and generous kind of human being. - I cook the dinner, so my sister have to wash the dishes. -Ops, my ex is there. Quick! laugh to my buddy s lame joke. -Seriously, we should come together once a while. (mostly to relatives and 'good' friends) -Me too. (Hardcore people-pleaser alert) *** My Personal Development Lies I really have to categorize my personal development lies because there is so much bullshit I say to myself in this field: -I shouldnt judge the people on this forum based on their ages, their sex, their job, their answer.. I should accept them exactly as they are. -I dont fear from enlightment, it s so damn interesting. I ve finally find a way for torning myself to pieces. FUCK YEAH LETS GO! -"There is nothing good or bad, but thinking make it so."right? So I know that, and I act like the "modern time Buda" and talk to others along the lines of "you should accept it and you should accept that. Nothing should bother you. I love the experiental reality". And I m like from the inside "Respect me bitches!" -And this is one of the favorites of mine: " but I do personal development how could I be the wrong one?! Fuck you" -I ll take the higher ground, or do it for my friend, so anything my friend s saying! -Leo says "do the hardest" right? So I should watch some porn and see if I can tolerate in front of that scene without masturbation. Everyone can do NoFap without porn. (I actually made this shit up, but if this brilliant idea had came my mind back then, I think I d ve relapsed) -I m not needy, what s wrong with being little enthuisiastic for the hot chicks? -I m nothing like "the most people". When Leo begins a sentence with "Most people..." this doesnt apply to me. What a noobs we have in our society. -It s so fucking important, I gotta do this. -Here is a good one that I like for the people who also like the brain-fuckers: "All the things I wrote was true." *** -I m so open-minded person. -So why are you avoid watching from the enlightment videos? -Dunno what ya talking about. -I dont value awareness, open-mindedness, integrity and so forth, just because Leo told me to value them. -I m not a conformist. I m so far away from the herd-mentality. -I value higher coinsciousness values over the lower ones. I dont want sex or money or approval or any kind of these petty stuff. *** -When I m reading something non-fiction I should have 1 AHA moment for each sentence. -I shouldnt perceive Leo as a golden boy. And I definitely shouldnt listen to what he says like they are Kuran s teachings. -I shouldnt be a perfectionist. (If you re saying to yourself too, I can submit to you that you re serving so damn well to the perfectionist mindset) -I m just telling white lies to people in order not to hurt them. -<In your head> You are a liar. (Which is interesting to say because you say it in your head right? not to his/her face) *** Let s see what you got
I also noticed in myself too, for that matter I try to avoid watching his videos on Sundays. Downloading his mp3 versions is my move for now. Furthermore in my listening sessions I stop him litteraly 10s of times for my own thinking process going. Basically reducing the worshipping effect as much as possible. It helps.
I'm in a little different phase of my life, so I do nothing at all except this kind of self-improvement work. In my free time my work only gets harder. So yeah, I prefer more the non-free time.